The Police Department is hereby authorized, empowered and ordered to direct, control, restrict and regulate all traffic, including the movements of pedestrians and animals and vehicular traffic of every kind, in all streets of the Village of Walden, and the temporary diversion or exclusion of traffic whenever it or any officer thereof deems it necessary. All persons traveling upon any street or part thereof must obey and comply with the signals and direction of any officer or member of the Police Department as to stopping, starting, approaching or departing from any place or the method of taking on or unloading passengers or loading or unloading freight or merchandise. So far as practicable, the directions, orders and regulations of the Police Department in reference to traffic shall conform to the provisions of this chapter.
The Chief of the Police Department of the Village of Walden shall, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, have the power and authority to formulate and promulgate from time to time such additional rules, regulations and directions, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Village ordinances, as he may deem necessary for the regulation and restriction of traffic and parking of motor vehicles and other vehicles.
In times of emergency when the Board of Trustees cannot be assembled, the approval of the Board of Trustees need not be had, and rules and regulations, nevertheless, are to have the force and effect of an ordinance.
The Chief of Police is authorized to mark lanes for traffic on pavements at such places as he may deem advisable. The Chief of Police is also authorized to establish and to designate and hereafter maintain or cause to be maintained, by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway, crosswalks at all intersections where in his opinion there is particular danger to the pedestrians crossing the roadway and at such other places as he deems necessary.