All employees are covered by the Maryland Unemployment Compensation Law. When the County receives claim forms from the State of Maryland Department of Employment Security, they shall be completed in accordance with state procedure for unemployment compensation claims. Payment depends upon the reason for unemployment.
All employees absent from duty because of a job-related illness or accident incurred on the job which qualifies for workers' compensation shall be covered by the County's workers' compensation policy. Workers' compensation payments shall accrue to the employee after the employee has been out of work for more than 72 hours. For those employees who require more than 72 hours' absence from work and are placed under the County's workers' compensation policy, they shall be required to make direct payments to the County to continue their benefits that are normally covered through payroll deduction. The cost for continuation of health insurance benefits shall be the employee's share only. Those employees who require less than 72 hours' absence from work may be placed under occupational leave, and normal employment benefits shall continue to accrue. Employees on workers' compensation shall not accrue retirement benefits but shall continue to accrue leave for a maximum of 180 calendar days. The 180 calendar days shall commence with the first day compensated by the workers' compensation carrier. If, on the 181st day, the employee is still out on workers' compensation, leave accrual shall cease, regardless of whether or not the employee returned to work during the one-hundred-eighty-day period. Only in the event of different injuries or incidents shall the employee be entitled to another 180-calendar-day period of leave earning eligibility.
Pending a decision on whether the illness or accident qualifies under the County's workers' compensation policy, the employee must request to use leave. If the illness or accident qualifies under the County's workers' compensation policy, leave assessed during the review period shall be reimbursed and the first 72 hours shall then be charged to occupational leave, during which normal employment benefits shall continue to accrue.
Once approved, workers' compensation covers subsequent absences and qualifying related payments for procedures on a case-by-case basis.