[Adopted 11-30-2010]
Appointment. The Commission on Aging shall consist of seven regular members and two alternates. Regular members and two alternates shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes. The Commission on Aging may recommend to the Board of Selectmen removal of members from the Commission for cause and appointment of new members to fill vacancies on the Commission. For purposes of this article, "for cause" shall mean a member or alternate who is absent from more than three meetings in any calendar year.
Length of term. Members shall serve staggered three-year terms, with initial appointments to be one member for one year; three members for two years; and three members for three years. Thereafter, all terms for members shall be three years; two alternates for one year and thereafter all terms for alternates shall be one year. All terms of regular members (except initial appointments) and alternates shall commence on July 1 and end on June 30. Members and alternates of the Commission shall serve without pay.
Quorum and alternate member voting. A quorum will consist of four regular members. An alternate named to act in place of a regular member at a meeting shall be considered a regular member for purposes of establishing a quorum. Alternate members may participate in Commission discussions but shall vote only when appointed to fill an absence among regular members.
Meetings. The Commission shall meet no less frequently than six times in each calendar year.
The Commission on Aging shall be an advisory board with the following duties and responsibilities:
Advocacy: to promote the health, safety and well-being of the Town's senior citizens, defined as residents who are 50 years of age or older.[1]
Editor's Note: This subsection was revised by the Board of Selectmen 12-19-2012 to change "65 years of age" to "50 years of age."
To analyze services and programs available through public and private agencies for the Town's senior citizens;
To make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding the development and application of services and programs for the benefit of the Town's senior citizens;
To exchange information with the state's Commission on Aging and Department of Social Services;
To serve as a conduit between nonprofit agencies, civic organizations, municipal boards and commissions, elected officials and the Town's senior citizens;
To apply to the State of Connecticut Commission on Aging, or to other public agencies, for assistance in planning and coordinating services and programs for the benefit of the Town's senior citizens;
To receive gifts and apply for grants in the name of the Town for the benefit of the Town's senior citizens, and to administer such gifts or grants in accordance with terms of this article and in accordance with any specific purposes or limitations stated in such gifts or grants; and
To conduct programs for the benefit of the Town's senior citizens, provided monies for such programs are available by gift, grant or Town appropriation. The programs to be conducted may include travel, food services and other services.