No owner or harborer of a dog shall permit or allow such dog to urinate, defecate or commit any other nuisances or damage to public property in any park, public building, street, parking lot, alley or sidewalk or on any private property of another without the consent of such owner.
No owner or harborer of a dog or person having charge or custody of a dog shall permit such dog to habitually and in a prolonged manner bark, whine or howl so as to disturb the quiet of the neighborhood.
No owner, harborer or person having care, custody or charge of any dog shall permit such dog to be abandoned or kept under cruel or unsanitary conditions.
The owner or person having care, custody or charge or harboring any such dog who violates or permits the violation of any provision of this Article shall be deemed to have committed an offense against this Part 2 and shall be liable for any such violation or penalty therefor.