[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kingsbury 4-13-1987, (Ch. A86 of the 1983 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 280.
The following are the boundaries of the zoning districts of the Town of Kingsbury, Washington County, New York, as established August 6, 1958, and revised April 13, 1987.
RF-5A Residential-Forestry District.
Zone 1 shall be between Route 4 and Notre Dame Street extension and shall include those lands within the two-hundred-forty-foot contour line serving as a drainage basin for Bonds Creek.
Zone 2 shall start at a point along Tow Path Road 700 feet from Route 196. It shall then proceed east parallel to Route 196 to a point 500 feet east of Wood Creek. It shall then turn northeast and proceed 6,000 feet to the first 90° turn on New Swamp Road. It shall then proceed 1,500 feet north of this turn on a line parallel to the next northerly portion of the New Swamp Road and 2,000 feet to the east of that road. The zone shall then turn west to meet New Swamp Road and proceed along that road to Tow Path Road. It shall then head southwest along Tow Path Road to the point of beginning.
RA-1A Residential-Agricultural District. Those portions of the Town of Kingsbury not in any other zoning classification shall be designated RA-1A.
RA-M-1A Residential-Agricultural District.
Zone 1 shall begin on the east side of Tripoli Road 1,000 feet south of the Kingsbury Town line and proceed east parallel to the Kingsbury Town line to a point 1,000 feet beyond Farley Road, then northerly parallel to Farley Road to the Town line.
Zone 2 shall begin on Route 196 1,000 feet west of its intersection with County Route 43 and proceed north parallel to County Route 43 to a point 1,000 feet beyond Gulf Road. From that point, it shall proceed easterly parallel to Gulf Road to the Town line.
Zone 3 shall begin on the west side of Hinds Road 1,000 feet north of the intersection of Hinds Road and Town Line Road. It shall proceed westerly 6,000 feet parallel to Town Line Road, then proceed southerly at right angles to Town Line Road to the Town line.
LDR-25 Low-Density Residential District. This zone shall be between the Hudson Falls Village line and a line 2,000 feet north of the center of Dix Avenue and shall run parallel to Dix Avenue from the Washington County line on the west to New York State Route 4 on the east, excluding the commercial zones established in this area and excluding the LDR-15 Low-Density Residential Zone established in this area. This zone shall also be between the Hudson Falls Village line and a line 2,000 feet east of the center of Burgoyne Avenue and shall run parallel to Burgoyne Avenue from New York State Route 4 on the north to the Fort Edward Town line on the south, excluding the commercial zones established in this area and excluding the area within the two-hundred-forty-foot contour which forms the watershed for Bonds Creek.
LDR-15 Low-Density Residential District. This zone shall be bounded on the east by a line 100 feet east of Feeder Street, from the Hudson Falls Village line to the Commercial District along Dix Avenue, it shall be bounded on the north by the Commercial District along Dix Avenue, from 100 feet east of Feeder Street to 325 feet west of Broad Street, it shall be bounded on the west by a line parallel to and 325 feet west of Broad Street, from the Commercial District on the north to the Hudson Falls Village line on the south; and it shall be bounded on the south by the Hudson Falls village line from 325 feet west of Broad Street to 100 feet east of Feeder Street.
Com-1A Commercial District.
Number 1.
Two hundred feet on each side of Route 4 from the Village of Hudson Falls to Waite Road.
Number 2.
Four hundred feet on the west side of Route 4, beginning at Waite Road, proceeding north 2,700 feet to the line between Parcel No. 146-2-12 and Parcel No. 146-2-11.2.
The zone shall begin again 1,122 feet further north at the line between Parcel No. 146-2-8 and Parcel No. 137-1-1920 and proceed north to a point 1,860 feet north of Geer Road to a line between Parcel No. 13-81-66 and Parcel No. 138-1-70.
The zone shall begin again 473 feet further north at the line between Parcel No. 138-1-71.2 and Parcel No. 138-1-72 and proceed north 59 feet to a point 4,380 feet north of Rock City Road to a line between Parcel No. 129-3-20.3 and Parcel No. 129-3-20.1.
The zone shall begin again at the intersection of Route 4 and Green Barn Road and proceed north to the Kingsbury Town line.
Number 3.
Four hundred feet on the east side of Route 4 beginning 3,768 feet north of the intersection of Route 4 and Waite Road on a line between Parcel No. 146-3-3.1 and Parcel No. 146-3-3.2, proceeding north to a point 412 feet before the intersection of Route 4 and Kingsbury Road at a line between Parcel No. 129-3-12 and Parcel No. 129-3-14.
