New development shall not be permitted in the coastal high-hazard area where the action of wind and waves, in addition to tidal flooding, is a factor unless the applicant demonstrates that:
No reasonable alternative exists outside the coastal high-hazard area;
The encroachment into the coastal high-hazard area is the minimum necessary;
The development will withstand the one-hundred-year wind and water loads without damage;
The development will not create an additional hazard to existing structures; and
Any natural dune system will not be disturbed.
All new or substantially improved structures shall be elevated on adequately anchored pilings or columns to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement due to the effects of the one-hundred-year water loads and wind loads acting simultaneously on all building components. Water loading values shall be those associated with the base flood, and wind loading values shall be those required by local building standards. The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member supporting the lowest floor shall be elevated to or above the flood protection elevation. Building designs and elevations must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect knowledgeable in such designs that the building has been designed to withstand the water and wind loads and be anchored properly. The use of slabs or other at grade foundation systems is prohibited. The space below the flood protection elevation shall be free of obstruction or may be enclosed with open wood lattice, insect screening or breakaway walls. Glass walls are not to be considered breakaway walls. Breakaway walls shall be designed to collapse under a wind and water load less than would occur during the one-hundred-year flood, and have a designed safe loading resistance of not less than 10 pounds and no more than 20 pounds per square foot. Enclosed areas below the flood protection elevation shall be used solely for the parking of vehicles, limited storage and building access. If such areas are enclosed, a nonconversion agreement, described in § 46-10, must be signed by the applicant.
Manufactured homes are not permitted in the coastal high-hazard area. Recreational vehicles must meet the requirements of § 46-38.
The use of fill for the structural support of buildings is prohibited. Excavation under existing structures or excavation within any enclosed space is prohibited.
Earth or sand removed for the proper placement of pilings or columns shall be replaced. Excavation to create a basement is prohibited.
New construction within the reach of mean high tide is prohibited, except for shore erosion control projects and piers.
Existing structures located in the V Zone shall not be substantially improved or expanded vertically or horizontally unless the entire foundation system is certified by a professional engineer or architect as capable of supporting the existing building and the proposed improvement during the one-hundred-year storm as specified in § 46-26. Permits for incremental improvements shall be tracked, and when cumulative improvements constitute substantial improvement, the entire building must comply with § 46-26.