No person shall operate, engage, hold, conduct or display any amusement or entertainment unless a license is obtained therefor as provided in Article I for any of the following public amusements:
Circuses or similar performances.
Public dance halls, skating rinks and bowling alleys.
Public shooting and driving ranges.
Common shows.
Public motion-picture shows.
Any person who operates, exhibits, conducts or presents a circus, rodeo or exhibition of horsemanship, animal show or carnival shall be deemed to be the operator of a circus or similar performance.
No license shall be granted to a person under this section unless the place in which the circus, rodeo or exhibition of horsemanship, animal show or carnival is presented or located has suitable and safe means of ingress and egress in case of panic or fire.
Any person who operates a dance hall, a skating rink or a bowling alley for money or hire shall be deemed to be the operator of a public dance hall, skating rink or bowling alley.
No license shall be granted to a person under this section unless the place in which the dance hall, skating rink or bowling alley is located has suitable and safe means of ingress and egress in case of panic or fire and complies with all the provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Any person who operates, exhibits, conducts or presents any theatrical exhibition, concert, carousel, Ferris wheel or any other show, entertainment, exhibit or performance of like character or of a similar nature shall be deemed to be the operator of a common show.
No license shall be granted to a person under this section unless the place in which the show, entertainment, exhibition or performance is shown or located has suitable and safe means of ingress and egress in case of panic or fire and complies with all provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Any person who shows or presents for money or hire any exhibition or performance commonly known as a "motion-picture show," either with or without other entertainment, shall be deemed to be conducting a public motion-picture show.
No license shall be granted to a person under this section unless the place in which such motion picture is shown or presented has suitable and safe means of ingress and egress in case of panic or fire and complies with all provisions of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Commercial activities. No person shall distribute handbills, circulars, advertising media or any type of commercial printed material in or through the streets of the Village or from house to house without a license as provided in Article I of this chapter.
Exceptions. This section shall not apply to religious or political pamphlets or material or the distribution of printed material by any person exercising his or her constitutional right of freedom of speech.