It is declared to be the public policy of the Town of North
Salem to preserve, protect and conserve freshwater wetlands and the
benefits derived therefrom, to prevent the despoliation and destruction
of wetlands and watercourses and to regulate the use and development
of wetlands and watercourses in order to secure the natural benefits
therefrom for the protection of public health and safety and consistent
with the general welfare and the beneficial economic, social and agricultural
development of the Town.
The following findings are made:
A. Wetlands and watercourses in the Town of North Salem are invaluable
resources for flood protection, wildlife habitat, open space and water
B. Wetlands and watercourses in the Town of North Salem have been or
are in jeopardy of being lost, despoiled or impaired by unregulated
draining, dredging, filling, excavating, building, polluting or other
acts inconsistent with the natural uses of such wetlands and watercourses.
C. Recurrent flooding of areas of the Town of North Salem, aggravated
or caused by the loss of wetlands or alteration of watercourses, has
serious effects upon natural ecosystems and presents serious hazards
to the health, safety, welfare and property of the people of the Town,
within and outside such wetlands and watercourses, including loss
of life; loss of and damage to private and public property; disruption
of lives and livelihoods; interruption of commerce, transportation,
communication and governmental services; and unsanitary and unhealthy
living environmental conditions.
D. Wetland and watercourse conservation is a matter of concern to the
entire Town, and the establishment of preservation, protection and
conservation practices is essential to the public health, safety and
welfare since acts on wetlands and watercourses in one location affect
persons and property in other locations.
E. Wetlands and watercourses overlap many properties and neighborhoods,
and experience has demonstrated that effective wetland and watercourse
protection requires uniformity of preservation, protection and conservation
throughout the Town.
F. Loss, despoliation or impairment of wetlands deprives people of the
Town of some or all of the many and multiple benefits to be derived
from wetlands, such as the following:
(1) Flood- and stormwater runoff control by hydrologic absorption and
storage capacity of wetlands.
(2) Protection of wildlife habitat by providing for breeding, nesting
and feeding grounds and cover for many forms of wildlife, wildfowl
and shorebirds, including migratory wildfowl and rare species.
(3) Protection of subsurface water resources and provision for valuable
watersheds and recharging of groundwater supplies.
(4) Recreation by providing resource areas for hunting, fishing, boating,
hiking, bird watching, photography, camping and other uses.
(5) Pollution treatment by serving as biological and chemical oxidation
(6) Erosion control by serving as sedimentation areas and filtering basins,
absorbing silt and organic matter and protecting channels and water
(7) Education and scientific research by providing outdoor biophysical
laboratories, living classrooms and resources for training and education.
(8) Open space and aesthetic appreciation.
(9) Sources of nutrients in freshwater food cycles and the nursery ground
and sanctuary for fish.
Vegetation providing temperature modification, purification
of the air and natural products for harvest.
G. Improper use and despoliation or impairment of watercourses deprives
people of the benefits thereof, such as the following:
(1) Surface drainage free from erosion and sedimentation and with capacity
to carry runoff without danger of flooding.
(2) Freshwaters for potable water supply and for boating, swimming, fishing
and other recreation.
(3) Continuity of water flows and supplies throughout the year.
H. Regulations of wetlands and watercourses are consistent with the
legitimate interests of farmers and other landowners to graze and
water livestock, make reasonable use of water resources, harvest natural
products of the wetlands, selectively cut timber and otherwise engage
in the use of land for agricultural production.
The definitions as set forth in Chapter
250, Zoning, shall prevail except the following terms shall have the specific meanings indicated below:
Established and accepted methods, controls or techniques
as may be revised or amended from time to time, found to be the most
effective and practicable means in preventing or minimizing adverse
environmental impacts, including but not limited to the following:
Watershed Agricultural Council's (WAC) Best Management Practice
Program for Farming and Forestry.
Metropolitan Conservation Alliance (MCA) Technical Paper Series
No. 5, Best Development Practices (BDPs): Conserving Pool-Breeding
Amphibians in Residential and Commercial Developments in the Northeastern
United States
Metropolitan Conservation Alliance (MCA) Technical Paper Series
No. 6, Forestry Habitat Management Guidelines for Vernal Pool Wildlife.
