Traffic shall be maintained in a safe fashion by the applicant
adjacent to projects approved under this Ordinance as directed by
the Public Works Director and the Chief of Police. Pedestrian access
between public and private facilities shall be protected and provided
in a safe fashion.
[Amended 12-9-2013 by Ord. No. 359]
A. General Landscaping Standards
(1) In residential developments, applicants shall provide plantings or
landscaping elements throughout the development to promote the purposes
of this ordinance in addition to the screening and street trees required.
(2) In non-residential developments, all areas of the site not occupied
by buildings and required improvements shall have been retained in
their natural state as part of the site design process to the extent
practicable. If the property was cleared in the past and the current
state of the property does not serve as an adequate buffer or natural
area, a planting plan shall be submitted for this area of the site.
(3) Where sites are disturbed as part of construction, but improvements
such as paved areas, buildings, above-ground utilities, or other built
features are not installed, these areas shall be landscaped in accordance
with the standards provided in this section of the Zoning Ordinance.
B. Plant Selection
(1) Plant varieties shall be selected for long term resistance to drought,
moisture, salt, urban conditions, or insects and other pests depending
on the location of landscaping and the specific stressors anticipated
for different areas of the site. Plants should be selected so that
landscaping can be maintained with minimal care and the need for watering,
pesticides, or fertilizers is minimized or eliminated.
(2) Landscape professionals are encouraged to reference Sustainable Trees
and Shrubs, 3rd ed., 1999, URI Cooperative Extension- Landscape Horticulture
as well as other current standards for nursery stock/species.
(3) Under no circumstances shall any plant be selected that appears on
the most recent listing of invasive species as published by the Rhode
Island Invasive Species Council.
(4) Caliper measurements and root ball specifications for all trees and
shrubs shall conform to the American Standard for Nursery Stock ANSI
Z60.1-2004 as may be amended.
(5) Shade or canopy trees shall not be less than twelve (12) feet in
planted height above grade.
(6) Ornamental or flowering fruit trees shall not be less than ten (10)
feet in planted height above grade.
(7) Evergreen trees used for screening shall not be less than six (6)
feet in planted height above grade.
(8) Lawn seed mixes shall be drought resistant. To achieve a high level
of drought tolerance, lawn mixes may include, but shall not be limited
to, a predominance of fine fescues.
C. Planting and Cultivation
(1) Soil
In all areas where landscaping is to be provided and topsoil
is to be removed for the purposes of site development and/or grading,
topsoil shall be restored to a minimum depth of six (6) inches.
Where pre-existing topsoil will be used for landscaping, such
soil shall be cultivated to a depth of six (6) inches.
Cultivated areas shall be covered with not less than a two (2)
inch deep layer of mulch after planting where weed control is required.
Mulch made of natural unstained material is preferred; any mulch made
of recycled material or that is stained must be certified non-toxic.
(2) Lawns
Lawn area for ornamental purposes in commercial or industrial
development shall be limited to yards with frontage and ornamental
turf shall be limited to areas within the front yard setback. The
use of turf in yards without frontage shall be limited to areas reserved
for utilities, grass swales, or alternative parking surfaces.
Lawn or turf areas shall not be less than six (6) feet in width.
(3) Trees and Plantings
Where there is no existing forested area, trees along streets
are required as part of all development activity in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance.
Trees shall be spaced approximately 30 to 40 feet on center
along streets, but shall not be located within 30 feet of intersecting
right of way lines.
Pit cultivation for all trees shall be 2.5 times the diameter
of the root ball and a depth equal to the same. Holes for trees shall
be prepared in a manner that facilitates grow-in of new trees through
the use of best practices.
All trees and plant materials shall be disease and pest free
at the time of planting.
Trees and other landscaping shall be staked as necessary and
provisions shall be made by the developer for adequate watering and
maintenance until the plantings are established.
No street trees shall be located in a manner that interferes
with overhead or underground utility lines.
When planted closer than seven (7) feet from the edge of any
pavement, vertical barriers shall be installed to discourage the growth
of tree roots into and immediately under the pavement area. Alternative
tree planting methods such as the use of "CU-structural soilTM" to
prevent damage to pavements and enhance tree growth are encouraged.
