For purposes of this Part, the term "employee" shall include any class of employee defined in this chapter and any federal, state, or private employee who works in the same office or in close proximity to a County employee on a regular basis.
For purposes of this Part, the term "workplace violence" means any act or behavior, or threat thereof, intending to cause physical, mental or psychological harm to a person or property in the workplace. This shall include acts or threats via telecommunications devices and shall include violent illegal acts such as disorderly conduct, assault and reckless endangerment.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a work environment free from all forms of workplace violence and to establish a complaint procedure to fairly address employee claims of workplace violence.
It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to have zero tolerance for workplace violence, and to regard it as a very serious matter and prohibit violence in the workplace by any person and in any form.
It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to encourage employees who feel they have been subjected to workplace violence to bring these problems immediately to the direct attention of management. Every attempt shall be made to resolve these issues fairly and expeditiously.
It is the policy of the Board of County Commissioners to encourage any employee who believes there is immediate danger to call 9-1-1.
Department heads and supervisors at all levels are responsible for implementing and administering this policy and assuring employees that they do not have to endure such behavior. All employees, supervisors and department heads are responsible for following this policy, promptly reporting incidents, cooperating in investigations and assisting in maintaining a violence-free workplace.
No employee shall engage in workplace violence.