Term. Citizen members shall serve two-year terms, except that for
initial appointments, two citizen members shall serve one-year terms
and two citizen members shall serve two-year terms. The citizen members'
terms shall be staggered so as to have two members' terms expire annually.
Meeting. The Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per year
and shall fix its meeting dates and time at the beginning of each
calendar year or as soon as practical. Additional meetings may be
called by the Chairman or by action of the members at a duly called
meeting. All meetings shall be held at the City Hall unless otherwise
designated by the Chairman.
Rules of Order. The Chairperson shall call the meeting to order,
shall preserve order and decorum, decide all questions of order, and
conduct the proceedings of the meeting in accordance with Robert's
Rules of Order, unless otherwise provided by statute or by the rules
stated herein.
Organization. The members of the Avian Committee shall elect a Chairman
from amongst its members. The Avian Committee may elect other officers
necessary or appropriate to aid in the efficient running of the Committee.
Agenda. The Chairperson is responsible for the preparation of the
agenda and shall provide a digital or electronic copy of such agenda
to the City Clerk for posting and distribution to other Committee
members and the public at least 48 hours prior to such meeting. Informational
material for items identified on the agenda shall also be provided
with the agenda when practical.
Submittal of minutes. The acting Secretary shall submit in a timely
fashion a digital copy of the meeting minutes to the City Clerk for
posting and distribution. If action by the City Council is desired,
such action shall be so noted in the minutes.