Substitute for Senate Bill No. 961 (159)
Sec. 1. The Southern Connecticut Gas Company is authorized to supply gas, and to do all things necessary and incidental thereto, to and in the towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, East Lyme, Haddam and East Haddam and to the inhabitants thereof for all public and domestic purposes of light, heat and power, in the same manner in which and with the same powers as The Southern Connecticut Gas Company is authorized on the effective date of this act to supply gas under its charter, provided the public streets, ways and grounds of any such Town shall not be injured thereby but shall be left in as good condition as before, and that The Southern Connecticut Gas Company shall make al its locations and constructions in such streets, ways and grounds, and shall repair all damage and injury to the same caused thereby or by the use thereof to the satisfaction of the authority in such Town charged with the maintenance of such streets, ways and grounds.
Sec. 2. This amendment to the charter of the Southern Connecticut Gas Company shall not require acceptance by the corporation. (Approved May 22, 1969)