The governing body of the City shall take necessary steps to establish a rate schedule for sewer service that assures an equitable system of cost recovery. The purpose hereof is that the industrial users shall pay for the total costs incurred in the construction, operation, and maintenance of that portion of the wastewater facilities related to industrial liquid wastes.
The cost recovery system, as it relates to the industrial user, shall satisfy the following conditions:
The apportionment of the costs must take into consideration the individual industrial user's contributions as related to the total plant capacity, taking into account the volume and strength of all discharges.
The costs to be considered should include, but are not limited to:
Amortization of the applicant's indebtedness for the cost of the treatment facilities (plant and interceptors);
Recovery of that portion of the grant amount allowable to the treatment of wastes from industrial users;
Operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment and collection facilities;
Any additional costs which are necessary to assure adequate treatment on a continuous basis.
Substantial prepayment of the capital investment or other financial commitments will be required from each industry that contributes 30% or more of the total volume or strength of the waste load to be treated by the wastewater treatment facilities.
[Amended 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
Charges for wastewater services to each industrial customer shall be based on examination and analysis of the nature and volume of discharge by the industrial customer. Charges shall further be based on the establishment of a special contract for:
Designating restriction(s) on the wastes to be discharged into the City's wastewater system; and
Equitable recovery by the City of all costs of engineering, design, construction, maintenance and operation of wastewater collection and treatment systems required to serve the needs of the industrial customer.
Any industrial user which discharges the equivalent of 25,000 gallons per day or less of domestic sanitary waste is exempt from the industrial cost recovery requirements.
The governing body of the City shall take the necessary steps to establish an equitable system of user fees. The purpose hereof is that each individual nonindustrial user shall pay an equitable portion of the City cost of constructing the wastewater facilities plus a portion of the total operation and maintenance costs.
[Amended 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
Residential and commercial user charges shall be established from time to time by comparing the most recent fiscal year's revenue recovery through wastewater rates and charges with the total costs of service of the wastewater utility for the same fiscal year. The costs of service shall include, but not be limited to, operating and maintenance expenses; repair and replacement costs; various administrative and management charges deemed appropriate by the City Manager and/or the governing body; annual principal and interest charges for financing of projects of the wastewater utility; transfer payments to other City departments deemed appropriate by the City Manager and/or the governing body. The costs of service may be augmented in any fiscal year for known and measurable changes in the costs of service which are expected to take place in the reasonably foreseeable future.
Rates and charges shall consist of a fixed monthly charge which reflects the customer's being connected to the wastewater system; and a variable charge per gallon of water treated based on the metered water consumption of the customer.
The following fees shall apply to any wastewater collection system user that connects (taps) a building sewer into the public sewer:
Each connection: $250.
[Amended 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
[Amended 2-16-2000 by Ord. No. 99-14]
Since the wastewater variable cost is tied to water consumption, in the event a customer can establish that a water leak or other situation has occurred which the customer's sewer bill has been affected by situations such as water leaks, construction purposes, product processing and situations which clearly indicates that water used has not entered the City's sewer system, the City Manager in conjunction with the Director is authorized to make a reasonable rate adjustment as per findings.
Notwithstanding other sections of this chapter, any person connected to the City's sewer lines and such person's property is outside the City limits, such person shall be billed at 1.5 times the user charge as customers inside the City limits.
[Amended 4-19-2006 by Ord. No. 06-04]
Each residential unit which shall include, but not be limited to, individual apartments and trailer spaces, shall be assessed at all times a fixed cost charge. However, any residential unit which is not receiving water service at any particular time (i.e., water meter turned off by property owner or tenant) shall not be assessed a variable and fixed cost charge.
[Amended 6-7-2006 by Ord. No. 06-10; 7-15-2009 by Ord. No. 09-07]
Landlord utilities waiver of responsibility form. If a landlord does not wish to be responsible for specific, or any utilities incurred on their rental property(ies), they must submit a notarized "Landlord Waiver of Responsibility Form" to the City of Las Vegas Utilities Department, located at 905 12th Street.
If such form is not submitted, the landlord is responsible for any charges accrued, pursuant to NMSA 1978, § 3-23-6, and if utility charges are not paid to the City within six months after the initial billing date, a lien against the property shall be filed according to NMSA 1978, § 3-36-1. The landlord shall submit the landlord utilities waiver of responsibility form only once for each rental property involving said waiver of utility payment.
Additional requirements.
Landlord standby utilities agreement. The landlord must enter into a landlord standby utilities agreement with the City to have those services provided by the City Utilities Department. Provision of standby utilities services are optional, and will be provided only to those landlords requesting said standby services.
