It shall be unlawful for any owner of any vehicle to permit the same to be operated as a taxicab, limousine, private livery car or private livery van upon the streets, highways, avenues or public places located within the Village of Mineola without having first obtained and having then in force an owner's license therefor as hereinafter provided. The fact that a vehicle is being operated as a taxicab, limousine, private livery car or private livery van shall be presumptive evidence that it is being operated by permission of the owner.
All provisions of this article which apply to taxicabs, limousines and private livery vans shall also apply to private livery cars.
Each owner is strictly liable for the operation of the vehicle.
[Amended 1-19-2000 by L.L. No. 17-2000]
Every owner's license issued hereunder shall be issued as of the first day of August or subsequent date of issue and shall expire on the 31st day of July next succeeding such date, unless sooner revoked by the Taxi Commission.
Every person applying for an owner's license shall file with the Village Clerk a written application upon forms to be furnished by the Taxi Commission, verified under oath, stating:
The name and address of the applicant, specifying, in the case of any unincorporated association, the names and addresses of each member thereof, and in the case of any corporation, the names and addresses of each officer, director and shareholder thereof.
A complete statement by the applicant, specifying the amounts of all unpaid judgments against the applicant and the nature of the transaction or acts giving rise to said judgments and the name and location of the court in which, and the date on which, each was entered.
All misdemeanors or felonies of which the applicant and any member thereof, if an unincorporated association, and any officer, director and shareholder thereof, if a corporation, has been convicted, stating the name and location of the court in which, and the date on which, such convictions were rendered and the sentence imposed therefor.
The experience in the transportation of passengers of the applicant and each member thereof if an unincorporated association and each officer, director and stockholder thereof if a corporation.
A statement by the applicant establishing that the public convenience and necessity require the granting of a license.
If such application shall contain a trade name under which the business is operated, a certified copy of the certificate thereof on file with the County Clerk.
The number of vehicles to be operated by the applicant and a description of each such vehicle, including the make, model, passenger seating capacity, year of manufacture, copies of a current New York State registration of a type which permits the use of the vehicle as a taxicab, limousine or private livery van, vehicle identification number and, if it has ever been in any accident, the date and nature of the accident and a description of the damage done to such vehicle.
The age and citizenship of the applicant and each member thereof if an unincorporated association and each officer, director and shareholder thereof if a corporation.
The location of any and all taxi stands proposed to be established by the applicant and terminals proposed to be used by the applicant.
In the case of a license for private livery cars, a certification of affiliation with a base which is licensed pursuant to this chapter.
Any other relevant information which the Village Clerk may require.
The applicant shall be fingerprinted under the direction and supervision of the Taxi Commission, including, where required by the Taxi Commission, all members (including all dispatchers employed by the company), directors and shareholders. The prevailing fee, as determined by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, for the processing of said fingerprints shall be charged and collected by the Nassau County Police Department at the time the fingerprints are taken. The requirements of this subsection may be waived at the discretion of the Taxi Commission upon the showing of facts warranting the waiving thereof.
Upon the receipt of any application for an owner's license, the Taxi Commission shall refer the same to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services for such investigation and report as it shall deem necessary or desirable.
If the Taxi Commission shall find that further taxicab, limousine or private livery van service in the Village, and particularly in the area in which the applicant proposes to operate, is required by and will serve the public convenience and necessity, the Taxi Commission, upon certification of each vehicle proposed to be operated by the applicant pursuant to § 475-11, shall issue a vehicle license, which shall state the number of the license assigned to each owner. The Taxi Commission shall issue, for each vehicle licensed as a taxicab, a license card bearing the words "licensed taxicab," an assigned number and the date of expiration of such license, together with a license medallion, bearing a like number and the words "licensed taxicab," which shall be affixed to the vehicle by the Taxi Commission.
Before making any finding as to whether public convenience and necessity justify the issuance of an owner's license, the Taxi Commission shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Mineola a notice stating that an application has been made for the licensing of a vehicle or vehicles as taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans, the number of vehicles for which such application has been made and a statement that written comments as to whether public convenience and necessity require the licensing of such vehicles may be filed with the Village of Mineola on or before the date fixed therein, which date must be not less than eight days after the date of such publication. Any comments so filed must be considered by the Taxi Commission in making its findings as to public convenience and necessity.
In making the findings required by § 475-9 with respect to public convenience and necessity, the Taxi Commission shall take into consideration the number of taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans, as the case may be, already in operation in the Village, particularly in the area in which the applicant proposes to locate his stands and terminals; whether existing transportation is adequate to meet the public need; the probable effect of additional taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans on local traffic conditions; the qualifications, character, experience and responsibility of the applicant; and the adequacy of the service which the applicant proposes to give.