The zone shall begin again at a line between Parcel No. 129-4-5 and Parcel No. 129-2-17 and proceed north to the Kingsbury Town line.
Number 4.
Two hundred feet on the north side of Dix Avenue from the county line to Dean Road.
Three hundred fifty feet on the north side of Dix Avenue from Dean Road to Route 4.
Two hundred feet on the south side of Dix Avenue from the county line to Route 4.
[Amended 6-27-2016 by L.L. No. 1-2016]
Two hundred feet on the east side of Burgoyne Avenue from Route 4 to the intersection of Burgoyne Avenue and Maynard Street.
Two hundred feet on the west side of Burgoyne Avenue from Route 4 to Franklin Street and from the south side of the Central School property to the intersection of Burgoyne Avenue and Maynard Street.
Number 5.
Two hundred feet on each side of Maple Street from the Village of Hudson Falls line to the intersection of Maple Street and Burgoyne Avenue.
Ind-75 Industrial District.
[Amended 1-25-1988 by L.L. No. 1-1988; 2-9-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
This zone shall be 1,000 feet on each side of the Barge Canal from the Fort Edward Town line on the south to the Fort Ann Town line on the north, excluding the RF-5A Zone.
This zone shall extend 200 feet along the southern side of NYS Route 196 from the center line of County Route 42 to the center of Wood Creek as the same winds and turns.
[Added 6-17-2019 by L.L. No. 3-2019]
Pld-5A Planned Development District. (NOTE: The terms used are from the Zoning Ordinance of 1958 and subsequent amendments.)
A planned development district in the former R-20 District, hereafter known as the "R-15 District," in the area bounded as follows: on the south by the Bentley Road, on the east by Donald Wheeler's east line, on the north by Harlan Haynes' south line, on the west by Vaughn School Road, excepting and reserving therefrom so much thereof as goes with the schoolhouse property, consisting of approximately 60 acres, is hereby created, and the Zoning Map is hereby amended to show such area.
A planned development district in the R-15 Residential District is hereby created and bounded as follows: on the north by Coddington; on the east by New York State Route No. 4; on the south by Geer Road; and on the west by Geer Road and lands of Donald Geer, consisting of approximately five acres, and the Zoning Map is hereby amended to show such change.
A planned development district in the Residential R-15 District is hereby created, bounded as follows: beginning at the intersection of premises reputedly owned by Hassett, Dickinson and Birinyi and Matte, thence proceeding in a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary line of said Hassett property 870 feet more or less to an iron pipe, thence at a right angle to the aforementioned line in a general southerly direction 540 feet more or less to an iron pipe, thence at a right angle and approximately parallel to the first line in a general westerly direction 870 feet more or less to an iron pipe, thence in a general northerly direction along the boundary line of premises owned by Dickinson, Birinyi and Matte 540 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning, containing approximately 10 acres more or less.
Pld-2A Planned Development District. (NOTE: The terms used are from the Zoning Ordinance of 1958 and subsequent amendments.)
A planned development district partially in the Commercial District and R-10 District is hereby created, bounded as follows: on the north by Dix Avenue, on the east by Hoose and Village of Hudson Falls, on the west by Meader and on the south by Village of Hudson Falls, consisting of approximately 2 1/2 acres, and the Zoning Map is hereby amended to show such area.
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the area:
Trailer parks.
Commercial enterprises.
All other uses permitted in residential districts now known as "R-15" and "R-10" as they shall be laid out by the owner, subject to the restrictions and provisions of § 80-25.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 80-25, Planning Development District, was repealed 9-25-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989. Subsequently § 80-25, PC-1A Plaza Commercial Zone, was added 10-13-1992 by L.L. No. 4-1992 and repealed 3-21-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005.
A planned development district in the Commercial and Residential R-10 District is hereby created, bounded as follows: on the north by Dix Avenue; on the east by property of Miss Marion Meader and Miss Elizabeth Meader; on the south by property owned by the Village of Hudson Falls; and on the west by property of Mrs. Emerson North; consisting of approximately 3 1/2 acres, owned by Morris Solomon, who proposes to develop a mobile home trailer park at 678 Dix Avenue, Town of Kingsbury, and the Zoning Map is hereby amended to show such area.
PIC-75 Park Industrial District.
[Added 2-9-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998]
This zone shall start 1,265 feet north of the intersection of County Line Road and Casey Road and proceed easterly 2,600 feet, then turn at right angles northerly and go 1,320 feet and then turn again easterly and proceed 900 feet. It shall then turn southerly for 500 feet and then proceed westerly 250 feet and then turn southerly for a distance of 2,000 feet, then turning northwest for 1,060 feet. From here, it shall head south-southwest 650 feet to Casey Road. From there it shall proceed west along Casey Road and then turn southerly parallel to County Line Road for 2,000 feet and then turn east-southeast 360 feet and then southerly again 1,100 feet. From here the zone boundary shall proceed westerly 500 feet, southerly 760 feet, westerly 1,400 feet to County Line Road 6,160 feet to the beginning point.
