[Amended 9-27-2010 by Ord. No. 10-5]
The following regulations and charges shall be hereby established to govern the administration of this Code.
There is hereby established a fee for the approval of preliminary and final plats, as follows:
Preliminary plat. $25 for each preliminary plat plus $5 for each lot within the proposed subdivision, with a minimum total charge of $50.
Final plat. Five dollars for each lot within each subdivision plat submitted with a minimum fee of $25. An additional fee charge to the subdivider shall be made for cost of engineering inspections by the Village Engineer. Such fee shall be established by the Village based on current rates and standard engineering practice. All such fees shall be payable to the Village of Harristown by certified check or money order.
[Amended 9-27-2010 by Ord. No. 10-5]
Penalties. Whoever willfully violates any rule or provision of these regulations or fails to comply with any order pursuant thereto shall forfeit and pay not less than $1,000. Each and every day a violation exists shall constitute a new and separate violation under this Code.
Any person, whether he be the owner or agent of the owner who transfers any subject, parcel or tract of land before a plat has been approved by the Village and recorded in the office of the County Recorder, shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000 for each sublot, parcel, or tract of land so sold. The description of such sublot, parcel, or tract by metes and bounds in the deed or transfer shall not serve to exempt the seller from the forfeiture provided in this section.
Any person who disposes of or offers for sale or lease for a time exceeding five years, any sublot or any part of a sublot, in a subdivision before provisions of these regulations are complied with, shall forfeit and pay $1,000 for each sublot or part of a sublot so sold, offered for sale, or leased, to be recovered with costs in a civil action, in the name of the Village Treasurer for the use of the Village.
The Village Board may on recommendation of the Plan Commission grant special exceptions or variances under these regulations.
Variances. The corporate authority may grant variances to these regulations where unusual or exceptional factors or conditions require such modification provided that the Plan Commission, after a hearing, shall:
Find that unusual topographical or exceptional physical conditions exist.
Find that strict compliance with these regulations would create an extraordinary hardship in the face of the exceptional conditions.
Permit any modification to depart from these regulations only to the extent necessary to remove the extraordinary hardship.
Find that such modifications would improve the Village over what would be allowed under the terms of this Code.
Find that any modification granted will not be detrimental to the public interest not in conflict with the intent and purpose of these regulations.
Require such other conditions to be met by the proposed plat as the Planning Commission may find necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Code when modified.
The standards and requirements of this Code may be modified on a broad scale by the Village Board in the case of a plan or program for a special subdivision or neighborhood unit. Such modification shall not be approved until after written recommendation of the Plan Commission, which recommendation may be given when in the judgment of the Plan Commission, the specific plan or program presented provides adequate public space and improvements for the circulation, recreation, light, air and service needs of the tract when fully developed and populated, and which also provides such covenants or other legal provisions as will assure conformity to and achievement of the plan. The Village further reserves the right to require the subdivider to meet any additional specifications and/or restrictions it may deem necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Code when modified.
Amendments to this Subdivision Code shall be approved by the Village Board as provided by Statute; providing, however, that no amendment shall be adopted without first referring the proposed amendment to the Plan Commission and receiving a report therefrom except, however, if no report is received within 90 days, it shall be deemed to be approved by the Plan Commission.