[Adopted 1-20-1993 by Res. No. 607]
Editor's Note: Former § A401-1, Fire box services and alley vacations, was superseded 12-23-2015 by Res. No. 1121. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
[Added 2-26-2003 by Res. No. 806]
Application for a permit shall be accompanied by a permit fee as established by the Hanover Borough Council from time to time. Fees for variance/special exception requests, Zoning Books and Zoning Maps are as follows.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A, providing the fee for variance/special exception requests, which immediately followed this paragraph, was superseded 1-25-2017 by Ord. No. 1178. Former Subsections B through F, providing the fees for a home occupation request, rezoning petition request, certificate of occupancy, purchase of a Zoning book and purchase of a Zoning Map, respectively, which immediately followed former Subsection A, were superseded 12-23-2015 by Res. No. 1121. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
[Added 12-22-2003 by Res. No. 817; amended 12-28-2011 by Res. No. 985; 11-26-2013 by Res. No. 1061; 1-25-2017 by Res. No. 1180; 12-19-2018 by Res. No. 1238]
As of January 1, 2019, the rates for collection of municipal waste and recyclables, the tipping fees at the Borough transfer station and the fees for special pickups shall be as follows.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsections A through I, establishing fees and rates for residential and commercial refuse collection and transfer station disposal rates, which immediately followed this paragraph, were superseded 3-23-2022 by Res. No. 1341. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
[Added 10-12-2011 by Res. No. 971]
Each person, firm, corporation or association erecting a sign which is subject to the terms of the Hanover Borough Sign Ordinance of 1975 (as amended) (hereinafter the "Ordinance")[1] and not exempt from the permit and licensing requirements thereof or the fees required thereby shall pay the following fees:
Permit fee. Every applicant for a sign permit shall pay to the Borough a permit fee of $30 at the time such permit is granted for each sign for which a permit is obtained.
Annual license fee. All signs now existing or permitted and/or erected subsequent hereto shall be subject to inspection annually as set forth in the Ordinance. Each person, firm, corporation or association owning or using a sign subject to the terms of the Ordinance and not exempt from the permit or licensing requirements thereof shall pay an annual licensing/inspection fee of $5 for each sign, which fee shall apply to the calendar year or portion thereof during which such sign is erected or in place.
Both the permit and licensing fees required hereby shall be paid at the offices of the Hanover Borough at such time and in such names as prescribed by the Secretary of the Borough.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 298, Signs; Street Encroachments.
[Added 12-28-2011 by Res. No. 986; amended 11-28-2017 by Res. No. 1194; 12-19-2018 by Res. No. 1236; 10-25-2023 by Res. No. 1383]
As of January 1, 2024, the sewer rentals and charges for the collection and treatment of sewage discharged or to be discharged into the sanitary sewers and sewer system for all users located within the boundaries of the Borough shall be at the rates set forth below:
For collection and treatment of sanitary sewage discharged into the sewer system shall be a quarterly charge, payable upon receipt of the bill therefor, and based upon the water used by the property in accordance with the following rate schedule:
First 7,000 gallons or less per quarter (minimum): $71.28.
Next 18,000 gallons per quarter (charge per thousand gallons): $8.92.
Next 25,000 gallons per quarter (charge per thousand gallons): $8.78.
The Borough of Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, hereby establishes the following rate for quarterly use of garbage grinding units that dispose into the sanitary system:
Charge per unit per quarter: $3.30.
[Added 12-28-2011 by Res. No. 987; amended 11-28-2017 by Res. No. 1195; 12-19-2018 by Res. No. 1237]
As of January 1, 2019, the sewer rentals and charges for the collection and treatment of sewage discharged or to be discharged into the sanitary sewers and sewer system for all users located outside the boundaries of the Borough in Penn Township shall be at the rates set forth below:
For collection and treatment of sanitary sewage discharged into the sewer system shall be a quarterly charge, payable upon receipt of the bill therefore, and based upon the water used by the property in accordance with the following rate schedule:
First 7,000 gallons or less per quarter (minimum): $40.98.