This zone shall start at the northwest corner of 137-1-49 and running 87° east along the northerly boundary of this parcel 1,016 feet, then south 21° 45 minutes west for 785.4 feet, then south 84° 45 minutes east 50.82 feet, then south 3° 30 minutes west 324.06 feet, then south 85° 45 minutes west 146.52 feet, then south 11° 30 minutes east 261.36 feet, then south 50° 45 minutes west approximately 654 feet to the Washington-Warren County line. From here the boundary shall run northerly along the county line to the place of beginning.
This zone shall include the balance of Tax Map Parcel 137-1-49.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this zone shall exclude the following parcel of land described as follows:
[Added 3-4-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024]
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Kingsbury, County of Washington, and the State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point along the westerly bounds of the lands as conveyed to Quiet Brook Farms LLC by deed book 3208 at page 125, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot 20 as shown on "Subdivision Plat Phases IIB & IIC Development Warren-Washington Counties Industrial Park" by Van Dusen & Steves Land Surveyors and Jarrett-Martin Engineers, filed in the Washington County Clerk's Office on February 14, 2008, as Map Number 6914; thence running in a westerly direction, along the northerly bounds of Lot 20, North 83 degrees, 43 minutes, and 22 seconds West, a distance of 268.66 feet to a point marking the northwesterly corner of Lot 20, said point being found along the easterly bounds of the unimproved Ferguson Lane; thence continuing in a northerly and westerly direction, along the bounds of Ferguson Lane, the following three courses and distances:
North 06 degrees, 36 minutes, and 00 seconds East, a distance of 170.02 feet to a point; thence
Along a curve to the left, having a radius of 800.00 feet, for a distance of 21.18 feet to a point; thence
North 83 degrees, 24 minutes, and 05 seconds West, a distance of 50.02 feet
To a point marking the northeasterly corner of Lot 25 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 24 on the aforementioned map; thence continuing in a westerly direction, along the common boundary between Lot 24 and Lot 25, North 83 degrees, 24 minutes, and 05 seconds West, a distance of 299.56 feet to a point along the easterly bounds of the lands as conveyed to Daniel E. Colomb by deed book 3380 at page 44, said point marking the southwesterly corner of Lot 24; thence continuing in a northerly direction, along the common boundary between Colomb and Lots 24, 23, and 22, the following two courses and distances:
North 06 degrees, 36 minutes, and 00 seconds East, a distance of 395.70 feet to a point; thence
North 06 degrees, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds East, a distance of 898.29 feet
To a point along the easterly bounds of Colomb marking the northwesterly corner of Lot 22 and the southwesterly corner of the lands as conveyed to Dapple Grey LLC by deed book 20230 at page 246; thence continuing in an easterly direction, along the northerly bounds of Lot 22 and Lot 21 and the southerly bounds of Dapple Grey LLC, the following three courses and distances:
South 82 degrees, 35 minutes, and 30 seconds East, a distance of 141.82 feet to a point; thence
South 83 degrees, 41 minutes, and 30 seconds East, a distance of 182.96 feet to a point; thence
South 84 degrees, 04 minutes, and 00 seconds East, a distance of 307.18 feet
To a point along the northerly bounds of Lot 21, said point marking the southeasterly corner of Dapple Grey LLC; thence continuing in a generally easterly and southerly direction, along the bounds of the lands as conveyed to Quiet Brook Farms LLC by deed book 3208 at page 125, the following seven courses and distances:
South 83 degrees, 09 minutes, and 00 seconds East, a distance of 275.89 feet to a point; thence
South 06 degrees, 39 minutes, and 00 seconds West, a distance of 444.48 feet to a point; thence
South 15 degrees, 26 minutes, and 30 seconds West, a distance of 29.86 feet to a point; thence
North 83 degrees, 12 minutes, and 00 seconds West, a distance of 278.45 feet to a point; thence
South 07 degrees, 41 minutes, and 30 seconds West, a distance of 233.64 feet to a point; thence
South 07 degrees, 47 minutes, and 30 seconds West, a distance of 391.39 feet to a point; thence
South 05 degrees, 23 minutes, and 30 seconds West, a distance of 387.14 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 22.63 acres of land to be the same more or less. Bearings given in the above description refer to Magnetic North.