[Added 6-10-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010]
Each property in the Town of Stanford, and the residents, inhabitants, owners, tenants, guests and invitees of each property, whether access to the same is by a public road, private road, driveway or easement, is required to keep the same maintained, plowed, cleared, and passable at all times. Such requirement includes, but is not limited to, snow and ice removal, culverts, surface, bridges, and grade. This requirement shall apply to any structure or improvement on the property, whether occupied or not. The owner, occupant or caretaker shall clear such access within 24 hours of any accumulation of snow greater than six inches or ice thicker than 1/4 inch. In addition, in any emergency, the Town of Stanford may, but is not obligated to, create such suitable access at the owner's expense, which shall be assessed to the owner as is set forth herein.
In the event that the landowner of the property, through its residents, inhabitants, owners, tenants, guests and invitees, or contractor to maintain such property, fails to keep such property maintained, plowed, cleared, and passable at all times, and an emergency or fire or injury call is made to such property, the landowner shall be responsible for the actual cost to the Town of Stanford, its highway department, emergency staff, or a third-party contractor hired by the Town of Stanford to provide access to the property. The landowner shall be given written notice of the claim, and shall have 30 days to pay the same. If the landowner disputes the claim within 30 days, the Town Board may hold a hearing, or designate a hearing officer to take testimony to report back to the Town Board with a recommendation as to any adjustment of the claim. If the claim is not adjusted, and not paid, after notice to the landowner and the expiration of the 30 days, the Town of Stanford may elect to separately enforce the same, or have the amount added to the landowner's taxes, as part of the assessment.
The Town of Stanford may, in addition to the actual charges as set forth above charged to provide access, impose a fine not to exceed $250 to cover the administrative costs of enforcing this section. If the Town of Stanford elects to commence legal action to enforce any claim hereunder, it shall be entitled to recover from the landowner its costs and expenses of such action, including reasonable attorney's fees as may be awarded by the Court.
Nothing contained herein shall impose any obligation or responsibility on the Town of Stanford to maintain, plow, clear or make passable any access to property for emergency or fire or injury calls, and no liability shall be attributed to the Town of Stanford if the same is not done, or the property is not capable of being accessed. Such requirement includes, but is not limited to, snow and ice removal, culverts, surface, bridges, and the grade or slope of the property or any driveway, access or road to the premises.