All water over 7,000 gallons per quarter (charge per thousand gallons): $3.85.
[Added 8-26-2015 by Ord. No. 2233]
Purpose. For the purpose of recovering costs, the Borough of Hanover shall impose a fee for the review of plans, drawings, structures, construction work and other such information, material, and improvements to real property as the Borough of Hanover, under the terms of the Code of the Borough of Hanover, may require for the issuance or approval of various permits, licenses and agreements, by engineers, inspectors, or persons of similar qualifications and performing similar duties.
Fees imposed.
The following fee schedule is hereby imposed by the Borough of Hanover and shall apply to the review of plans, drawings, structures, construction work and other similar information, material and improvements to real property by the listed officials/persons:
Review by the Borough Engineer shall be billed at a rate of $80 per hour, or fraction thereof.
Review by staff member of Borough Engineering Department shall be billed at a rate of $65 per hour, or fraction thereof.
Review by the appropriate Borough Inspector, unless otherwise exempted or associated with a separate permit or license fee as established in the Code of the Borough of Hanover, shall be billed at a rate of $45 per hour, or fraction thereof.
Review by an independent firm, corporation, or otherwise contracted individual or individuals possessing similar qualifications and performing similar duties of the Borough Engineer, Engineering Department, and/or Inspector shall be billed to the party at the same rate and amount as invoiced to the Borough by said firm, corporation, or otherwise contracted individual.
The Borough Council shall hereby have the authority to adjust the herein established fee schedule from time to time by resolution.
Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to the general review of plans, drawings, structures, construction work and other similar information, material, and improvements to real property as required by the Borough that are not otherwise exempt by the Code of the Borough of Hanover or otherwise separately covered by a license or permit approval process and fee as explicitly stated in the Code of the Borough of Hanover.
[Added 8-26-2015 by Res. No. 1104]
The fee for subdivision plan review (excluding sketch plans) shall be $400 per plan plus an additional $50 per lot/dwelling unit, provided that said fee shall not exceed $2,600 in total.
In the event that a preliminary subdivision plan is required, the following reduced fee shall be charged for the review of a final subdivision plan, provided that a copy of the approved preliminary plan is presented with the final plan: $400 per plan, plus an additional $30 per lot/dwelling, provided that said fee shall not exceed $2,600 in total.
The fee for residential land development plan review shall be $400 per plan plus an additional $50 per dwelling unit, provided that said fee shall not exceed $2,600 in total.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, concerning fees for review of other land development plans, was superseded 12-23-2015 by Res. No. 1121. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
The fee for the review of plans proposing an accessory building on a lot with an existing principal building, which does not involve a new access onto the street, shall be $400 per plan regardless of square footage.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, providing the fee for a copy of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, was superseded 12-23-2015 by Res. No. 1121. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
[Added 8-26-2015 by Res. No. 1106]
The following fee shall be charged to any individual, organization, corporation, or other user for the use of meeting space or a "community room" at the Hanover Borough Municipal Building, provided that no such fee shall be charged to nonprofit organizations which provide the Borough with such necessary paperwork and documentation as the Borough deems appropriate to verify said nonprofit status. Said fee shall be adjusted from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.
Community Room fee: per meeting/event (not to exceed eight hours): $40.
