In this Article I, the following words shall have the meanings indicated:
To establish a temporary habitation or living arrangement, of either a permanent or temporary nature, with or without the use of a tent, camper or other artifice designed to facilitate such habitation.
Any device designed to provide transportation to persons or personal property which is propelled in part or in whole from a motor. A motorized vehicle shall include, but not be limited to, a car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, motorized scooter or skateboard, motorized bicycle, boat, and jet ski. A wheelchair or other similar device designed to facilitate transportation of a person with a disability or other physical impediment shall be excluded from the definition of motorized vehicle under this article.
An area or structure owned or operated by the Town of Chesapeake Beach or another public entity and which is designed for the recreational use of the public and which is designated as a public park in this chapter. Public parks are subject to additional regulations specific to each park, as provided in subsequent articles of this chapter.
An area or structure owned or operated by the Town of Chesapeake Beach or another public entity and which is open to the public. The restriction of public access to specific times of the day, specific days of the week, or to specific days of the year (seasonal) shall not preclude the area from definition as a "public venue."
An area or structure owned or operated by the Town of Chesapeake Beach or other public entity and which is not open to the public.
The provisions of Article I shall apply to all public parks, public venues, and restricted property. Nothing in this article shall prevent the application of other regulations restricting personal conduct which are included within the Town Code of Chesapeake Beach to such areas, unless the provisions of this article specifically direct that such regulations shall not apply.
The Town desires to name three public parks, "Bucs Corner," "Shisler Park," "Old Campgrounds Park" and establish "Favret Way."
[Add 2-15-2024 by Ord. No. O-23-25]
"Bucs Corner," a passthrough from 26th Street to the Kellam's complex located on the northern point of 3825 Gordon Stinnett Avenue, Chesapeake Beach, MD, is a designated public park of the Town.
"Shisler Park," located on the eastern point of 29th Street, is a designated public park of the Town.
"Favret Way," located on the eastern point of 29th Street, names the walkway to "Shisler Park."
"Old Campgrounds Park," located at 7429 B Street, Chesapeake Beach, MD, is a designated public park of the Town.
It shall be unlawful to camp within a public park, public venue or restricted property located within Chesapeake Beach. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $100.
It shall be unlawful to ignite or maintain a campfire, bonfire or cooking fire in a public venue or on restricted property. It shall be unlawful to ignite or maintain a campfire, bonfire or cooking fire in a public park other than in a receptacle which is provided for such purposes and is designated as the proper place for such fires by a sign erected by the operator of the public park. This prohibition against fires shall include fires enclosed within grills or other devices. This prohibition shall not apply to the smoking of cigarettes, cigars, pipes or the devices used to light such smoking instruments if otherwise permitted under state law. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $100.
It shall be unlawful to operate a motorized vehicle within any public park, public venue or restricted property except upon a street, roadway or parking lot designed for such purposes. A sidewalk, boardwalk, walkway, or stairway shall not be considered a street or roadway for which motorized vehicles are designed. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $100.
Certain areas of a public park or public venue, and all areas of a restricted property, may be designated by the Town or other public entity as an area to which access by the public is restricted. Such designation shall be included on a sign to be posted at the perimeter or access point to the restricted area. For restricted areas within a public park or public venue, such restricted areas shall be described in any recitation of the rules that are distributed or posted on the property. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to enter an area to which access is restricted unless acting under the authority of the Town or other public entity. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $125.
It shall be unlawful to possess glass containers in any public park. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $50.
It shall be unlawful to hunt any wild creature, including all mammals, invertebrates, and insects, within any public park, public venue or restricted property, regardless of the means of hunting, whether by the use of a weapon, snare, trap or other instrumentality.
The prohibition on hunting shall not apply to any public official authorized to conduct such hunts, including an animal control warden, official of the Department of Natural Resources, or Town official, when such public official is removing the wild creature for public purposes or to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public. This public official exception does not apply to private individuals who have obtained a hunting license.
Hunting, as prohibited in this section, shall not include fishing or crabbing in any body of water located within or adjacent to a public park or public venue, which shall be regulated by park-specific regulations in subsequent articles, so long as such fishing or crabbing is in accordance with all necessary licenses and state laws.
Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $100.
It shall be unlawful to remove any plant life from any public park, public venue or restricted property. This prohibition on removing plant life shall not apply to any public official authorized to conduct such removals, including an official of the Department of Natural Resources or the Town, when such public official is removing the plant life for public purposes or to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and, upon conviction thereof, is subject to a fine of $100.
[Added 1-16-2020 by Ord. No. O-19-17]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The act of lighting, igniting or generating smoke from a pipe, hookah pipe, cigar, electronic cigarette or a cigarette of any kind, including the use of any product that emits smoke in the form of gases, particles, vapors or other by-products released by electronic cigarettes, tobacco cigarettes, herbal cigarettes, marijuana cigarettes and any other type of cigarette, pipe or other implement for the purpose of inhaling vapors, gases, particles or their by-products released as a result of combustion or ignition.
The heating of nicotine, cannabis or flavored aerosols, the active ingredients in which are vaporized and then released into the air in a fine mist created by a vaporizer device.
Prohibited conduct. Smoking, vaping, and possessing lighted or ignited tobacco, nicotine or marijuana products are prohibited on the following Town properties:
Bayfront Park.
Kellams complex, including the field, playground and all parking areas.
Public boat ramps.
Chesapeake Beach Water Park.
Veterans Park.
Chesapeake Beach boardwalk.
Town Hall.
Pocket parks throughout Town.
Exception. Smoking, vaping and possessing lighted or ignited tobacco, nicotine or marijuana products are permitted inside a vehicle that is parked in a parking lot, provided that the doors and windows of the vehicle are completely closed.
Other laws. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to authorize smoking or vaping in violation of any federal or state law or regulation.
Signs. The Mayor is authorized to post signs on Town property on which smoking and vaping are prohibited by this section, notifying the public of said prohibitions and of the penalties for violations thereof as set forth in Subsection F.
Fines and penalties.
A violation of this section shall be a municipal infraction, punishable by a fine of $50.
A person who enters upon property from which he or she has been banned pursuant to Subsection F(3)(a) or (b) of this section shall be guilty of a separate municipal infraction punishable by a fine of $50.
A violation of this section is declared to be a public nuisance and, in addition to any fine or other punishment imposed pursuant to Subsection F(1) or (2) of this section:
Any person who violates this section shall be subject to ejection from the Town property on which such violation has occurred.
A person who has committed three or more violations of this section may be banned by the Mayor from the Town property or properties on which such violations have occurred for a period of one year if deemed necessary by the Mayor in order adequately to protect the public health, safety and welfare.