Landlord tenant filing system. The City of Las Vegas Utilities Department shall maintain a comprehensive filing system that will contain any and all agreements, waivers, and forms requesting utility service covered in this chapter. A separate file will be maintained for each landlord and each utility service address.
The monies collected under the terms of § 340-40, Industrial user charges, of this chapter shall be retained, invested, and used in accordance with the requirements of § 35.928-2 of Volume 43, Number 80, Part III of the Federal Register dated Tuesday, April 25, 1978.
[Amended 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
The rates for wastewater service contained in § 340-51 include the establishment of a 5% revenue reserve fee for the benefit of the Wastewater Utility. At the end of each fiscal year, the Director shall determine the status of the Wastewater Utility Revenue Reserve Balance. The balance shall be the amounts collected through the Wastewater Utility Revenue Reserve Fee since its inception through the recently completed fiscal year minus amounts expended from the revenue reserve for the same historical time period.
In the event that the Wastewater Utility Revenue Reserve Balance exceeds 10% of the most recent past fiscal year's revenue, the City Manager may order a reduction of the rates for wastewater service by dividing each rate by 1.05. Conversely, should the City's Wastewater Utility Revenue Reserve Balance for the most recent past fiscal year result in a balance of less than 5% of that fiscal year's revenue, the City Manager may order an increase in the rates for wastewater service by multiplying each rate by 1.05. The Wastewater Utility Revenue Reserve Balance shall be used solely for meeting the needs of the City's Wastewater Utility unless diversion of Wastewater Revenue Reserve Balance funds to some other use within the City's operations are authorized by affirmative vote of the governing body.
[Amended 2-18-1993 by Ord. No. 81-15; 5-19-1999 by Ord. No. 98-25; 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18; 5-19-2010 by Ord. No. 10-11; 7-28-2010 by Ord. No. 10-19; 8-16-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14]
Monthly sewer rates for in-City customers.
Water Meter Size
Sewer Base Charge
Additional Based on Winter Quarter Average or Current Monthly Usage (usage that is less)
5/8 by 3/4
$5.12 per 1,000 gallons
$5.12 per 1,000 gallons
Water Meter Size
Sewer Base Charge
Additional Based on Current Water Usage
5/8 by 3/4
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
1 1/2
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
$4.65 per 1,000 gallons
Monthly sewer rates for outside customers.
Water Meter Size
Sewer Base Charge
Additional Based on Winter Quarter Average or Current Monthly Usage (usage that is less)
5/8 by 3/4
$7.68 per 1,000 gallons
$7.68 per 1,000 gallons
Water Meter Size
Sewer Base Charge
Additional Based on Current Water Usage
5/8 by 3/4
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
1 1/2
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
$6.98 per 1,000 gallons
Editor's Note: Former § 340-52, Late payment fee, added 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18, was repealed 5-15-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02. See § 340-53C.
[Amended 7-20-2005 by Ord. No. 05-12; 5-15-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Unless otherwise provided, billings shall be made on a monthly basis. All amounts due shall be payable when billed and shall become delinquent if not paid by the due date, a minimum of 20 days from billing.
The City may take the following actions in response to delinquent user fees:
If payment of any amount due is not made by the due date, the bill is deemed delinquent and the customer will be given 15 calendar days from the date the bill is deemed delinquent before utilities to the property are discontinued and shall not be again resumed until payment of amounts due, plus any penalties and interest, have been paid in full or an arrangement has been made. Reasonable notice and right to protest must be given to the customer prior to actual cut-off of utilities. The City's Customer Service Division shall notify the customer of delinquent amounts and that service shall be terminated on a particular date, not less than 15 days after mailing the notice. Each delinquent notice shall contain the following language:
"This is to notify you that unless you bring your utility account(s) current, your service(s) will be cut off 15 days after the date this notice was mailed. You have the right to protest this termination as unjustified if you believe that you have been overcharged or charged for services not rendered. If you believe there is a mistake in this billing, you have the right to be heard and to present your argument and evidence. The City will evaluate your complaint and determine whether you owe the amounts in question. To protest this billing, you must contact the City's Collection Agent at 454-1401, prior to the cut-off date."
If a customer is delinquent in the payment of utilities at one location, the customer shall not be entitled to utilities at another location until such prior delinquency has been paid.
If utilities owed are not paid to the City within six months after the initial billing date, a lien against the property shall be filed according to the New Mexico State Statutes.
The City may disconnect the private service line of the delinquent account from the City collection line and plug said private line.
