NOTE: Standards apply to new construction and expansion of existing uses only.
The Lincoln Avenue Overlay District is established to provide specific development standards and guidelines for retail, office, multifamily residential, and mixed land uses within its boundaries. The corridor's existing environment consists of auto-oriented land uses, primarily offices and banks. In an effort to enhance the relationship between the surrounding residential neighborhoods with the rest of Lincoln Avenue, new development within the overlay district shall be pedestrian-oriented, providing for a mix of uses. The overlay district is divided into mixed use centers or hubs, which represent the corridors principal commercial centers, and areas designated for residential redevelopment. Each section contains a unique set of standards and design guidelines that have been prepared to help developers and Village officials implement the vision contained in the Lincoln Avenue Corridor Plan as amended. The successful implementation of this section and standards will establish the corridor's unique image as a distinct and inviting place to live, work, and shop.
The Lincoln Avenue Overlay District is established to:
Create a high-quality environment with an inviting, pedestrian-friendly image that offers its own sense of place and a feeling of security.
Promote an attractive, recognizable, mixed-use corridor with outdoor gathering places that fosters a sense of civic pride.
Improve the existing streetscape design, site enhancements, and parking locations to foster an attractive, walkable, human-scaled community.
The Lincoln Avenue Overlay District shall be established on the aerial map of the Village of Lincolnwood as illustrated in Figure 1 on the following page.[1]
Editor's Note: Figure 1 (Figure 8.09.01), Lincoln Avenue Overlay District, is included at the end of this chapter.
The following standards and guidelines shall be applicable to all new buildings and developments within the Lincoln Avenue Overlay District's Boundaries:
Building Orientation
Main pedestrian access shall be oriented along the public street.
Buildings shall be oriented parallel to the street frontage. (NOTE: On an exceptional basis the Village may approve buildings with angled building facades.)
015 Figure 8.10_1.tif
Building Proportions
Match or transition building proportions between existing adjacent buildings.
Maintain ground level pedestrian scale with traditional residential facade components and proportions.
015 Figure 8.10_2.tif
Permitted and special uses within the Lincoln Avenue Overlay District shall be the same as the underlying zoning. Refer to Table 4.01.1 or Article IV of this Zoning Ordinance.
Design Consistency
Buildings that are located within close proximity of each other shall compliment each other via architectural elements, materials, color, etc.
015 Figure 8.10_3.tif
Blank Walls
Blank walls along sidewalks shall be avoided or minimized. To accomplish this main entrances shall be oriented towards the main street with facade windows and design elements at ground level.
015 Figure 8.10_4.tif
Off-street parking shall be located toward the rear of the property. All new buildings and development must comply with the parking requirements of Article VII of this Zoning Ordinance.
015 Figure 8.10_5.tif
Intersections of Touhy\Lincoln Avenues (Note: Standards apply to new constructor are expansion of existing uses).
Building Siting
Buildings on Touhy Avenue: A build-to-line of 15 feet or more is required to buffer pedestrians from the high traffic volume on Touhy
Buildings on Lincoln Avenue A build-to-line of 5 feet is required to provide a pedestrian-oriented window shopping environment with retail establishments located near the sidewalk.
Height Requirements
5 stories or 65 feet maximum height.
2 stories allowed above third story provided there is a 10 feet setback above the 3rd floor.
Use Configuration
Ground floor limited to retail and other nonresidential uses including restaurants, boutique hotels, and family entertainment venues, which encourage pedestrian activity and congregation. (NOTE: Refer to Article IV, Table 4.01.1, B-3 District for permitted and special uses.)
Land Use Plan
015 Figure 8.11_T.tif
015 Figure 8.11_B.tif
Intersection of Lincoln-Pratt-Crawford (Note: Standards apply to new construction and development only.) intersection of Devon-Lincoln:
Building Siting
A maximum build-to-line of five feet from the public right-of-way is required to locate buildings close to public sidewalks.
Height Requirements
3 stories or 38 feet maximum height.
Use Configuration
Ground floor limited to retail and other nonresidential uses that encourage pedestrian activity and shopping, for example book stores, bistros, coffee shops, restaurants, and dry cleaners, etc. For a list of all permitted and special uses refer to Table 4.01.1 of Article IV of the Village Zoning Regulations.
Upper floor(s) Lincoln-Pratt-Crawford: Limited to residential, retail or office uses.
Devon-Lincoln Hub: Permitted uses: Nonresidential retail or office uses. Special use: multifamily residential dwellings (NOTE: Refer to Table 4.01.1 of Article IV of the Village Zoning Regulations for a complete list.)
Build-to-Line: Lincoln-Pratt-Crawford and Devon-Lincoln Avenue
015 Figure 8.12_1.tif
015 Figure 8.12_2.tif
015 Figure 8.12_3.tif
(NOTE: Standards apply to new construction and development only.)
Building Siting
A build-to-line of 10 feet from the public right-of-way is required along with a wrought iron fence, no more than 4 feet tall, located 5 feet from the public right-of-way.
A hedgerow should be placed behind the fence on the building side.
Building Types
Residential uses allowed in these areas shall be three flats, townhouses and/or condominium buildings.
Driveways and Access
Residential buildings shall not have garages or driveways with direct vehicular access to Lincoln Avenue
Units at the rear of the property shall not face the front door of adjacent homes.
Individual residential units shall be pedestrian accessible from the front street side.
