This chapter is enacted to further the public health, safety,
morals and general welfare of the Borough of Mendham.
The following terms, whenever used or referred to in this chapter,
shall have the following respective meanings for the purposes of this
chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context.
The official of the Borough of Mendham who is charged with
the administration and enforcement of this chapter, or any duly authorized
That portion of a dwelling rented or offered for rent for
living or dwelling purposes and in which cooking equipment is supplied.
The term shall not mean or include public housing or dwelling space
in any hotel, motel or established guest house, commonly regarded
as a hotel, motel or established guest house, as the case may be,
in the Borough.
The holder or holders of record title or title by operation
of law.
All individuals, associations and corporations who own or
have an interest of record in a housing space or rental dwelling or
who are in actual possession thereof or any person authorized to receive
rents payable for housing space or a rental dwelling.
Any individual who is at least 12 months of age and who resides
in the rental dwelling or housing space.
The name, address and telephone number of the owner(s) or its
agent shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the ground floor
hall of each housing space regulated by this chapter.
Initial landlord-tenant registration forms shall be filed with
the Borough Clerk or the Designated Code Official within 90 days of
the effective date of this chapter. Thereafter, the owner and tenant
shall file the completed landlord-tenant registration form with the
Borough Clerk or Designated Code Official within 15 days of the inception
of a tenancy, any change in the occupancy of the housing space, or
a change in ownership.
It shall be the duty of the owner or its agent to supply to
each tenant a copy of this chapter and any amendments thereto, as
well as a copy of such administrative rules and regulations as shall
be in effect at the time the premises are rented. For tenants in place
at the time this chapter is adopted, the owner or its agent, shall,
within 15 days from the ordinance's effective date, serve on
each tenant a copy of this chapter and such rules and regulations
as shall be in effect.
The Borough Council may, by resolution, from time to time, accept
recommendations from the Code Official and make and adopt such written
administrative rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper
enforcement and interpretation of this chapter and to secure its intent.
Such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with the provisions
of this chapter nor any other ordinances of the Borough of Mendham,
nor shall they have the effect of waiving any provisions of this chapter
or any other ordinance. Such administrative rules and regulations
shall have the same force and effect as the provisions of this chapter,
and the penalty for violation thereof shall be the same.
Any violation of this chapter by either the owner (s) or the
tenant by the refusal or failure of either to file the said certificate
or to sign the same shall be punishable based upon the following schedule:
A. First violation: Receipt of written warning from the Borough;
B. Second violation: Fine of $100;
C. Third and subsequent violations: Violator shall be subject to the penalties as set forth in §
1-15 of the Code of the Borough of Mendham.
The penalty hereinabove shall be printed in full on the certificate
so that both the owner(s) and the tenant may be fully apprised of
the penalty to be imposed by the failure to comply with the provisions
of this chapter.
The certificate of registration, as set forth on the form approved
by the Designated Code Official, shall stand as a certificate of compliance
as required by this chapter if the certificate of registration was
received within two months of the required annual inspection date.