Each vehicle operated upon the streets of the Village as a taxicab, limousine or private livery van shall be kept clean, sanitary, fit and of good appearance and in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers.
The Taxi Commission may establish reasonable rules and regulations for the inspection of taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans operated upon the streets of the Village, including, but not limited to, inspections performed at any time under the direction and supervision of or by an official of the Village of Mineola.
If, following an inspection conducted as described in Subsection B, the inspector shall determine that said vehicle requires an additional New York State motor vehicle inspection, the owner will, within five days of the date of such determination by the inspector, be required to submit a certificate of inspection from an authorized state inspection station that the vehicle meets state safety requirements.
Before a license may be issued for taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans, the applicant shall submit a certificate showing that the motor vehicle has been inspected and approved by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
In addition to the requirements of Subsection C, where the applicant is a corporation which commingles taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans and minibuses or where the applicant makes application to operate only private livery vans in the Village of Mineola, the applicant shall submit a certificate showing that each private livery van has been inspected and approved by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Every owner licensed under this article who shall desire to add to or substitute the number of taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans he is then operating, regardless of whether such additional or substitute vehicles are currently or have been licensed by the Village of Mineola, shall file with the Taxi Commission a written application under oath stating:
The name and address of the applicant.
The applicant's owner's license number.
In the case of an addition, any facts which the applicant believes tend to prove that the public convenience and necessity require such addition.
A description of each such additional or substitute vehicle, including the make, model, passenger seating capacity, year of manufacture, copies of a current New York State registration of a type which permits the use of the vehicle as a taxicab, limousine or private livery van, vehicle identification number and, if it has ever been involved in any accident, the date and nature of the accident and a description of the damage done to such vehicle.
In the case of an addition, the Taxi Commission shall process such application in accordance with the requirements of § 475-9. In the case of a substitution, the Taxi Commission shall issue such license upon fulfillment of the requirements of § 475-11.
The Taxi Commission may, in its discretion, before the issuance of a license under this article, require the applicant and any other person having knowledge of the facts to submit to an examination under oath and to produce evidence relating thereto or hold a hearing upon such application as hereinafter provided with respect to any information or data relevant to the application. The costs of such examination or hearing shall be paid by the applicant.
Prior to the expiration date thereof, any license issued under this article may be renewed for an additional period of one year from the date of expiration upon the filing of an application containing all the information required by § 475-7, except the requirements of § 475-7A(4), (5), (6) and (9), and the renewal license shall be issued by the Taxi Commission in accordance with the provisions of §§ 475-9, 475-10, 475-11 and 475-15.
Any license not renewed prior to the expiration date thereof shall be deemed expired and null and void, except for good cause shown. The Taxi Commission may accept renewal applications within 30 days after the expiration date thereof.
Each applicant shall, before the issuance to him of a license under this chapter or any renewal thereof, file with the Taxi Commission a certificate of insurance that the applicant and each motor vehicle is insured against public liability in at least the minimum limits required by the laws of the State of New York for personal injury and property damage, which insurance shall be maintained in force during the period covered by the license. Such certificate and insurance policy shall provide that the Village of Mineola shall be given 30 days' prior written notice of cancellation. Such policy shall not be canceled or suspended either by the insured or the insurer unless at least 30 days' notice, in writing, of the intention to cancel or suspend such policy has been filed with the Taxi Commission, and, upon suspension or cancellation of insurance, the license of said operator shall stand suspended until such time as an acceptable policy or certification of insurance shall be on file with the Taxi Commission.
[Amended 1-19-2000 by L.L. No. 18-2000]
The owner's license issued hereunder shall not be transferable. Additionally, no transfer of stock within a corporation or no change in partners in a partnership may take place without disclosure to the Taxi Commission and approval of the business changes.
The owner of more than one taxicab, limousine or private livery van licensed by the Village of Mineola shall have a terminal within the Village of Mineola for the off-street parking of such vehicles when not actively in operation. That terminal shall be registered by the owner with the Taxi Commission, and the owner shall notify the Taxi Commission of any change in terminal. Such terminal shall be of sufficient size to accommodate all taxicabs, limousines or private livery vans assigned to such terminal. In the case of private livery cars, a required terminal may be the base with which the cars are affiliated and from which they are dispatched, provided that the requirements of this section are otherwise met.