[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of East Haddam 10-11-1979; amended in its entirety 1-29-2019. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, sanitation and welfare of the Town of East Haddam and to protect property values.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any conveyance which is or can be mounted on wheels, whether or not self-propelled, and which shall be used exclusively for travel, camping, recreation and vacationing and not as a fixed dwelling place.
A plot of ground used for recreational purposes which can accommodate two or more tents, travel trailers or camper coaches.
Any vehicle designed to serve exclusively as a temporary office for any construction project.
When used in apposition to a licensee, owner or applicant, shall include persons of both sexes or corporations.
The legally designated health authority of East Haddam.
A written license by the Board of Selectmen or its authorized representative permitting a trailer coach to be parked or located off the public highways in the Town of East Haddam.
Occupied for sleeping and dwelling purposes.
A space on which a single trailer is accommodated on one parcel of real estate.
Any movable or portable dwelling built on a chassis and which is, has been or may be mounted or moved on wheels and so constructed as to permit its use not only as a conveyance upon the public streets or byways but also as a dwelling and sleeping place occupied by one or more persons. This definition shall embrace all vehicles (however designated) answering such description except camper coaches and travel trailers and commercial trailers.
Any plot of ground upon which two or more trailers occupied for dwelling and sleeping purposes are located, whether designated as a trailer camp, trailer park or mobile home park or otherwise.
After the effective date of this chapter, no person, firm or corporation shall park a trailer off the public highways within the limits of East Haddam without first having obtained a license therefor.
Such trailer license shall be issued in the name of the Town of East Haddam by the Board of Selectmen.
A license or permit issued prior to the effective date of this chapter, the renewal thereof and the continued parking of a trailer pursuant thereto shall remain subject to the provisions of law in effect at the time such license or permit was granted, and the same shall for such purpose remain in full force and effect.
The owner of the trailer, and the owner of the land on which the trailer is to be parked, if different therefrom, shall apply to the Board of Selectmen for such license, for occupancy by the landowner, through a written application. An application shall be accepted only when made in conjunction with an application for a building permit for a detached dwelling, in accordance with the zoning regulations of the Town of East Haddam, or when made for a renewal of a license or permit granted prior to the effective date of this chapter, and shall set forth the following:
Name and address of the applicant(s).
Ownership, make, model, serial number and motor vehicle registration number of the trailer, if any.
Description of the plot of land upon which applicant intends to park such trailer, its location, area and the name of the owner and his relationship to applicant, if any.
The sewage disposal arrangements provided or to be provided.
The water supply arrangements provided or to be provided.
No single trailer shall be parked for occupancy in East Haddam unless:
The plot upon which it is parked is at least two acres in area.
An area of not less than 10,000 square feet immediately surrounding the trailer is kept free from heavy and dense growth of brush or weeds, including poisonous or obnoxious weeds, and the front area of the trailer is landscaped and properly graded in a normal, acceptable manner before a certificate of occupancy can be granted by the Building Official.
The trailer space is provided with a sewage disposal outlet connected with a public sewer system or a septic tank and leaching field.
The trailer space is provided with an approved well connected to the trailer.
Rubbish and refuse is collected at least once a week and between collections is placed in flytight, watertight, rodentproof containers.
It is 100 feet distant from any public highway or street other than trailers already on location.
Subsections A and E(1) shall not apply to any single trailer already parked off the public highway in East Haddam on or before July 1, 1957.
The Board of Selectmen shall approve or disapprove such application within 30 days after the date of filing. No approval of an original application shall be granted until the health officer has inspected the site, examined the sanitation plans and facilities and approved, in writing, the granting of such license and such approval has been filed, together with the application, in the office of the Town Clerk. No approval of such application shall be granted and no license issued unless and until the building permit for the detached dwelling has been issued in accordance with the zoning regulations of East Haddam, as hereinabove referred to in Subsection D.
All trailer licenses issued subsequent to the effective date of this chapter shall expire six months after date of issue. Renewal of such permits, whether upon their expiration or subsequently, shall be valid for only six months from date of expiration of the original license, and only one such renewal shall be granted and then only provided that reasonable progress shall have been made toward the completion of the dwelling for which the building permit was issued in conjunction with the trailer license. Such reasonable progress shall be evidenced by the completion within the initial six-month period of the foundation, the water supply system, sewage disposal system, the framing and closing in of the dwelling.
The fee for any trailer license, including the renewal thereof, and the fee for any renewal of a trailer license or permit issued prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be $50.
After the effective date of this chapter, no person, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain or operate a trailer park or campground within the limits of East Haddam without first having obtained a license or permit in accordance with zoning regulations of the Town of East Haddam nor establish, maintain, conduct or operate a campground/trailer park without complying with such regulations and continue to maintain and operate such campground/trailer park.
The health officer and the Fire Marshal or his deputy shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this chapter or of regulations promulgated thereunder.
The Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to make and to adopt such written regulations as may be necessary for the proper enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, provided that such regulations shall not be in conflict with the provisions of this chapter. Such regulations shall have the same force and effect as the provisions of this chapter and the penalty for violation thereof shall be the same as the penalty for violation of the provisions of this chapter as above provided.
If a trailer uses electricity, the installation shall comply with all state and local electrical codes and ordinances. All electric outlets shall be weatherproof.
Every single trailer space shall be kept free of flammable material at all times and shall be equipped with one or more portable fire extinguishers maintained in good repair for use in fighting fires. Fires shall be made only in stoves or other equipment designated for that purpose and in incinerators when otherwise permissible. The space shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the Fire Department of East Haddam.
All fuel heating and cooking systems shall meet the building code requirements and shall be inspected by the Building Official prior to use.
No mobile home, camper coach, travel trailer and/or trailer park shall be located in a "special flood hazard area" or "floodway" as defined in the Federal Insurance Administration's scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the Town of East Haddam, Connecticut, Middlesex County," and dated August 28, 2008, with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps, as amended or revised.
Any person found guilty of violating this chapter or any provision thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100, and each day such violation exists shall be considered a separate offense and shall be punished as such hereunder. In addition to such penalties, the Board of Selectmen shall be authorized to revoke or suspend any license whenever the licensee has violated any provision of this chapter or the regulations thereunder. The Board may, on such conditions as may be just, restore any license when the violation is remedied and compliance resumed.