Height Requirements
3 stories or 38 feet maximum height.
Use Configuration
Ground floor. In addition to permitted B-1 Uses, multifamily or townhomes shall be permitted on the ground floor within the boundary of the Business/Residential Transition Area, but only upon issuance of a special use permit threrefor. (See Table 4.01.1.)
[Amended 1-20-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-3140]
Commercial uses shall be permitted only on the ground floor and shall not exceed 2,500 square feet in gross floor area. (See Section C of Article IV for additional restrictions on commercial uses.)
Upper floor residential uses are only allowed upon isssunce of a special use permit therefor, and only to the extent set forth in Table 4.01.1 of this Zoning Ordinance.
[Added 1-20-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-3140]
Build-to-Line: Business/Residential Transition
015 Figure 8.13_1.tif
015 Figure 8.13_2.tif
015 Figure 8.13_3.tif
(Note: Standards apply to new construction and development only.)
Building Siting
A maximum build-to-line or 5 from the public right-of-way is required to locate buildings close to public sidewalks.
Height Requirements
3 stories or 38 feet maximum height.
Use Configuration
Ground floor limited to retail and other nonresidential business uses that encourage pedestrian activity and access to shopping and services. For a list of permitted and special uses refer to Table 4.01.1 of Article IV of the Village Zoning Ordinance.
Upper floor limited to retail, other nonresidential business and office uses. Residential uses are not permitted on the upper floors in the Business Transition Area
Build-to-Line: Business Transition Area
015 Figure 8.14_1.tif
015 Figure 8.14_2.tif
Parking requirements vehicle and pedestrian circulation shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Village Zoning Ordinance. Within the Lincoln Avenue Overlay District the following additional standards shall apply:
Off-street parking in the front of buildings for any future development along Lincoln Avenue shall be prohibited except as may be allowed by the Village Board. Instead, off-street parking shall be located toward the rear of the property.
Buffering and/or screening of business properties from adjoining residential properties is required for all new developments. For screening and parking lot setback requirements refer to Articles VI and VII.
Expansion and/or change in use of existing buildings with front yard parking must provide screening materials with either landscaping or a short screen wall along the public sidewalk to reduce the visibility of parking variations to this requirement must be approved by the Village Board (Figures: A and B below).
On-street parking lanes in the public right-of-way shall be incorporated into a new sidewalk system with bump-outs for both new and existing uses. Instituting traffic calming measures in addition to the parking bump-outs are encouraged to increase safety (Figure C below).
Residential buildings shall not have garages or driveways with direct vehicular access to Lincoln Avenue.
When possible, it is preferable that sidewalks and other pedestrian paved areas located in front of or adjacent to principle building facades incorporate decorative brick or stone paving.
Landscaped areas, including landscaped parking islands and medians, shall be separated from vehicular and pedestrian encroachment by curbs and raised planting surfaces.
015 Figure 8.15_C.tif
Figure C - Thoroughfare Standards for Lincoln Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Guideline
015 Figure 8.15_A.tif
Figure A - Plan view of Sample Parking Area Screening for Infill
015 Figure 8.15_B.tif
Figure B - Cross Section Examples of Screening for Infill Development
Blank, uninterrupted facades and street facing elevations shall be prohibited. Building facades and elevations facing a public street shall articulate the line between the ground and upper levels with a cornice, balcony, arcade, or other feature. Facades and street facing elevations shall incorporate such elements as projections, recesses, and offsets in order to divide flat expanses of buildings.
Facade Windows
For mixed-use, commercial, office, and retail buildings, the front elevation shall provide a minimum of 60% window transparency at ground level. Side elevations shall provide at least 30% transparency. If the building has a second story, upper floor windows are required. Transparency on other elevations is optional. Transparency is measured in a linear manner, for example a one-hundred-foot long building shall have at lest 60 feet in length of windows.
Corner Towers
To accentuate buildings located at major intersections and corners, tower or turret features shall be incorporated into the building design. Corner towers may exceed the maximum height indicated.
Outdoor Seating
Commercial and mixed-use buildings that allow outdoor seating must allow a 5-foot setback from the normal build-to-line for those building portions that house cafes, restaurants, and other such uses. Recesses created by this additional setback must have a minimum width of 10 feet (Figure A).
015 Figure 8.16_1.tif
015 Figure 8.16_2 L.tif 015 Figure 8.16_2 R.tif
015 Figure 8.16_A.tif
[Amended 6-17-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3106]
Building Details
Pedestrian-scale elements shall be included in the facade or any building elevation fronting a public right-of-way other than an alley. Examples or such pedestrian-scale elements are: decorative lighting, planters, and awnings.
Building Mechanicals
Mechanical units shall be hidden from views from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties; HVAC duct work shall not be placed on the exterior of walls.
Awnings are encouraged.
Shutters, it used, shall be sized and mounted appropriately for the window, and shall be operable.
Roofs visible from the street shall be earth tones (e.g., browns, dark green sand, red-brown).
Permitted Overhangs
Balconies and oriels may extend over sidewalk or right-of-way by 12 inches.
Turrets and eaves may extend over sidewalk by 24 inches.
Building Materials
015 Figure 8.17_1.tif
015 Figure 8.17_2.tif
015 Figure 8.17_3.tif
015 Figure 8.17_4 L.tif 015 Figure 8.17_4 R.tif