The purpose of this article is to protect water quality and
quantity of wetlands and watercourses within the Township, reduce
flood potential and stream bank erosion, provide visual buffers, and
provide for biotic diversity and natural areas through the preservation
of these resources.
The applicant shall identify, delineate, and provide the limits of any wetlands, lakes, ponds, and permanent and intermittent streams on the site and within 100 feet of the site on the conservation plan, in accordance with §
274-6. In addition, the following information shall be provided to the Township Zoning Officer for confirmation:
A. A full wetland report conducted by a qualified wetland biologist,
or other professional of demonstrated qualifications, shall be submitted
to the Township.
B. Certification from such qualified professional that the methods used
correctly reflect currently accepted technical concepts, including
identification and analysis of wetland vegetation, hydric soils, and/or
hydrologic indicators.
C. Determination within the wetland report of whether wetlands are present
on site and a full delineation, area measurement (in square feet),
and a description of any wetlands determined to be present. The study
shall be approved by the Township Board of Supervisors on the recommendation
of the Township Engineer.
D. Where applicable, evidence that the contacts required by §
274-16B have been made.
E. If no wetlands are found on the site, or within 100 feet of the site,
a note shall be added to the preliminary and final plans stating that
"This site has been examined by (name and address with a statement
of submitted qualifications), and no wetlands as defined by the United
States Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical
Report Y-87-1, January 1987, were found to exist."
F. If there is a question as to the accuracy of the wetland delineation
report, the Township may hire a qualified consultant to review the
delineation and recommend revisions at the applicant's expense or
require a jurisdictional determination from the United States Army
Corps of Engineers.