[Adopted 7-13-2011 by Ord. No. 09-2011]
There is hereby created an advisory committee, which shall be known as the "Advisory Committee on Sustainable Practices," hereinafter also called the "Green Team."
The members of the Green Team, including nonvoting members, shall receive no compensation for their services as members thereof, but may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary appropriations made available therefor, but only upon request to and approval by the Borough Council. The governing body may also, in its discretion, allow the employment of clerical assistance for the Green Team and annually appropriate funds for compensation and/or reimbursement of expenses for said clerical assistance (if so assigned by the governing body).
The powers and duties of the Green Team shall be to:
Collaborate with Borough employees, service providers and other governmental agencies to share resource information and ideas consistent with the purpose of the Green Team.
Encourage participation of all employees to solicit ideas on green initiatives.
Research and analyze green initiatives which make practical and environmental and financial sense.
Make all information of the Green Team available to the public.
Advise the Borough Council on matters affecting green initiatives.
Develop strategies for sustainable green initiatives in municipal operations.
Seek to coordinate, assist, and unify the efforts of private groups, institutions, and individuals within the Borough of Eatontown in accord with the purposes of this article.
Maintain a liaison and communication with the public, private agencies and organizations of local, state, and national scope, whose programs and activities have an impact on green initiatives.
Carry out other such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Borough Council.
Serve as an advisory committee to the Borough Council concerning recommendations concerning green initiatives and review upon request by the Borough Council plans and recommendations that are suggested by the Borough Council towards green initiatives.
The Green Team shall consist of seven regular voting members, three alternative members at large who shall only vote where a voting member is not present at a time of a vote but shall be the first to replace a voting member as a result of a vacancy by order of their appointment; and three nonvoting members consisting of the Council liaison appointed with the consent of Council by the Mayor, Director of the Department of Public Works and the Borough Administrator. Of the seven regular voting members, one shall be a member of the Environmental Commission, one shall be a member of the EEDAC, one shall be a member of the Board of Education and the remaining members shall be interested individuals in green initiative activities. All voting members must live in the Borough of Eatontown and continue to live in the Borough of Eatontown while a member. The exception shall be that one voting member may be a nonresident if said member has a business interest within the Borough of Eatontown. On the initial appointments to the Green Team, four voting members shall have a term of four years each, the Environmental Commission member, the EEDAC member and the Board of Education member shall each have a one-year term, and the three alternate members at large shall have terms as follows: Alternate 1: two years; Alternate 2: two years and Alternate 3: one year. The nonvoting Council liaison, Director of Public Works and Business Administrator shall serve for a one-year term.
The Green Team shall be encouraged to seek participation of other residents of the Borough in all activities.
The Green Team may create and disband subcommittees as they deem appropriate or as requested by the Borough Council.
The Green Team, at its annual meeting or reorganization meeting, shall designate a Chairperson, who shall serve for a term of one year. The Green Team may reelect the same individual as Chairperson on an annual basis. At any annual meeting of the Green Team, its members shall elect, from among themselves, all officers of the Green Team and establish rules and procedures for its members to follow.
The Green Team shall keep accurate minutes of its meetings and activities and shall file an annual report with the Borough Council. The annual report shall cover the activities and work of the Green Team and include recommendation as may be necessary to fulfill the purposes of this article. Approved minutes of meetings shall be filed with the Borough Clerk.
This article shall be deemed an exercise of the powers of the Borough Council to establish a committee with the responsibility to research potential sustainable practices, including but not limited to, renewable energy, energy conservation, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, cost savings and other environmentally beneficial practices. The Green Team will also promote sustainable practices to the community at large.