Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.
Moving buildings, § 6-266 et seq.
Miscellaneous offenses and provisions, ch. 14.
Park rules, § 17-21 et seq.
Definitions generally, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 100 et seq.
Traffic infraction, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 155.
Traffic regulations generally, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1100 et seq.
Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1104.
Traffic signs, signals and markings, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1110 et seq.
Authority to prohibit turns on red, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1111(d)(2).
Driving on one-way roadways, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1127(a).
Entering stop or yield intersections, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1142
Vehicle entering stop intersection, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1142(a).
Vehicle entering yield intersection, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1142(b).
Stop and yield signs, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1172
Stop signs, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1172(a)
Yield signs, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1172(b).
Speed restrictions, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1180 et seq.
Stopping, standing and parking generally, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1200 et seq.
Handicapped parking, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1203-a et seq.
Powers of cities relative to traffic, Vehicle and Traffic Law §§ 1600, 1640 et seq.
Direction of traffic by police, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1602.
Power of city to designate intersections as yield intersections, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(1).
Authority to designate one-way streets, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(4)
Authority to regulate stopping, standing and parking, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(6)
Power of city to establish a system of truck routes, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(10).
Power of city to regulate traffic by means of traffic control signals. Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(11).
Power of city to license, regulate or prohibit processions, assemblages or parades, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(12).
Power of city to prohibit or regulate the operations, etc., of vehicles in public parks, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1640(a)(13).
Power of city to authorize angle parking on any roadway, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1641(2).
Speed limits on highways in cities, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1643
Special speed limits on bridges and other elevated structures in cities, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1644.
Traffic control devices, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1680 et seq.
When signs, etc., required, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1683.
Signs required, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1683(a)(6).
Signs required, Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1683(a)(8).