[Added 8-26-2015 by Res. No. 1107; amended 12-23-2015 by Res. No. 1122; 12-28-2016 by Res. No. 1177; 12-27-2017 by Res. No. 1202; 12-19-2018 by Res. No. 1235; 12-23-2019 by Res. No. 1278; 12-23-2020 by Res. No. 1309]
The following hourly rates shall be charged for the rental of Borough-owned equipment for services performed by the Borough of Hanover, with a minimum four-hour rental period, with the exception of Special Refuse Pickups, effective upon enactment of this resolution.[1]
Editor's Note: The former table of equipment rental fees which immediately followed this paragraph was superseded 3-23-2022 by Res. No. 1341. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
The tapping fees imposed upon the owner of each residential, industrial, or commercial property making any connection to the sewer system in the Borough of Hanover as described in Ordinance No. 2222[1] shall be as follows:
Capacity part of tapping fee: $1,382 per equivalent dwelling unit (for calculation see Exhibit 1 attached).[2]
Editor's Note: Exhibit 1 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Collection part of tapping fee: $1,268 per equivalent dwelling unit (for calculation see Exhibit 2 attached).[3]
Editor's Note: Exhibit 2 is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 286, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Art. V, Sewer Connection Permit; Tapping Fee.
[Added 9-23-2015 by Res. No. 1110]
Fees for the review of stormwater management permit applications and site plans, and inspection of approved physical improvements, whether at the time of construction or if necessary during the active life of the improvements, shall be charged as follows.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsections A and B, establishing a stormwater management permit application fee and rates for staff/engineer review, which immediately followed this paragraph were superseded 3-23-2022 by Res. No. 1341. See Art. II, Fee Schedule.
[Added 7-26-2017 by Ord. No. 2257]
Schedule of fees; collection procedures.
[Amended 6-22-2022 by Res. No. 1348]
Schedule of fees.
The Borough hereby approves the following schedule of attorney fees for services in connection with the collection of accounts, which is hereby determined to be fair and reasonable compensation for the services set forth below, all in accordance with the principals set forth in Section 3(a.1) of the Municipal Claims Law as amended by the Act:[1]
Legal Services
Fee for Services
Initial review and send first demand letter and title report
File lien and send second demand letter; prepare writ of scire facias, file writ, service of writ by Sheriff
Prepare and mail letter under Pa.R.C.P. § 237.01; prepare entry of judgment, notices, pleadings and affidavits
Prepare writ of execution; attendance at sale; review schedule of distribution and resolve distribution issues
Services not covered above:
Satisfaction of municipal lien
Satisfaction of judgment
Review of bankruptcy (including proof of claim)
Motion for relief from the automatic stay
Motion for special service
Petition to reassess damages
Forbearance agreement
All other services
$200/per hour
Editor's Note: "The Act" refers to the Municipal Claims Act, Act No. 1 of 1996.
The above amounts include an estimate of the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of counsel, including court costs and filing fees, in connection with each of these services, as itemized in the applicable counsel bills, which shall be deemed to be part of the fees.
The amount of fees determined, as set forth above, shall be added to the Authority's claim in each account.
Collection procedures. The following collection procedures are hereby established in accordance with the Act:
At least 30 days' prior to assessing or imposing attorney fees in connection with the collection of an account, the Borough shall mail or cause to be mailed, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a notice of such intention to the rate payer or other entity liable for the account (the "account debtor").
If within 30 days after mailing the notice in accordance with Subsection A(2)(a), the certified mail to an account debtor is refused or unclaimed or the return receipt is not received, then, at least 10 days prior to the assessing or imposing such attorney fees, the Borough shall mail or cause to be mailed, by first class mail, a second notice to such account debtor.
All notices required by this section shall be mailed to the account debtor's last known post office address as recorded in the records or other information of the Borough, or such other address as it may be able to obtain from the County Office of Assessment and Revision of Taxes.
Each notice as described above shall include the following:
The type of tax or other charge, the date it became due and the amount owed, including penalty and interest;
A statement of the Borough's intent to impose or assess attorney fees within 30 days after the mailing of the first notice, or within 10 days after the mailing of the second notice;
The manner in which the assessment or imposition of attorney fees may be avoided by payment of the account; and
The place of payment for the accounts and the name and telephone number of the Borough official as designated as responsible for the collection matter.
Related action. The proper officials of the Borough are hereby authorized and empowered to take such additional action as they may deem necessary or appropriate to implement this section.
