[Res. 1995-7, 11/14/1995, § 1]
This Part shall take effect whenever any Supervisor of Ralpho Township is unavailable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of his or her office during the occurrence of any man-made disaster, natural disaster or war-caused disaster as defined by § 7102 of the Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa.C.S.A. § 7101 et seq.), as amended. “Unavailable” shall mean either that a vacancy in a Supervisor's office exists and there is no individual authorized to exercise all of the powers and discharge the duties of that office or that the lawful incumbent Supervisor(s) is(are) absent from the Township or unable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of his or her office due to illness, accident or injury or some other preventive circumstances.
[Res. 1995-7, 11/14/1995, § 1; as last amended by Res. No. 2020-02, 2/11/2020]
During the occurrence of any man-made disaster, natural disaster or war-caused disaster in Ralpho Township and the unavailability of any Supervisor, the following order of succession shall be exercised in order to assure the continuity of Township government:
Stephen A. Major, Chairman
Daniel T. Williams, Vice Chairman
Blaine P. Madara, Jr.
Vincent P. Daubert
Blaine P. Madara, Sr.
Daniel T. Williams, Vice Chairman
Blaine P. Madara, Jr.
Vincent P. Daubert
Blaine P. Madara, Sr.
Blaine P. Madara, Jr.
Vincent P. Daubert
Blaine P. Madara, Sr.
Vincent P. Daubert
Blaine P. Madara, Sr.
[Res. 1995-7, 11/14/1995, § 3]
Each succeeding acting Supervisor listed above shall, during the occurrence of a disaster, assume and discharge the powers and duties of any unavailable Supervisor and shall retain those powers and duties until the unavailable Supervisor is able to resume the exercise of the powers and discharge the duties of his or her office or until such time as a vacancy which may exist shall be filled in accordance with the law.
[Res. 1995-7, 11/14/1995, § 4]
The order of succession listed in § 902 of this Part shall be revised whenever a vacancy occurs and a new Supervisor is appointed to fill that vacancy. Otherwise, at the first organizational meeting held at the beginning of each new term of office, the elected Supervisor or Supervisors shall adopt a resolution that contains a renewed order of succession that will provide for the continuity of municipal government during that term of office.
[Res. 1995-7, 11/14/1995, § 5]
All other municipal elected officers shall designate, by order of succession, three deputies or emergency interim successors to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of his or her office whenever the elected officer is unavailable during the occurrence of any man-made disaster, natural disaster or war-caused disaster. A written list of the designated successors for each officer shall be delivered to the Municipal Emergency Management Agency for verification purposes.