[Code 1962, § 6-1; Ord. of 3-2-2008]
There is hereby adopted by the City, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the "National Fire Prevention Code," 1976 Edition, as from time to time may be amended or superseded by later editions, recommended by the American Insurance Association. Three copies of said code have been and now are filed in the office of the City Clerk.
Any provision in this chapter or state law which is inconsistent with such National Fire Prevention Code shall be taken to supersede such code.
[Code 1962, § 6-2]
The following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section whenever used in the Fire Prevention Code adopted by Section 7-1:
The Fire Marshal of the City, or his designated assistant.
Held to mean the City Attorney.
Held to mean the City of Milford, Connecticut.
[Ord. of 2-3-1986]
Permit required. No person shall conduct fumigation in the City of Milford without a local permit.
Notice. Written notice of fumigation shall be served upon the owner of the building to be fumigated or his authorized agent and written notice shall be served upon all occupants of the building. Written notice shall also be served upon the Director of Health, the Police Chief and the Fire Chief. All notifications shall be served at least 24 hours in advance of fumigation unless this required time is reduced by direction of the Director of Health.
Compliance with state codes. All fumigation activity shall take place in accordance with the requirements of the State Public Health Code and the AIA Fire Prevention Code.
Fee. The fee for said permit shall be $25. Said permits shall be issued by the Fire Marshal and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of Health. No person found by the Director of Health to be unqualified for the purpose of conducting fumigation shall conduct any fumigation.
[Ord. of 12-3-1974, Arts. I—III; Ord. of 8-6-1984, § 1]
A "multiple unit dwelling" shall be any building or structure which contains three or more individual dwelling units or spaces with a common roof or otherwise physically connected and shall include structures commonly known as "townhouses," "garden apartments," "motels," "hotels," "apartment houses," "rooming houses" and "condominiums."
Every multiple unit dwelling shall be equipped with a supervisory circuited fire and smoke detection system which meets the standards of a nationally recognized testing laboratory. Smoke detection censors shall be located in or adjacent to all sleeping quarters and thermal detection units shall be located in all other areas of the building outside individual apartments, including attics, basements, utility rooms and storage rooms. Each area between fire walls shall be separately zoned. The annunciator panel and alarm bells shall be located where specified by the Chief or Acting Chief of the Fire Department or the Fire Marshal.
Prior to the construction of any building, water mains shall be installed on the construction site, unless approval is first obtained from the Chief or Acting Chief of the Milford Fire Department. Fire hydrants shall be immediately connected and maintained in an operative condition. Access to all hydrants shall be provided.
[Ord. of 2-1-1982, §§ 1—4]
Permit required; fee. No person, firm or corporation shall open any public fire hydrant or make any hose connection therewith without first having obtained a permit therefor from the Milford Fire Department. The fee for such permit shall be $10 per day or fraction thereof.
Duration of permit; inspection. Such permit shall specify the length of time and the purpose for the opening of the fire hydrant or the making of any hose connection therewith. The Fire Department shall have the right to inspect said fire hydrant openings and connections to determine compliance by the permittee.
Revocation of permit. In the event that said permittee is found by the Fire Department to be using said open fire hydrant for other than the permitted purpose, or in the event the Fire Department determines that an emergency exists, the Fire Department shall immediately revoke said permit.
Penalty for violation. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine of $100 for each offense. Each day any such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. of 5-19-1986; Ord. of 6-1-1992; Ord. of 6-3-2002]
The owner of each building or each trailer, which trailer is permanently located or usable for residential, commercial or industrial purposes, shall affix thereto a building unit number, designating the street number of the building or trailer. Such number shall be no less than three inches in height, shall be in a color contrasting to the area to which it is affixed, shall be visible from the street to which such number relates and shall be located on the top, bottom or side of the main entrance of the building facing said street. In case of a building or trailer more than 50 feet from said street the owner shall, in addition to the number on the building or trailer, display a building number meeting the specifications set forth therein, on a mailbox, fence or post located at the property line reasonably adjacent to said street, the side of the driveway or sidewalk, in such a manner as to make said number visible from the street. If the building number is placed upon a mailbox adjacent to the street, the building number shall be placed on each side of the box in a location visible from the street. Any owner of a newly constructed building or trailer shall submit proof to the zoning enforcement officer of the City of Milford and the Building Inspector of the City of Milford that said newly constructed building or trailer complies with the requirements of this ordinance prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Written acceptance of the building numbers as installed by said owner by the Milford Fire Department shall constitute sufficient proof of compliance with the requirements of this section.
The owner of each condominium, apartment complex, or similar multibuilding complex or row building shall place upon the outside of each building, in a location and format approved by the Fire Department, the numbers and name of such building.
Once construction commences, the property owner shall display the assigned street number in a manner which is visible from the road or driveway leading to the site for the purpose of assisting emergency responders.
Violations of this article may result in fines in an amount not exceeding $90.
[Added 2-5-2024]
Any structure which is to be erected on any property abutting a street, highway, alley, easement or right-of-way within the City of Milford shall be provided with fire apparatus access and adequate water supply, as approved by the Fire Marshal's Office, for firefighting purposes in accordance with the terms of this section.
Fire apparatus access, as required by Section 7-6(a) above, shall mean adequate access to allow all fire apparatus within close proximity to structure(s) to effectively utilize fire hose lines, fire hydrants, or any other type of connection.
"Adequate water supply," as required by Section 7-6(a) above, shall mean capable of supplying water flow as required by the Fire Marshal's Office for fire protection and firefighting within any commercial, industrial or residential development or area.
The Board of Fire Commissioners shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the hydrants used for fire purposes and the location of same and may make suitable regulations for their protection and care.