Council shall review the above fee schedule and amend the amount of said fees from time to time by resolution.
[Adopted 12-23-2015 by Res. No. 1121; amended in its entirety 1-29-2024 by Res. No. 1396]
The following fee schedule for such permits, licenses, services, etc., is hereby revised effective January 1, 2024:
Fire Department
Burning permit fee
Novelty fireworks sales permit
Police Department
Copy of accident report
Fingerprinting fee (Borough residents exempt)
Dog pound fee
$20 per incident; $5 per day/partial day, after first 24 hours
Meter bag fee/per meter
Crime Victims Right of Access/Act 134 of 2022 processing fee
Transient Retail Permit
First vehicle/stand
Each additional vehicle/stand
Per person
Building Permits (includes sign permits and demolition permits) Fees are applied based on the cost of the project
Residential minimum charge for first $1,000
Residential charge for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof
Nonresidential minimum charge for first $1,000
Nonresidential charge for each additional $1,000
Technology fee (covers costs for online permitting platform)
Act 157/PA Uniform Construction Code surcharge
Commercial permit addendum fee
Residential permit addendum fee
Residential denied permit
Commercial denied permit
*Failure to pick up permit within 10 business days
*(additional fee will accrue each 30 days thereafter)
Life safety inspection
Unpermitted Work Penalty Fee
If you have been issued a notice or violation for work conducted without a permit, the unpermitted work penalty fee will be applied at the time of permit issuance. This penalty fee may be applied at any point prior to the closing of the permit.
Cost: 20% of base permit fee. The minimum cost of this penalty for residential permits is $150, and the minimum cost for this penalty for commercial permits is $550.
Parking Meter Session Rates
Zone: Quadrants of Downtown Square and Carlisle/Baltimore Street from Bank Lane to Exchange Place Alley
$0.25 each fifteen-minute increment for Direct Pay (at meter)
Minimum purchase amount $1.25 hour (Passport Parking only, minimum of one hour purchase, $0.25 per 15 minutes for session time after one hour)
Maximum purchase amount: three Hours
Convenience Fee: $0.35 (Passport Parking only)
Zone: All other on-street and Borough parking lot meters
Cost: $0.25 each fifteen-minute increment for direct pay at meter
Minimum purchase amount: one hour for Passport Parking only; $0.25 per 15 minutes after one hour
Maximum purchase amount: 12 hours
Convenience Fee: $0.25 (Passport Parking only)
*Electric vehicle charging station: $1.50 per hour
Parking Permits (Parking Space Convenience Pass)
Parking space - lot permits
$100/quarter ($90/quarter if paid annually)
Parking permits shall only be issued in locations where designated by the Borough (excluding the Borough Office and Downtown Square Quadrant lots). The number of parking permits issued will be capped but permits can be used in any designated permit parking lot.
Parking Violations
These fees are administered by way of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. They are enumerated here as they are programmed into the Passport Parking Enforcement platform.
