[Adopted 5-27-1986 by Ord. No. 86-1 as Secs. 12.09 and 12.15 of the 1986 Municipal Code]
It shall be unlawful for any person in the Village to own, harbor or keep any dog more than five months of age without complying with the provisions of this section and §§ 174.05 through 174.10, Wis. Stats., relating to the listing, licensing and tagging of same.
The license fee for a dog shall be as follows:
Unneutered male dog: $8.
Unspayed female dog: $8.
Neutered male dog: $3.
Spayed female dog: $3.
Duplicate license: $3.
In the event a dog becomes five months of age after July 1, 1/2 of the appropriate fee shall be charged.
The Clerk-Treasurer shall assess and collect a late fee of $5 from every owner of a dog five months of age or older if the owner failed to obtain a license prior to April 1 of each year or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog, or if the owner failed to obtain a license before the dog reached licensable age.
[Amended by Ord. No. 94-6]
The owners of kennels may opt to pay a kennel license fee of $35 for a kennel of 12 dogs or less plus $3 for each dog in excess of 12 in lieu of the fees provided in § 212-5 above, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue tags for each dog owned by the kennel owners. Kennels may be located in agricultural districts only.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a dog in the Village which is over five months of age and has not received a rabies vaccination as required by § 95.21(2), Wis. Stats. No dog license shall be issued until a certificate of rabies vaccination issued by a veterinarian has been presented. A rabies vaccination tag shall be attached to the collar of all licensed dogs at all times, except as provided in § 95.21(2)(f), Wis. Stats.
As used in this article, unless the context of subject matter otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A dog or cat which is off the premises of the owner and not under the control of some person either by leash or otherwise, but an animal within an automobile of any other person with the consent of the animal's owner shall be deemed to be upon the owner's premises.
Any establishment wherein dogs are kept for the purpose of breeding, sale or sporting purposes.
Any person owning, harboring or keeping a dog or cat and the occupant of any premises on which the dog or cat remains or to which it customarily returns daily for a period of 10 days is presumed to be harboring or keeping the dog or cat within the meaning of this article.
It shall be unlawful for any person within the Village to own, harbor or keep any dog which:
Habitually pursues vehicles upon any street, alley or highway.
Molests passersby or assaults or attacks any person without provocation.
Is at large within the limits of the Village.
Habitually barks or howls to the annoyance of any person or persons. This subsection shall not apply to hospitals conducted for the treatment of small animals or to the premises occupied or used by the Village Pound.
Kills, wounds or worries any domestic animal.
Urinates or defecates on public property or other private property. In the event the animal defecates on another's land or any public right-of-way, the owner shall immediately remove the feces in a sanitary manner.
Dogs and cats running at large. A dog or cat is considered to be running at large if it is off the premises of its owner and not under the control of the owner or some other person, as defined in § 212-9 above.
Untagged dogs. A dog is considered to be untagged if a valid license tag is not attached to a collar which is kept on the dog whenever the dog is outdoors unless the dog is securely confined in a fenced area.
Dogs and cats subject to impoundment. Any public safety officer, community service specialist, humane officer or health officer may impound in the animal shelter any dog found in violation of this article.
[Amended 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Penalties. If the owner of a dog or cat, negligently or otherwise, permits the dog or cat to run at large, or permits a dog to be untagged, the owner shall forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $100 for the first offense and not less than $50 nor more than $200 for subsequent offenses.
[Amended 6-11-2013 by Ord. No. 13-1]
[Amended 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Every person, including the owner or person harboring or keeping a dog, cat or other animal, who knows that such animal has bitten any person shall immediately report such fact to the Village Clerk's Office.
Quarantine or sacrifice of animal. Any public safety officer, community service specialist, humane officer or health officer may order a dog, cat or other animal quarantined if he has reason to believe that the animal bit a person, is infected with rabies or has been in contact with a rabid animal. If a quarantine cannot be imposed because the animal cannot be captured, the officer may kill the animal. The officer may kill an animal only as a last resort or if the owner agrees. The officer shall attempt to kill the animal in a humane manner and in a manner which avoids damage to the animal's head.
[Amended by Ord. No. 04-1; 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Quarantine order. If a quarantine is ordered, the owner of the dog or cat shall be subject to the provisions of § 95.21(5), (6) and (8), Wis. Stats.
No person shall open any door or gate of any private premises for the purpose of setting any dog, cat or other animal at large, except the owner of such animal.
[Amended 6-11-2013 by Ord. No. 13-1; 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Impounding of dogs and cats. A public safety officer or other person restraining a dog or cat running at large shall take such animal to the Village Pound. The public safety officer shall attempt to identify the dog or cat and notify the owner and shall keep a public record of all such dogs and cats impounded.
Release of dog or cat to owner or representative. The public safety officer may release the dog or cat to the owner or his representative if:
The owner or representative gives his name and address.
For dogs, presents evidence that the dog is licensed and vaccinated against rabies.
Pays the dog's or cat's boarding fee.
Release of dog or cat to person other than owner. If the owner of the dog or cat is unknown or does not reclaim the dog or cat within seven days, the public safety officer may release the dog or cat to a person other than the owner if such person:
Gives his name and address.
For dogs, signs a statement agreeing to license the dog and have the dog vaccinated against rabies.
[Added by Ord. No. 94-6; amended by Ord. No. 04-5]
No person, except a kennel licensee, shall own, harbor or keep more than four dogs and four cats that are more than five months of age. If a total of more than four dogs and four cats are owned, harbored or kept in or by any one household, the head of the household shall be deemed the person so owning, harboring or keeping such animals, notwithstanding that the dog license or licenses may be issued to other members of the household as owners of such animals. Persons who have more than four dogs and four cats on the effective date of this subsection may keep the same, but no new dogs or cats may be kept until the number of dogs and cats are within the limitation required hereunder.
In addition to other penalties provided in this article, the following penalties are imposed:
Failure to obtain rabies vaccination. A dog owner who fails to have a dog vaccinated against rabies, as provided in this section, shall, upon conviction, forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $100.
Refusal to comply with quarantine order. An owner of a dog, cat or other animal who refuses to comply with an order issued under this section to deliver the animal to a public safety officer, the pound designated by the Village Board, or veterinarian, or who does not comply with the conditions of an order that the animal be quarantined, shall, upon conviction, forfeit not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 for each such offense, together with the costs of prosecution, and in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs, shall be imprisoned in the County Jail until said forfeiture and costs of prosecution are paid, but not to exceed 60 days.
[Amended 6-11-2013 by Ord. No. 13-1; 4-23-2024 by Ord. No. 24-02]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, any person who shall violate any provision of this article or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, Construction and Penalties, of this Code.