Late payment fee. All amounts billed for utilities or other charges specified in this chapter shall be due and payable when the bill is issued, and shall become subject to a late payment fee in the event the customer fails to pay any amount due at the time of the issuance of the next bill. The City shall assess a fee of 1.25% per month to amounts which have not been paid at the time of the issuance of the next bill. The fee shall be compounded for each month for which amounts remain unpaid.
No person shall in any way interfere with any employee of the City or its designated representatives in any discharge of their duties.
For the purpose of convenience, the billing and collecting of the charges levied for the service by this chapter shall be done by the Finance Department of the City, and all such charges shall be payable at the Cashier's Office in the same manner as other services are billed and collected by the City.
Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not more than $300 or imprisoned for a period of not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and each day this chapter is violated shall constitute a separate offense; provided, however, that if a specific penalty is provided therefor in any particular and individual section of this chapter, then the specific penalty shall prevail.
[Added 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
Annual automatic adjustments to the rates and charges of the Wastewater Utility may be made through application of the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) which is maintained by the US government. Adjustments shall be authorized by the City Manager only after examination of the financial performance of the Utility during the past fiscal year.
[Added 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
Extensions of the City's wastewater utility system may be made at the discretion of the City upon request made by an applicant for wastewater service. All line extensions shall be sized to provide adequate system performance to meet the applicant's needs, but in no event shall the line be smaller than four inches in diameter. In the event that the system master plan requires a larger line size than is required to serve the applicant's needs, the City shall absorb the difference in investment between the applicant's required line size and the line size required by the plan. The City shall be the sole judge of proper line sizing.
Extension of the system to serve the applicant shall be based on that system required to reach the mid-point of the property line of the property to be served. The extension shall be made from the nearest adequately sized collector system.
The City shall not under any circumstances be required to make an extension that would be unprofitable and thereby cause undue hardship to existing customers.
All lines shall be constructed in existing public roads, streets, City-owned land, alleys or easements. The applicant shall furnish such rights-of-way as are required without charge to the City over property owned by said applicant and shall assist the City in securing at no cost to the City other rights-of-way necessary to provide service over property not owned by said applicant.
Where unusual circumstances exist an extension may be made under a special long-term contract, providing the contract terms are such that no adverse effects will be imposed on the City's existing customers. This contractual provision is strictly at the option of the City.
Special conditions which affect the furnishing of wastewater service to an applicant or group of applicants such as elevation or other conditions resulting in increased costs to the City in providing wastewater service shall be taken into consideration when estimating the cost of providing service.
The applicant requesting the extension of the City's wastewater system shall pay the entire cost of the extension in advance of the commencement of work, including the cost of connecting the extension to the City's system. The City shall provide the applicant with an estimate of the cost of the extension, and this shall be the basis for charges which shall be paid by the applicant. In the event that the actual cost of the extension is lower than the estimate, the applicant shall receive a refund of the amount overpaid.
Charges for connections made to extensions. In the event that an applicant for wastewater service makes connection to an extension which was previously installed by the City, or to an extension made at the request of an original applicant or customer and paid for by that original applicant or customer, the City shall charge the applicant an amount equal to the pro rata per foot cost of the original extension multiplied by the frontage footage of the property of the applicant.
Credit for connections made to extensions. In the event that an applicant for wastewater service makes connection to an extension which was previously installed at the request of an original applicant or customer and paid for by that original applicant or customer, the City shall make refund to the original applicant or customer in the amount equal to the pro rata per foot cost of the original extension multiplied by the frontage footage of the property of the applicant. The total amount of refunds made to the original applicant or customer shall be limited to the amount paid by the original applicant or customer for the extension minus the frontage footage cost share of the original applicant's or customer's property. The period of time during which refunds shall be made to the original applicant or customer shall be five years after the completion of the extension made for the original applicant or customer. The Wastewater Utility Department shall maintain records of such extensions for purposes of application of this provision.
Connection of privately constructed wastewater collection system; inspections.
In the event that an applicant wishes to connect a privately constructed wastewater collection system to the City's wastewater utility system, the applicant shall make application to do so, and submit the privately constructed system to inspection and acceptance by the City before connection may occur. The City shall provide its wastewater design and performance specifications upon request. In the event the applicant's system fails inspection, the system shall be inspected after corrective action is taken by the applicant.
The applicant shall pay an inspection fee of 5% of the cost of the privately constructed collection system, and such fee shall apply each time an inspection by the City is required. Upon successful acceptance of the privately constructed system by the City, the applicant shall pay to the City the actual cost of connecting the applicant's system to the City's system.
[Added 9-21-2005 by Ord. No. 05-18]
Billing for all of the City's utilities shall be issued on the same day and sent to customers in a single billing statement each month.