The purpose of this article is to aid in the prevention of sanitary
sewer blockages, backups and obstructions from contributions and accumulation
of fats, oils, and greases into the sanitary sewer system from industrial
or commercial establishments, particularly food preparation and serving
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Organic polar compounds derived from animal and/or plant
sources that contain multiple carbon chain triglyceride molecules.
These substances are detectable and measurable using analytical test
procedures established in the United States Code of Federal Regulations,
40 CFR 136, as may be amended from time to time. All are sometimes
referred to herein as "grease" or "greases."
A device for separating and retaining waterborne greases
and grease complexes prior to the wastewater exiting the trap and
entering the sanitary sewer collection and treatment system. These
devices also serve to collect settable solids, generated by and from
food preparation activities, prior to the water exiting the trap and
entering the sanitary sewer collection and treatment system.
Any person who contributes, causes or permits the contribution
or discharge of wastewater into sewers within the Borough's boundaries,
including persons who contribute such wastewater from mobile sources,
such as those who discharge hauled wastewater.
All existing, proposed, or newly remodeled food service facilities
inside the Borough of East Rutherford shall be required to install,
at the user's expense, an approved, properly operated and maintained
grease trap or acceptable grease recovery system.
Access to grease traps shall be available during normal Borough
business hours to allow for their maintenance and inspection by the
Plumbing Subcode Official, Borough representative or Health Inspector.
Access includes the ability to open the trap, if the Plumbing Subcode
Official, Borough representative or Health Inspector require access.
Should an emergency situation arise, the access must be provided to
the Plumbing Subcode Official, Borough representative or Health Inspector.
The Plumbing Subcode Official, Borough representative or Health
Inspector will perform periodic inspections of these facilities and
shall notify the user of any additional required maintenance or repairs.
Upon written notification by the Plumbing Subcode Official, Borough
representative or Health Inspector, the user shall be required to
perform the maintenance and records of said maintenance within 14
calendar days. Upon inspection by the Plumbing Subcode Official, Borough
representative or Health Inspector, the user may be required to install,
at his expense, additional controls to provide a complete system which
prevents discharges of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection
Any biological additive(s) placed into the grease trap or building
discharge line including, but not limited to, enzymes, commercially
available bacteria, or other additives designed to absorb, purge,
consume, treat, or otherwise eliminate fats, oils, and grease shall
in no way be considered as a substitution to the maintenance procedures
required herein.
The remedies provided for in this article are not mutually exclusive.
The Plumbing Subcode Official, Borough representative or Health Inspector
may take any, all, or any combination of these actions against a noncompliant