It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the retail sale or display of goods, wares, merchandise, services, produce, or prepared foods and for the purpose of conducting said business, travel by foot, wagon, vehicle or any other conveyance from street to street, carrying or conveying, or transporting goods, wares, or merchandise, and offering them for sale, or without traveling from place to place, exhibit, display, sell, offer to sell or perform services to be delivered immediately and occupy any lot, building, room, or structure of any kind within the City for a period of six months or less, without having first obtained a license and paid the license fee, as hereinafter provided.
The license provided in this division shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other consent or permit as may be otherwise required by law.
This section shall not apply to any established place of business in the City that vends on any sidewalk abutting the established place of business, with the consent by resolution of the Common Council, and shall not be considered a vendor for the purpose of this article.
An application for a license pursuant to this division shall be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the start date requested for the license.
The application shall be in a form prescribed by the City Clerk and shall contain the information as set forth in Section 13-248 above.
Notwithstanding Section 13-256 above, all vendors must file an application with the City Clerk; however, there shall be no fee charged for the issuance of a license for anyone engaging in carrying on or conducting business as a vendor for the benefit of a not-for-profit or other qualified charitable organization.
The license fee for engaging in carrying on or conducting business as a vendor shall be as specified below, payable in advance for each day such business shall continue. Such license fee shall be $7.50.