Substitute House Bill No. 80-64, Special Act 73-675
Sec. 40. Section 13a-253 of the 1971 noncumulative supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof;
the commissioner may repair, maintain and operate . . . and the dock on the east bank of the Connecticut River, known as the "Opera House Dock", in the Town of East Haddam, as public conveniences and may expend funds from the "highway" TRANSPORTATION fund for this purpose. The commissioner may make regulations, consistent with the welfare, safety and convenience of the public, for the use of said docks and may establish and from time to time revise, rates for dockage fees, and may collect such fees and deposit the same in the (highway) TRANSPORTATION fund.
Any person who violates any regulations established as provided in this section shall be fined not more than fifty dollars (Public Acts, 1973 Session).