Parking overtime parking session
Maximum time limit exceeded
Parked outside designated space
Parked in handicapped designated space
Parked within 15 feet of fire hydrant
Parked in designated fire zone
Parked on private property
Parked in front of private drive
Parked more than 12 inches from curb
Parked on sidewalk/curb
Parked within 30 feet of stop sign
Parked within 30 feet of traffic signal
Parked within 20 feet of crosswalk
Parked along yellow painted curb
Parked within 25 feet of railroad crossing
Double parked
Parked against traffic flow
Parking in posted no parking/stopping/standing zone
Parking in posted temporary no parking zone
Obstructing construction site
Snow emergency/warning route
Keys locked in vehicle
Unattended vehicle running
Parked inside public park after closing
Parked in posted no parking-loading zone
Parked within an intersection
Parked on crosswalk
Parked on railroad tracks
Parked on median
Parked within 20 feet of fire station driveway
Street Opening Permits
0-10 years since street was repaved, fee per 100 lineal feet
All other streets or emergencies, fee per 100 lineal feet
Inspection fee
Borough Engineer review/inspection (large projects)
Third-party firm, engineer, inspector, etc. (utility street restoration projects)
As invoiced
*Fees can be adjusted for half and full lane restoration
Fee for alley vacation requests and hearing
Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter Permit Fees
Flat fee for first 500 lineal feet
Each additional 100 lineal feet
Shade Tree Commission
Fee for appeal requests and hearing
Property Maintenance Code
Fee for appeal requests and hearing
Fee for removal of condemnation posting
Sewer Tapping Fee
Capacity part of tapping fee
Collection part of tapping fee
Sewage Pretreatment
Industrial sewer permit annual fee
Sampling fee (per sampling event)
Annual industrial inspection fee
Stormwater Management Fees
Stormwater management permit application fee
Fees related to the review of plans, coordination of agreements, inspection of improvements, etc., shall be invoiced to the applicant on a "time and materials" basis using the Engineering Review/Inspection Fees listed below. All invoiced effort shall be due upon receipt and paid in full prior to final closure of the stormwater management permit.
Engineering Review/Inspection Fees
Borough Engineer (in-house)
Planning and Engineering Dept. Support
Planning and Engineering Dept. Zoning/Bldg. permit staff
Third-party firm, engineer, inspector, etc.
As invoiced
Borough Building Code Official (BCO)
Outdoor Seating Permit
Initial permit period for 1 year
Annual renewal fee
Per capita tax
Removal of yard sale/political signs
$5 per sign
Returned check fee
Municipal lien (Ord. No. 2257) attorney filing fee (payable by defendant)
Legal fee hourly rate (Ord. No. 2257)
Water meter testing fee (in-Borough) deposit returned/if results inaccurate
Water meter testing fee (out of Borough) deposit returned/if results inaccurate
Chicken license fee
Yard Sale
Permit fee (2 days max, no Sunday, 2 per year)
Special Event Permits
Special event permit application fee
Temporary alley/street closure application fee
Barricade fee
Quadrant closure fee (charge for up to 2 quadrants per event)
Electricity access fee (Center Sq, Wirt Park & Moul Ave Park)
Bathroom fee deposit
Special event signs (fee per sign if not removed in 3 days after event)
Market House Rental Rates
Annual stall rental rate
Semiannual stall rental rate
Quarterly stall rental rate
Weekly stall rental rate
Nonprofit weekly rate (limited to 4 consecutive)
Restaurant fee
Annual electric (prorated as necessary)
Electric case (prorated as necessary)
General Copies
Right to know requests/information
$0.25 per side
Other general copies
$0.35 per side
Certified documents
Transfer Station
Fee for disposal of items containing Freon
Fee for jump box usage
Private loads, 560 lbs or less
Private loads, over 560 lbs
YCSWA disposal fee + $28 per ton
Commercial load
YCSWA disposal fee + $28 (per ton $30 minimum)
Commercial hauler (Big 6)
YCSWA disposal fee + $25 (per ton $30 minimum)
Refuse Roll-Off/Compactor Pull Fees
Temporary commercial
Temporary residential
Temporary street/sidewalk dumpster (outside haulers only) app fees (Other fees may apply for length of time and traffic/pedestrian accommodations)
Commercial Refuse Dumpster Container Rates
Please see quarterly rate charts attached on Exhibit 2[1]
Residential Can Refuse Service
Maximum 3-can refuse service
$78 per quarter*
*Residential refuse rates for one-and two-family dwelling units shall be $78 per quarter per dwelling unit for a maximum pickup of three thirty-gallon containers per unit per pickup. Any additional refuse to be collected which exceeds the maximum set forth above at either rate may be disposed of by obtaining disposable tags for a unit cost of $4 per tag, which includes the total cost of tag and disposal of refuse; tagged containers shall be placed at the normal point of pickup and may be used in such quantities and at such times as are convenient to the customer; only tags obtained from the Borough of Hanover may be used for refuse in excess of the maximum set forth at either of the base rates above.