D. Site Protection. Protection of the site shall be in accordance with
the following:
(1) Topsoil suitable for landscaping shall be retained on site in an
amount as determined as part of the required landscape plan. To the
maximum extent practicable, the developer shall minimize the areas
of the site to be regraded or disturbed. Topsoil exposed during construction
shall be protected through stabilization measures consistent with
the Rhode Island Sediment Control Handbook;
(2) All organic material, rubbish, potentially harmful materials or debris
shall be removed from the site in a timely fashion. Disposal of cleared,
grubbed and stripped materials shall be the responsibility of the
developer. All roots, stumps, brush, foliage and other vegetation
that have been cleared or excavated shall be removed and disposed
of by the developer off the project site;
(3) No filling, excavation, or material storage shall occur within four
(4) feet of any shrub or the dripline of any tree that will be retained.
Protective barriers shall be installed to protect this area surrounding
retained vegetation and shall be a minimum of three (3) feet high
and constructed of durable material. Snow fences and silt fences are
examples of acceptable barriers;
(4) Parking of construction vehicles, offices/trailers, stockpiling of
equipment/materials, etc. shall take place in areas designated for
permanent structures or other impervious surfaces;
(5) Existing stone walls shall be retained and incorporated into the
site design to the maximum extent practicable. Where possible, they
shall be used as property lines for proposed new interior lots, perimeter
property lines or to delineate open space areas from development areas;
(6) Disturbed areas intended for natural re-growth should be, at a minimum,
graded, loamed, and seeded with wildflowers, perennial rye grass,
a meadow or "conservation" native grass mix or similar non-invasive
E. Buffer Areas.
(1) Purpose. This Section requires buffers between certain land uses.
The buffers are designed to ameliorate nuisances between adjacent
land uses or between a land use and a public road. Such nuisances
may include, but are not limited to, dirt, litter, noise, lights,
signs, unsightly buildings, or parking areas. Buffers provide spacing
to reduce potentially adverse impacts of noise, odor, or danger from
fires or explosions.
(2) Location and design. Where required, buffers shall be located on
the outer perimeter of the lot and extend to the lot boundary line.
Buffers shall not be located on any portion of an existing, dedicated,
or reserved public or private street or right-of-way. The offset distance
of a buffer shall be calculated as parallel to the property line.
Where a necessary drainage, utility, or other easement is partially
or wholly within a required buffer, such item shall not count as buffer
area unless specifically allowed elsewhere in the Zoning Ordinance.
(3) Use. A buffer may be used for passive recreation. In no event, however,
shall play fields, stables, swimming pools, tennis courts or similar
active recreation uses be allowed in buffers. A buffer may contain
pedestrian, bike, or equestrian trails, provided that:
The establishment of a trail does not require the removal of
any living trees and no re-grading is required as part of the trail
The total width of the buffer is maintained; and
All other zoning requirements are met.
(4) Required buffers. Unless otherwise specified in another section of
the Zoning Ordinance, the following buffers shall be provided.
Public/Institutional uses. Where a public or institutional use
abuts an exclusively residential use or district, a twenty (20) foot
landscaped perimeter buffer area shall be established on the site
and maintained between the site and the abutting residential use or
Public Utility/Service uses. Where a public utility or service
use abuts an exclusively residential use or district, a twenty (20)
foot landscaped perimeter buffer area shall be established on the
site and maintained between the site and the abutting residential
use or district.
Industrial uses. Where an industrial use abuts an exclusively
residential use or district, a fifty (50) foot landscaped perimeter
buffer area shall be established on the site and an opaque screen
and/or fence consisting of an evergreen hedge not less than six (6)
feet in height shall be planted and maintained between the site and
the abutting residential use or district. Existing vegetation, if
non-invasive, may be used as part of the screening for this requirement
and supplemented in a manner that achieves the same opaque effect.
Commercial/Business uses. Where a business use abuts an exclusively
residential use or district, a twenty (20) foot buffer for C-1 and
the TVD district, a twenty-five (25) foot buffer for districts C-2
& C-3, landscaped perimeter buffer area shall be established on
the commercial site and an opaque screen consisting of an evergreen
hedge or a fence not less than six (6) feet in height with evergreen
plantings on the residential side shall be erected and maintained
between the site and the abutting residential use or district.
F. Maintenance.
(1) Responsibility. The responsibility for maintenance of a required
buffer shall remain with the owner of the property. Maintenance is
required to ensure the proper functioning of a buffer.
(2) Maintenance. Maintenance shall consist of, but is not limited to,
mowing, removal of litter and dead plant materials, and necessary
pruning. Where necessary, watering shall be supplied in accordance
with the needs of individual plant species. Failure to maintain any
required landscaped area shall constitute a zoning violation.
G. Plan Required. A separate landscape plan shall be submitted when
required as part of the development plan review or subdivision process.
H. Installation Required. All required landscaping shall be required
to be planted and complete before the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy by the Building Official.
