Pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Law § 10 and Article 16 of the Town Law, the Town Board of the Town of Inlet authorizes and empowers the Planning Board of the Town of Inlet to approve or disapprove applications for subdivision plat approval within the Town of Inlet.
This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Town of Inlet Subdivision Control Law."
The standards and procedures contained herein are intended to insure that:
Land to be subdivided is suitable for building purposes without creating dangers to health, or peril from fire, flood, traffic hazard, or other hazard;
Lots are created such that adequate provision can be made for sewage disposal, water supply, emergency vehicle access, stormwater drainage, utility service, and other needed improvements;
Roads are constructed to Town standards and are suitable to accommodate the expected volume of traffic;
The rural and scenic character of the Town is preserved; and
Goals and objectives of the Town of Inlet Comprehensive Plan are furthered.
This chapter regulates all subdivisions as defined herein.
Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed to be undertaken, the subdivider shall make application for and receive final approval of such proposed subdivision in accordance with this chapter before:
Any lot is leased or sold, any land is cleared or vegetation removed (except vegetation removed for surveying, engineering tests and inspection);
Any permit is issued for a structure in the subdivision; and
Any building, utility installation, road construction or other new land use or development within the subdivision is undertaken.
All roads must be approved and in place before lots are sold if the Town is to maintain the highway. (See §§ 143-13 and 143-14.)
The Planning Board is authorized to review and approve the development of any plat which has already been filed, at any time prior to the effective date of this chapter, in the office of the Hamilton County Clerk, if such plat is entirely or partially undeveloped. For purposes of this section, "undeveloped" shall mean those plats where 20% or more of the lots within the plat are unimproved, unless existing conditions, such as poor drainage or wetlands, have prevented their development.
Whenever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any lawfully adopted rules, regulations, law or statutes, the most restrictive or those imposing the higher standard shall govern.
Application review and inspection fees shall be established by resolution of the Town Board.