New York State Standards and Specifications for Sediment and
Erosion Control.
New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual.
New York Guideline for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control.
New York State Forestry Best Management Practices Field Guide.
Town of North Salem Best Management Practices for Removal of
Invasive Plant Species.
[Added 2-25-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
See "Wetland/Watercourse buffer or buffer area."
The body established by the Town Board under the General
Municipal Law or any other body established by the Town Board having
responsibility for conservation activities.
Wetlands and watercourses, as defined herein, and all land
located within 100 feet of the outside edge or perimeter of a wetland
or watercourse.
A qualified environmental professional approved by the Planning
Board and funded by an applicant to monitor and report to the Planning
Board, Building Inspector and/or Wetlands Inspector on the implementation
or construction phase of an authorized wetland permit.
Any operation on a parcel of land not less than four acres that is used for soil-dependent cultivation of agricultural crop production and/or the raising of livestock, poultry or dairy products, raising of fur-bearing animals, the keeping of horses and livery or boarding stables, as permitted under Chapter
250, Zoning. It excludes riding academies and dog kennels.
An area of land subject to flooding during a one-hundred-year
flood, as mapped in the Town of North Salem according to the latest
official community floodplain maps published by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency.
A soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough
during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper
16 inches and as further defined in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands
Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory Technical Report Y-87-1).
An assemblage of one or more plant species growing in an
aquatic or semi-aquatic environment or in soil that is at least partially
deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content. Hydrophytic
vegetation includes the sum of those dominant plant species occurring
in a wetland that are designated as "facultative" (FAC), "facultative
wetland" (FACW) and/or "obligate wetland" (OBL) as recorded in the
National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northeast (Region
1) or the National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands, New
York, developed by the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife
Service in cooperation with the National and Regional Wetland Plant
Review Panels, as amended and updated from time to time.
Any corporation, firm, partnership, association, trust, estate,
one or more individuals, or any unit of government or agency or subdivision
The presence in the environment of man-induced conditions
or contaminants in quantities or characteristics which are or may
be injurious to human, plant or wild life or other animal life or
to property.
The cutting of live trees having a caliper of six inches
or more at a height of three feet above the ground, affecting no more
than 30% of such trees per contiguous acre within a controlled area,
during a consecutive ten-year period.
A combination of materials constructed, assembled or erected
on, above or below the ground or attached to something having location
on, above or below the ground, including but not limited to buildings,
fences, tanks, towers and swimming pools.
Rivers, streams, brooks and waterways which are delineated on
the latest edition of the United States Department of the Interior
Geological Survey, 7.5 Minute Series, (Topographic) Maps covering
the Town of North Salem.
Any other streams, brooks and waterways containing running water more than three months a year and any other streams, brooks and waterways which are delineated on the maps referred to in §
Lakes, ponds and all other bodies of water, natural or artificial,
which are fed by or have surface discharge to a wetland or another
All areas that are underlain by hydric soils and/or are inundated
or saturated to within 16 inches of the surface by groundwater or
surface water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support a
prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation as defined by the Corps of Engineers
Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory Technical Report
Y-87-1). Wetlands include vernal pools, wet meadows, marshes, swamps,
bogs and similar wet areas.
The person appointed by the Town Board to aid in the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter in consultation with the Building Inspector pursuant to §
107-9 of this chapter.
Any person desiring to conduct a regulated activity, as hereinafter
defined, in a controlled area, shall obtain a permit therefore as
hereinafter provided. No permit shall be required in the case of an
excluded activity as hereinafter defined in Subsection C. Activities
are prohibited, regulated or excluded from regulation as follows:
A. Prohibited activities. The following activities are prohibited as
(1) Placement of a sewage disposal tank, septic field or wastewater treatment
plant within any wetland or watercourse.
(2) The running of a sewer outfall or the discharging of sewage treatment
effluent or other liquid wastes into or so as to drain into a controlled
area, except where approval for such is obtained from the Westchester
County Department of Health and the New York City Department of Environmental
Protection, as appropriate, subject also to Town of North Salem approval
as a full wetland permit.
