[1971 Charter Laws, § 264; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 1]
There is hereby established a scale of rents pursuant to General Municipal Law art. 14-F [§ 450 et seq.], such rents to be called "sewer rents."
[1971 Charter Laws, § 265; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 2]
Sewer rents are hereby levied and assessed against every lot, parcel of land, building, or premises now or hereafter having any connection with the sewer system of the city or otherwise discharging domestic sewage, commercial, institutional, and industrial waste, water, or other liquids either directly or indirectly into the sanitary sewer system of such city. Sewer rents shall be based on the metered consumption of water to the premises connected with and served by the sewer system or any part or parts thereof. The revenue from sewer rents shall be used for the payment of costs of operation, maintenance, and repairs of the sewer system or such part or parts thereof for which sewer rents have been established and imposed; the interest on and amortization of, or payment of, indebtedness which has been or shall be incurred for the construction of the sewer system; or such part or parts thereof for which sewer rents have been established and imposed, other than indebtedness, and the interest thereon, which is to be paid in the first instance from assessments upon benefited real property; for the construction of sewage treatment and disposal works with necessary appurtenances including pumping stations; or for the extension, enlargement, or replacement of, or additions to, such sewer systems, or part or parts thereof.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 266; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 3]
In addition to any and all fees and charges provided by law, the owner of any parcel of real property within the city limits connected with the sewer system of the city shall pay a sewer rent for the use of such sewer system based upon the metered consumption of water to the premises in an amount to be fixed and determined from time to time by the common council of the city by ordinance. For the purpose of determining the charge to be rendered, premises using the sewerage system whereon the water used is derived in whole or in part from sources independent of the city, the water used thereon supplied from private sources, shall be measured by a city water meter or by a meter acceptable to the water department, to be installed and maintained by the owner or occupant thereof, at his own cost and subject to supervision and inspection by the water department. The sewer rental charged against such property shall be determined by the metered consumption of water used on the premises regardless of the source from which supplied. Such charge shall be at the rate established by ordinance and shall be the same rate that the classification of the premises warrants. Whenever the owner or occupant fails to install such meter and in cases where the water department finds it impractical to insist upon a special meter, the water department may accept the report of the property owner as to the amount of water used on the premises, or the water department may fix and determine the amount ordinarily consumed upon the premises by such method as it may find practicable in the light of the conditions and attendant circumstances of the case in order to determine the sewer rental charge, all in accordance with corresponding rates assessed against other similar property.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 267; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 4]
In the case of premises whereon the water used is supplied by the city through its department of public works, the sewer rental charge provided in this division shall be added to the water bills rendered to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property and shall be paid at the time the water bill is payable at the office of the city clerk. The bill shall be collected with and addition to the water charge for water service, and no part of the charge for water service shall be accepted without including therewith the sewer rental charge. Such sewer rental charge shall be subject to the same penalty provided for delinquent water bills, and it is hereby made the duty of the city clerk to collect such penalty for failure to pay the sewer rental charge when due. In cases of premises whereon water used is not supplied by the city, the department of public works will render quarterly to the owners, lessees, or occupants of such property, bills for the amount of the sewer rental charged as set forth in this division. If such charge is not paid when due, it shall be subject to the same penalty as is provided for delinquent water bills, and the city clerk is hereby required to collect such penalty. If the said bills for sewer rentals rendered for premises whereon water is not supplied by the city is not paid within 30 days after the rendering thereof, the department of public works shall certify the same, together with such penalty and such bills shall be collected, and the collection thereof enforced in the same manner in all respects as city taxes. They shall be added to the taxes subject to like penalty, costs, and interest charges. If the sewer rental bill remains unpaid for a period exceeding 30 days after the rendering thereof, city water service shall be terminated to the premises and service shall not be restored to the premises until all sewer taxes together with interest and penalty thereon together with additional removal and installation costs are fully paid.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 268; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 5]
All sewer rents for premises using city water shall be payable, collectible, and enforceable in the manner provided by law for the payment, collection, and enforcement of water charges and, if unpaid, shall be collected in the same manner provided for the collection of city taxes. When remaining unpaid, such rents shall be added to the annual city tax on the property to and for which sewer service was furnished and rendered.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 269; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 6]
The department of public works shall have power to make and enforce such general rules and regulations, both as to public and private water supply, for the collection, rebating, refunding, or adjustment of such charges for any reason, including diversion of water from the sewer system, as may be reasonably necessary to avoid injustice, to the end that all property discharging sewage in the sewer system will bear its equitable proportionate share with other property of the cost of operation, maintenance, and repairs of the sewerage system or any extension, enlargement, replacement, or additions to such sewer system, or any part or parts thereof.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 270; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 7]
Any real property which is entitled to an exemption from payment of water rents or charges shall also be exempt from payment of the sewer rents or charges imposed under this division.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 271; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 8]
The common council shall by ordinance establish a schedule of annual charges under this law which charges shall be based on the consumption of water on the premises connected with and served by the sewer system. The ordinance shall provide for the periodic payment of the annual charge and shall define the interest and penalty to be assessed for delinquent payments. The common council shall also have the power to establish a minimum and a maximum charge for sewer rent upon all real property within the city limits and to classify all real property into classifications based upon the uses to which the property is being put at the time.
[1971 Charter Laws, § 273; L.L. No. 1-1966, § 10]
All revenues derived from the sewer rents imposed under this division, together with all penalties and interest thereon, shall be kept by the city clerk in a separate account to be known as the sewer fund.