The Director of Personnel under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners is responsible for the overall administration and maintenance of the classification plan. The Director:
Shall allocate new positions to a new or existing class of work upon consideration of a department head's comments;
May reallocate vacant positions to a new or different class of work upon consideration of a department head's comments;
May create new classes of work;
May abolish classes of work to which no encumbered positions are assigned;
May modify class specifications as necessary to accurately reflect the work being performed and the job requirements;
Shall establish procedures to review reclassification requests;
Shall maintain classification records reflecting the title of each position, class specifications which set forth the duties, tasks and responsibilities of each class of work, the minimum qualification requirements, and the grade and salary range of each class of work.
Department and agency heads and supervisors are responsible for:
Establishing procedures they deem necessary to permit the orderly and timely preparation of reclassification requests;
Ensuring that officially and permanently delegated duties are appropriate for the position and do not constitute an unreasonable selection of one position from several others to receive the additional duties with the potential for reclassification;
Ensuring that they have supervisory approval to assign new duties to the extent that they may prompt a reclassification request;
Reviewing positions as they become vacant in order to insure proper classification;
Considering the impact of departmental reorganizations on position classifications.
Applicability. This section applies to nonprobationary merit, grant, contract, and appointed employees who are full time, have completed one year of continuous service in their current position, and are assigned a grade and paid in accordance with the Board of County Commissioners' pay scale. Probationary employees may not submit individual reclassification requests; they may be reclassified as a result of a request submitted by another employee in their class of work or as a result of a County-wide classification study.
Policy. Eligible employees who believe their duties and responsibilities have changed to the extent that their positions should be reclassified may prepare a reclassification request and request that their department or agency head submit it for consideration. Reclassification requests must be based on additional higher-level duties, responsibilities, and tasks which have been officially and permanently delegated for at least three months prior to submission. These duties must represent a substantial part of the job. Reclassifications shall not be based on salary, projected duties, volume of work, performance, length of service, financial need, threat of resignation for a higher-level position, qualifications of the incumbent beyond those required for the position or completion of a period of training which has resulted in performing the full range of duties contemplated for the class of work or with less supervision. Changes in job requirements are necessary to keep pace with improvements/advancements in technology. These changes are expected to occur within the classification of the job and should not be the basis for requesting a reclassification. However, new technology, not just updated technology, that adds additional responsibility, may be a basis for requesting a reclassification. Requests applicable to the same position may not be submitted until two years after the last submission unless the grade of the position was not changed. If the grade of the position was not changed, a request may be submitted during the next cycle. The department or agency head may decline to submit a reclassification request which does not comply with the conditions described in this policy.
Timing. Reclassification requests may be submitted once per year at a time designated by the Office of Personnel. Approved reclassifications shall normally be effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year when pay adjustments are effective, or as designated by the Board of County Commissioners.
Content of requests. Reclassification requests shall contain the information required by and in the form prescribed by the Office of Personnel.
Processing requests. Upon receipt of a properly executed timely request, the Office of Personnel or its designee shall conduct a review of the position to determine its proper classification within the County system. Such review may include an evaluation of the materials submitted, discussions with the incumbents and supervisors, site visits, review of similar positions, or organizational comparisons with other employers. The Office of Personnel shall render a preliminary report (which shall set forth the findings, conclusions and recommendations) to the requesting department head. Upon receipt of the preliminary report, department heads and/or incumbents may submit written statements of disagreement to the Director of Personnel. The Director of Personnel shall consider any such comments, make a final determination, forward it to the County Administrator and notify requesting department heads. Board of County Commissioner approval is required for all reclassifications of encumbered positions.
Exceptions. Reclassification and related salary provisions may be superseded by the terms of implementation of a special study at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners.
The Board of County Commissioners has the right to reorganize the County government. A reorganization is the movement, abolishment or creation of a County government function approved by the Board of County Commissioners. When a reorganization is under consideration, the proposal approved by the Board of County Commissioners must be reviewed by the Office of Personnel to the extent that it may affect the classification of positions. Departments shall provide a statement of how the reorganization shall change the duties and responsibilities of affected positions along with any other information requested. The Office of Personnel shall determine the appropriate classification of these positions and render a report, which shall be considered in determining whether to proceed with the reorganization. If the reorganization is implemented, any reclassifications shall be effective on the date determined by the Board of County Commissioners. If an emergency situation prevents review by the Office of Personnel prior to reorganization, the review shall occur as soon as possible thereafter.