(3) Placement or deposit of chemical wastes in a controlled area.
(4) Introduction of influents of sufficiently high thermal or chemical
content as to cause deleterious ecological effect in any controlled
(5) Placement of stormwater basins in or within 50 feet of any wetland
or watercourse in conjunction with a new subdivision plat and/or site
development plan application.
(6) Direct discharge of untreated stormwater runoff into a wetland or
(7) The placement of aboveground or underground chemical storage facilities
or bulk petroleum storage tanks within a controlled area.
(8) The placement of uncontrolled manure stockpiles within a controlled
(9) Deposit or fill consisting of construction and demolition materials,
asphalt or other materials within a controlled area.
B. Regulated activities. The following activities except as prohibited
or excluded herein shall require a permit subject to the regulations,
standards and procedures of this chapter:
(1) Any form of draining, dredging or excavation and any grading or removal
of soil, mud, sand, gravel or other earth material from any controlled
area, either directly or indirectly.
(2) Any form of dumping, filling or depositing of any soil, stones, sand,
gravel, mud, rubbish or fill of any kind in any controlled area, either
directly or indirectly.
(3) In any controlled area, erecting any buildings or other structures;
construction of any road, driveway or motor vehicle parking area;
driving of pilings; drilling or digging of wells; installation of
any pipe or other conduits or placing of any other obstructions, whether
or not changing the ebb and flow of the water.
(4) In any controlled area, the slashing of trees as defined in the Zoning
Ordinance of the Town of North Salem and the use of chemicals, dyes,
fertilizers, herbicides or similar materials in amounts which may
cause pollution of waters.
(5) Any other activity which substantially impairs any of the several functions served by wetlands and watercourses or the benefits derived therefrom as set forth in §
107-2F and
G of this chapter.
C. Excluded activities.
(1) The following activities are excluded from regulation under this
chapter, provided that they are not prohibited by this or any other
law, ordinance, rule or regulation; provided they do not constitute
a pollution or erosion hazard or interfere with proper drainage or
adversely affect reasonable water use by others; and provided such
activities conform to the Town of North Salem Zoning Ordinance:
The depositing or removal of natural products of the wetlands
and watercourses by recreational or commercial fishing, aquaculture,
hunting or trapping, where otherwise legally permitted and regulated.
Farming operations as defined herein, provided that the operator
shall file with the Building Inspector a written notice of intent
to engage in such activity, stating the approximate acreage to be
affected, the general location thereof, the use or uses to be made
of the land and the methods to be employed.
Selective tree cutting, provided stumps are left in place and work is accomplished without the assistance of any motorized vehicle and in accordance with Chapter
189, Tree Removal.
Public health activities under orders and regulations of the
Westchester County Department of Health or New York State Department
of Health, provided that copies of such orders and regulations have
been filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of North Salem.
Mosquito control projects approved, in writing, by the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The operation, maintenance and repair of dams, seawalls, docks
and water control structures that were in existence on the effective
date of this chapter.
Seasonal installation and removal of docks which do not include
the construction or installation of new, expanded or enlarged docks.
Normal ground maintenance of existing landscaped areas and residential
gardens, including mowing of existing lawn areas and the trimming
and removal of dead or diseased vegetation.
Repair or replacement, in-kind, of walkways, terraces, patios,
walls, seawalls, fences, bridges (excluding foundations and footings),
bridge decking, driveways and roadways, provided that the height,
size and/or spatial extent (i.e., no increase in the area beyond the
existing footprint or changes to structural foundations or footings)
of the affected area does not change and appropriate erosion controls
are maintained.
Removal of brush and storm debris causing an impedance of flow
or which is causing flooding or is threatening public safety on highways
or in dwellings or other structures.
Normal building or structure maintenance activities, including
periodic pumping of septic tanks, and interior and exterior repairs
and improvements which do not enlarge or expand the building or structure,
or require excavation, filling, or other similar disturbances and
alterations (temporary or permanent).
Routine maintenance of established and new establishment of
hiking and bridle trails by municipal and/or Section 501(c)(3) organizations upon notification of the Building Inspector
and in accordance with a maintenance plan approved by the Building
Inspector and/or Wetland Inspector established in accordance with
best management practices.
