The following rules, regulations and requirements shall be deemed to be incorporated into and form a part of, and are hereby made a part of, the terms and conditions for the supply and the use of water furnished to all parties and consumers whatsoever by the Village of Walden, New York, and all applicants, parties and consumers hereby expressly consent hereto as a condition precedent. All subsequent changes in rules, regulations and requirements shall constitute a part of the terms of use with the consumers and owners of property supplied with Village water.
[Amended 12-14-1982 by L.L. No. 6-1982]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Walden or its duly authorized employees or agents.
A valve, used for controlling the flow of water into the customer's service line located at the main and providing a connection to the curb stop (box).
[Added 9-4-2018 by L.L. No. 6-2018]
A valve, used for controlling the flow of water into the customer's service line, located at the property line.
The party who has made application for water service to the premises described in the application.
A water line from the Village water main to the building or buildings being serviced by Village water. The customer service line shall include the connection from the corporation stop to the curb stop (box) and from the curb stop (box) to the meter.
[Amended 9-4-2018 by L.L. No. 6-2018]
A pipeline owned by the Village, used for supplying water to more than one premises.
The territorial limits of any street, avenue, road or way that is, for any highway purpose under the jurisdiction of the legislative body of the Village, county or State of New York.
A pipe with appurtenances used to conduct water from the main to the property line of the premises.