These regulations pertain to new development under this Ordinance
only insofar as such development is permitted under the provisions
of this ordinance.
A. Electromagnetic Interference. In all zoning districts, no use, activity,
or process shall be conducted which causes electromagnetic interference
off the premises where the activity is conducted.
B. Humidity and Heat. In all zoning districts, no use, activity, or
process producing humidity in the form of steam or moist air, or producing
heat, shall be carried on in such a manner that the steam, humidity
or heat is perceptible to normal senses at any lot line.
C. Vibration. In all zoning districts, no use, activity, or process
shall be so operated that the ground vibration generated is perceptible
without instruments, past any boundary line of the lot on which the
use or activity is located.
D. Lighting. In addition to these regulations, exterior lighting shall also be regulated by the provisions of §
155-15 et seq. Exterior lighting shall be installed in such a manner that the light source will be sufficiently obscured to prevent glare on public streets or into any residential areas. Outside lights must be made up of a light source and reflector so that, acting together, the light beam is controlled, and directed downward, not aimed upward or across a property line and is compatible with lighting in the neighborhood. No sodium vapor lighting shall be used.
[Amended 6-11-2012 by Ord. No. 347]
E. Combustible/Explosive Materials. In all zoning districts, all uses
involving explosive and/or combustible material shall comply with
the rules and regulations of the State Fire Marshall. Such uses, if
permitted, shall not be located within one thousand feet of a residential
district or use.
F. Gas. In all zoning districts, no use, activity, or process shall
emit noxious, toxic, or corrosive fumes or gases in concentrations
or amounts causing discomfort or injury to humans, domestic/farm animals
or harmful to vegetation.
G. Hazardous Materials. In all zoning districts, if any permitted use
requires the use, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials on-site,
the use shall comply with all local, state and federal laws for hazardous
materials use. Adequate precautions shall be planned to be taken against
negative off-site impacts of a hazardous material release, using the
best available state and federally approved technology.
H. Radiation. In all zoning districts, the airborne emission of radioactive
materials shall comply with the The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
and the State of Rhode Island Rules and Regulations pertaining to
radiation control.
I. Smoke/Particulate Matter. In all zoning districts, no use, activity,
or process shall cause any emission of smoke or particulate matter
that can cause any damage to human health, domestic/farm animals,
vegetation, or other forms of property, or which can cause excessive
soiling. No emission at any point from any chimney or otherwise visible
gray smoke of a shade darker than No. One of the Ringelman Smoke Chart
as published by the United States Bureau of Mines is permitted. Dust
and other types of air pollution, borne by the wind from such sources
such as storage areas, yards, roads, and driveways within lot boundaries,
shall be kept to a minimum.
J. Toxic/Odiferous Matter. In all zoning districts, no use, activity,
or process shall discharge across the boundaries of the lot toxic
or odoriferous matter that causes an obnoxious odor in concentrations
as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort,
or welfare, or cause injury or damage to property.
Liquid waste in all zoning districts, shall comply with the
following standards.
A. Standards. Liquid effluent from any treatment process that is discharged
into the ground shall always comply with the State of Rhode Island
Rules and Regulations relating to such.
B. Toxic Substances. No effluent shall contain any other acids, oils,
dust, toxic metals, corrosive or other toxic substance in solution
or suspension that would create odors, discolor, poison or otherwise
pollute any river, pond, stream, wetland or any drinking water supply.
C. Temperature. No discharge shall raise the temperature of any water
body above the temperatures that are normal for such bodies and can
support aquatic life in such water body.
D. Process/Cooling Waters. Process or cooling waters shall be recirculated
and reused except as otherwise permitted by state or federal law or
otherwise by special use permit.
Storage of solid waste shall be in a bulk waste container for
all uses other than single family residential uses. Such bulk waste
container shall be situated within a permanently screened and landscaped
enclosure. Such waste storage shall be located so as to be screened
from view outside the property and to be accessible to pick-up. These
containers shall be maintained in a sanitary and healthful manner.
No building permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector
for construction requiring an accessway into a town highway until
the Building Inspector receives the approval, in writing from the
Director of Public Works.
A. Drainage of Surface Water. Wherever any culvert, drain, or water
course have been placed or maintained or have existed under, adjacent
to, or within a Town Highway for surface water drainage, no person
shall in any way alter such without first obtaining the written approval
of the Director of Public Works.
B. Connection into Town Drainage System. No person shall make any connection
into a Town road drainage system, or to drain or dump water onto a
Town right-of-way without first obtaining the written approval of
the Director of Public Works.