Routine maintenance of approved sediment basins in accordance
with an approved wetland permit, establishing periodic future maintenance
activities and procedures.
(n) Limited invasive plant species removal by municipal and/or § 501(c)(3)
organization upon submission of a Notice of intent to the Building
Inspector (on a form provided by the Building Inspector), subject
to the following standards and requirements:
[Added 2-25-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
[1] The notice of intent shall include a map of the work area and a narrative
[a] Identification and qualifications of the persons performing the invasive
plant species removal. Removal of invasive plant species shall be
conducted by persons knowledgeable about native plants and invasive
plant species, and shall be conducted in accordance with Town of North
Salem Best Management Practices for Removal of Invasive Plant Species,
North Salem Planning Board, dated January 28, 2020, as amended from
time to time, on file with the North Salem Building Inspector and
Planning Department.
[b] The proposed start and end date of work.
[c] The size of the area to be affected.
[d] Identification of the targeted invasive plant species to be removed.
[e] The approximate number/kind of native plant species to be installed
within the affected area.
[f] The monitoring schedule to be followed after removal.
[2] All invasive plant species removal work and replanting of noninvasive
species thereafter shall be completed by hand only.
[3] Invasive plant species removal work shall be limited to established
conservation lands subject to development restrictions and/or a conservation
[4] Removal work involving grade excavation or land disturbance shall
be limited to a contiguous area not exceeding 1,000 square feet during
a single growing season.
[5] The Building Inspector shall be notified prior to the commencement
of work, may conduct an inspection of the work area at any time, and
shall be notified when work is completed.
[6] The Building Inspector shall report annually to the Planning Board
and Conservation Advisory Council as to the use of the exclusion and
the locations relating thereto.
[Amended 3-8-2022 by L.L. No. 2-2022]
(2) No exclusion from regulation is intended for the storage, spreading,
drying or other use or management of animal wastes.
This chapter shall be administered and enforced by the Building
Inspector, who shall keep records of all identifiable complaints of
any violation of this chapter and all notices of violation served
by the Building Inspector and the action taken consequent thereon.
The Building Inspector shall file with the North Salem Town Clerk
a copy of each order or decision rendered by the Building Inspector.
The Town Clerk shall keep records of all applications and permits.
The Building Inspector, Wetlands Inspector and Planning Board
may promulgate rules and establish procedures for the administration
of this chapter, including the submission of applications.
Fees shall be in accordance with the Standard Schedule of Fees
for the Town of North Salem.
Permit suspension and revocation. The Building Inspector is
authorized to suspend or revoke a permit if the applicant has not
complied with any of the conditions or limitations set forth in the
permit or has exceeded the scope of the activity as set forth in the
application. The Building Inspector may suspend the permit if the
applicant fails to comply with the terms and conditions set forth
in the application. Suspension or revocation by the Building Inspector
shall be based upon the advice and written recommendation of the Wetlands
The Building Inspector is authorized to order, in writing, the
cessation of any regulated activity being conducted in violation of
this chapter. He shall withdraw such order upon compliance herewith.
In any case where the Building Inspector issues a cease order suspending
or revoking a permit, the issuance of such cease order shall operate
to automatically stay the effectiveness of any such permit. The Building
Inspector is authorized to order, in writing, the remedying of any
condition which is found to be in violation of this chapter. The orders
of the Building Inspector shall be based upon the advice and written
recommendation of the Wetlands Inspector.
A. Violations. Any person committing an offense against any provision
of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor
punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment for a
term not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
B. In the case of a continuing offense, each day's continuance thereof
shall constitute a separate, distinct and additional offense.
C. The proper authorities of the Town of North Salem may institute any
appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, restrain, correct or
abate any violation of this chapter and to achieve restoration of
the affected wetland or watercourse to its condition prior to the
Any applicant or any other person aggrieved by any order or
decision under this chapter may seek judicial review pursuant to Article
78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules in the Supreme Court for the
County of Westchester within 30 days after the date of the filing
of such order or decision with the North Salem Town Clerk. Any appeal
shall operate to automatically stay the effectiveness of any permit
issued under the provisions of this chapter.