Subdivision. No subdivision shall be undertaken within the jurisdiction defined in Section 16-1-1 of this Code except after approval of a completed application pursuant to this Chapter 16 and then only in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter 16.
Conveyances. No lot, tract, or parcel of land within any proposed subdivision shall be conveyed until such subdivision has been recorded in the Office of the Cook County Recorder pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter 16.
Permits and approvals. No permit, authorization, or approval shall be issued for any work, including any improvements, within any subdivision until the final plat for such subdivision has been recorded in the Office of the Cook County Recorder pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter 16.
Recording. No subdivision shall be filed for record in the office of the Cook County Recorder until the final plat for such subdivision has been approved by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter 16.
All applications for approvals of plats of subdivision shall be reviewed by the Plan Commission and the Board of Trustees in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in Sections 16-4-1, 16-4-2, 16-4-3, 16-4-4, and 16-4-5 of this Code, as applicable, and the following additional general standards:
The subdivision shall comply with all applicable provisions of this Chapter 16, including, without limitation, the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of this Chapter 16;
The subdivision shall be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance;
The subdivision shall not create a nonconforming building, nonconforming use, or nonconforming lot, nor shall the subdivision create, increase, or extend any existing nonconformity;
The subdivision shall accommodate development on a lot that will comply with required setbacks and shall not result in the substantial loss of existing trees or the significant alteration of the existing topography on the lot;
The subdivision shall not substantially modify or threaten the integrity of natural resources, including, without limitation, floodplains, wetlands, mature trees, or the use of public open spaces;
The proposed development of the subdivision shall not result in an increase in the stormwater release rate from the subdivision;
The subdivision shall be served by adequate sewer or water service, electric service, natural gas, and other public or private utilities available within the Village;
The subdivision shall dedicate easements or rights-of-way necessary to provide for current and future extension of public utilities and services;
The existing public street system, and any proposed extension of that system, shall be sufficient to meet the projected traffic demand that will be created by the subdivision;
The design of the proposed street improvements shall meet minimum Village standards and shall not exceed Village standards in a manner that threatens the health, safety, or welfare, such as by inducing excessive speed of travel or modifying traffic patterns in a manner inconsistent with street design capabilities, or by unnecessarily displacing pervious open spaces;
The subdivision shall extend, or shall not inhibit the extension of, the existing Village street system, and shall recognize the interconnection of adjacent neighborhoods;
The subdivision shall provide appropriate access and turning movements for vehicles, and the proposed access shall not be so large so as to be inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood surrounding the subdivision; and
The development of the subdivision shall be accomplished in a manner that does not unduly disrupt or damage public services or facilities.
The Village Director of Community Development shall have administrative responsibility for implementing the provisions of this Chapter 16. To this end, the Director of Community Development may develop forms, practices, and procedures consistent with the terms set forth in this Chapter 16.