This chapter contemplates an administrative and enforcement
officer titled the "Zoning Administrator" to administer and enforce
the same. Certain considerations, particularly with regard to granting
of permitted conditional uses and planned unit development conditional
uses, changes in zoning districts and the Zoning Map, and amending
the text of this chapter require review and action by the Village
Board. A Zoning Board of Appeals is provided to assure proper administration
of this chapter and to avoid arbitrariness.
The Village Building Inspector is hereby designated as the primary
administrative officer for the provisions of this chapter and shall
be referred to as the "Zoning Administrator." The Zoning Administrator
shall be appointed by resolution of the Village Board. The duty of
the Zoning Administrator shall be to interpret and administer this
chapter and to issue all permits required by this chapter. The Zoning
Administrator shall further:
A. Issue all zoning certificates and make and maintain records; records
shall be maintained in the Village Hall.
B. Conduct inspections of buildings, structures, and use of land to
determine compliance with the terms of this chapter.
C. Maintain permanent and current records of this chapter, including
but not limited to all maps, amendments, conditional uses, variances,
appeals and applications therefor.
D. Provide and maintain a public information function relative to all
matters arising out of this chapter.
E. Receive, file and forward to the Village Clerk/Treasurer all applications
for amendments to this chapter.
F. Receive, file and forward to the Plan Commission, through the Village
Clerk/Treasurer, all applications for conditional uses, zoning changes
and applications for amendments to this chapter.
G. Receive, file and forward to the Zoning Board of Appeals all applications
for appeals, variances, or other matters on which the Zoning Board
of Appeals is required to act under this chapter and shall attend
all Zoning Board of Appeals meetings to provide technical assistance
when requested by the Village Board.
H. Initiate, direct and review from time to time a study of the provisions
of this chapter and make recommendations to the Plan Commission not
less than once a year.
[Added 8-18-2014 by Ord.
No. 2014-07-01]
A. Cost
reimbursement; fees; agreements. Applicants shall reimburse the Village
for all administrative, engineering and legal service costs incurred
in the process of reviewing and acting on applications under this
chapter, including but not limited to applications for conditional
use permits, site plans, zoning changes, variance requests and other
permits or approvals under this chapter, and shall pay any related
fees, execute a cost recovery agreement, and provide the deposit or
surety as required under the Village fee schedule.
B. Deposits.
To secure payment of costs, a deposit may be required in such sum
as listed in the Village's fee schedule and paid to the Village at
the time the application is submitted. If all of the expenses incurred
by the Village are reimbursed timely, the deposit shall be refunded
within 30 days after final action on the application. If the applicant
fails to reimburse the Village within 30 days of any billing, the
Village may withhold all further review or processing of the application
until such costs are paid. In addition, the Village may draw down
any deposits in the event that the fees and costs incurred by the
Village in reviewing and processing the petition are not timely paid
by the applicant.