No subdivision of any lot, tract or parcel of land in Girard Borough shall be effected, and no street, sanitary or storm sewer, water main or other facilities in connection therewith shall be laid out, constructed, opened, or dedicated for public use and travel for the common use of occupants of buildings abutting thereon, except in strict accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
[Amended 10-19-1992 by Ord. No. 615]
No lot in a subdivision may be sold, no permit to erect, alter or repair any building upon land in a subdivision may be issued, and no building may be erected in a subdivision, unless and until a subdivision plan has been approved and, where required, recorded and until the improvements required by the Borough Council in connection therewith have either been constructed or guaranteed as herein provided.
Whoever shall propose to subdivide an unplotted or unrecorded lot which abuts a street of sufficient width into two or more lots shall present to the Planning Commission of the Borough of Girard a certified survey prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor, showing the proposed division of the lot. Such survey shall conform only to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter and be subject to the final approval or rejection of the Planning Commission, with right of appeal to Borough Council.
Whoever shall propose to resubdivide an entire recorded subdivision or more than one block thereof, for the purpose of recording, in which no change of location of any street is made shall present to the Planning Commission and to the Borough Council a plan prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor, with necessary certificates required for approval and recording. Such plan shall be subject to approval or rejection and recorded as provided in Article V hereof.
The subdivision of a lot or several lots located in one block in a recorded subdivision into parcels of a different size than shown on the recorded plot shall require conformity with this chapter and the approval of the Planning Commission, with right of appeal to Borough Council.
Plans for subdivisions wherein lots abut existing streets of insufficient width or streets proposed to be laid out through unimproved land shall be subject to approval or disapproval by the Planning Commission and Borough Council in compliance with this chapter. In the event such a plan is rejected, the reasons therefor shall be set forth in writing and given to the applicant.