[Ord. 156, 6/14/2005, § 1]
Ralpho Township entities providing fire, rescue emergency, police, ambulance and related services, including emergency medical services, in Ralpho Township are hereby authorized to collect from persons who utilize such services, or their insurers, response costs. The amount of collectible response costs shall be as set forth in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Schedule of Equipment Rates dated January 23, 2004, as may be amended by FEMA from time to time, which schedule is incorporated herein by reference.
[Ord. 156, 6/14/2005, § 2]
If not specifically calculated on the adopted FEMA fee schedule, response costs include, but are not limited to:
The cost of labor calculated by determining the actual hourly wage plus the hourly cost of fringe benefits (and including overtime rates, if applicable) normally paid to personnel involved in responding to any emergency incident times the number of hours worked in response to any emergency incident or, in the case of emergency response agency volunteer personnel, the reasonable hourly value of the volunteer personnel as determined by the Board or emergency service organization, taking into account the funds expended to train and properly equip each such volunteer, times the number of hours worked by each such volunteer, in response to any emergency incident; and
The cost of all non-reusable materials and all contaminated or consumed materials utilized in connection with any emergency incident; and
The cost of all equipment, calculated by estimating the number of hours of the useful life of such equipment and dividing the same into the replacement cost plus the maintenance cost of said equipment and then multiplying the result by the number of hours such equipment was "in service" in response to any emergency incident; and
Overhead expenses including the administrative cost of record keeping, information processing and assembly/compilation of a bill of costs; and
The reasonable attorneys' fees and costs (including witness fees) of pursuing enforcement/collection action for emergency service costs against responsible parties.
[Ord. 156, 6/14/2005, § 3]
The Township or the emergency service provider shall have the authority, in the event such payment is not made, to pursue any and all appropriate remedies through an appropriate enforcement action.
[Ord. 156, 6/14/2005, § 4]
Any charges set by this Part shall be able to be amended by resolution of the Ralpho Township Supervisors.