[Code 1971, § 30-25]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Any person who drives a taxicab, whether such person is the owner of such vehicle or employed by the owner.
Permission granted by the city to the person holding such license to operate and drive upon the streets of such city any licensed taxicab.
Any person owning or having control of the use of a taxicab used for hire upon the streets of the city.
Any motor vehicle engaged in the business of carrying people for hire, including livery vehicles as defined in Section 121-e of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, excluding a sightseeing car, whether such vehicle is operated from a street stand or subject to calls from a garage, home, or office.
[Amended 5-23-2023 by Res. No. 47-23]
Permission granted to the holder of such license by the city to keep and use for hire a taxicab in such city.
Any place in any public street which is designated and exclusively reserved for the use of taxicabs.
[Code 1971, § 30-26]
Vehicles operated as part of the bus transportation system or operating with permission of the Interstate Commerce Commission, ambulances, vehicles used by undertakers in the conduct of their business, and vehicles rented for the purpose of being driven by the person renting such vehicle shall be exempt from the provisions of this article.
[Code 1971, § 30-82]
Any owner who operates or permits the operation of a taxicab which is not licensed or equipped in accordance with the provisions of this article, who operates or permits the operation of such a vehicle the license of which has been suspended or revoked, or who otherwise violates any provision or requirement of this article shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided in section 1-8.
[Code 1971, § 30-83]
In addition to the fine or imprisonment, or both, provided for in this article, any licensee shall be subject to the suspension or revocation of his license upon conviction for a violation. The chief of police may, at his discretion, suspend a license granted under the provisions of this article pending the determination of a charge for violation against any holder of such a license.
[Code 1971, § 30-76]
No person owning or driving a taxicab shall deceive any passenger who may ride or who may desire to ride in any such vehicle as to his destination by the shortest route, the lawful price to be charged for such ride, convey such passengers to a place other than that directed by them, or in any other way than by the shortest route.
[Code 1971, § 30-74]
No taxicab, while waiting employment by passengers, shall stand on any public street or place, at a parking place controlled by a parking meter, or at any place other than at or upon a public taxicab stand, designated and established in accordance with this article. However, the owner of such vehicle may use parking places controlled by parking meters at such times as such vehicle is being used for his own private and personal purposes, provided that at such times there shall be displayed a large legible sign on the windshield of such vehicle reading "This Car Not For Hire." Nor shall any driver of a taxicab seek employment by repeatedly and persistently driving his vehicle up and down the street adjoining any theater, hall, hotel, public gathering place, railway, or bus station, or interfere with the proper access to or egress from such places, but any driver may solicit employment by driving through any public street or place without stops other than those necessary by reason of traffic or traffic control, and at such speed so as not to interfere with or impede traffic.
[Code 1971, § 30-75]
Every driver of a taxicab shall take to the nearest police station and leave with the officer in charge any property lost or left in his vehicle, and such police officer shall issue to the driver a receipt therefor. Such articles shall be held at police headquarters, unless sooner claimed by the owner thereof, for a period of six months. If no claim is made by the owner within that period, such articles shall be returned to the driver upon presentation of the original receipt.