[Adopted 7-3-2006 by Ord. No. 166a-2006]
For purposes of this article, the following words shall have the meanings set forth thereafter:
Water provided through the municipal water system owned and/or operated by the Elizabethtown Area Water Authority.
The water system owned and operated by the Elizabethtown Area Water Authority.
Any system designed to extract water from the ground, springs or other water source, which is not EAWA water or the EAWA water system, including but not limited to wells and springs.
The Township of West Donegal, County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Except where EAWA water is not available, it shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct or repair any private water system which is designed or intended to provide water for drinking purposes. The owners of property that currently do not have EAWA water connections, have private wells and abut on or adjoin any street or highway in which an EAWA water line is located shall connect such property therewith, in accordance with all applicable Township ordinances, rules and regulations and EAWA rules and regulations (including the payment of all applicable fees) within 60 days after notice to such owner from the Township. No private water system shall be used or maintained for drinking water purposes at any time upon property which has been connected to the EAWA water system or upon which EAWA water is available.
All new construction within the Township shall connect to the EAWA water system, in accordance with all in accordance with all applicable Township ordinances, rules and regulations and EAWA rules and regulations (including the payment of all applicable fees).
All owners of property within the Township that obtain water for drinking purposes upon the property from a private well system shall register such private water system with the Township upon a form prepared by the Township Manager, or his/her designee. If the Township Manager determines that such property can be served by EAWA water without the substantial extension of the existing EAWA water system or EAWA water becomes available to the property, the Township Manager shall issue a notice to the property owner requiring such owner to connect to the EAWA water system within 60 days of the notice, in accordance with all applicable Township ordinances, rules and regulations and EAWA rules and regulations, including the payment of all applicable fees, at the sole cost and expense of the property owner.
All private wells located on properties served by EAWA water which do not meet the requirements set forth at Exhibit A,[1] attached to this article, shall be filled and sealed, at the expense of the owner of the property upon which the private well is located, in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances within 120 days of the adoption of this article or the provision of EAWA water to the subject property, whichever occurs later.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is included at the end of this chapter.
Any notice provided by the Township or any other official or employee pursuant to the terms of this article shall be provided by any one of the following methods: personal service; certified mail, return-receipt requested; first-class mail and posting the property in question; any other method provided by law.
Any person, group, association or organization who violates any provision of this article is guilty of a summary offense and shall pay a fine not less than $100 nor in excess of $1,000. In addition to any penalty provided hereunder, the Township may seek injunctive relief to prevent the violation of this article.