Residential Can Refuse Service for Dwellings of 3 or More Units
Maximum three thirty-gallon cans (per unit) refuse service
$81 per quarter**
**Residential refuse rates for dwellings of three or more units shall be $81 per quarter per dwelling unit for a maximum of three thirty-gallon containers per unit per pickup. Additional refuse to be collected which exceeds these maximums shall be handled through use of the same tag system and cost as set forth in paragraph 1 above.
Replacement recycling bins
$7.50 (no charge for new service)
Special pickups of Municipal Waste
Pre-payment required, cost estimated by Borough Dept. of Public Works
Minimum Fee (560 lbs or less)
$30 + 1 hour special labor rate
Minimum Fee (over 560 lbs)
Special labor rate/hour + cost to dispose of materials collected
Fee for disposal of freon in item
Bulk Water Rate at Wastewater Treatment Plant
Charge per thousand gallons
Application for rezoning petition
Application for variance/special exception/conditional use
$400 + additional costs
Revised application resubmission fee (when returned as incomplete)
No impact home-based business certificate
Home occupation certificate
Certificate of occupancy
Change of use certificate
Purchase Zoning Ordinance (available online at no cost)
Purchase eleven-inch by seventeen-inch Zoning Map (available online at no cost)
Zoning permit
Vacant Property Registry License Fees (per building)
Vacant property registration
Inspection fee (2 inspections)
Technology fee
Reinspection fee
Annual renewal fee
Deregistration (removal) processing fee
Closing/Going-Out-of-Business Sale License*
For 30-days
For each 30-day extension
* As a condition of issuance of this license, the applicant shall provide a bond with corporate surety in the amount equal to 5% of the first $100,000 of the retail value of all goods, wares, and merchandise to be sold, plus 2% of the next $400,000, plus 1% of the balance. In lieu of corporate surety, applicant may post cash or certified check payable to the Borough of Hanover to be held for license period.
Special Labor Rate
Special labor rate
Special labor overtime rate
Special police overtime rate
Subdivision and Land Development
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Fee and Escrow Deposit Schedule. The following fees and related charges shall be imposed for their respective purposes upon all persons or any other entities whatsoever as follows:
Filing Fee: Applicants submitting subdivision and/or land development plans and related/supporting applications to Hanover Borough shall be responsible for the filing fees listed below in addition to all review fees incurred throughout the plan review process. All filing fees shall be paid at time of filing and are nonrefundable:
Preapplication consultation: no charge (limited to 1/2 hour Borough staff review meeting)
Sketch Plan: $75
Preliminary subdivision or land development plan: $300
Final subdivision or land development plan: $300 or $30 per lot, whichever is greater.
Engineering and legal review fees (see Exhibit 1).[2]
Escrow Account. Applicants submitting subdivision and/or land development plans and related/supporting applications to Hanover Borough shall be responsible for the advertising, engineering, legal, meeting, zoning, and all other costs and review fees incurred throughout the plan review process; applicants shall establish an escrow account with the Borough according to the following fee schedule:
Preapplication consultation: No charge. Sketch plan: No charge.
Preliminary subdivision and land development plan
Residential: $300 per lot; $2,500 minimum
Commercial and Industrial: $250 per acre; $3,500 minimum
Final subdivisions and land development plan (preceded by an approved preliminary plan)
Residential: $100 per lot; $1,000 minimum
Commercial and Industrial: $250 per acre; $1,500 minimum
If an application is submitted a combined preliminary/final plan, meaning there is/was no preceding preliminary plan submitted or approved, the preliminary plan fee schedule of rates shall be used to determine the escrow fee.
With regard to all internal efforts, incurred by the Borough staff for activities directly related to subdivision or land development review, including, but not limited to: site visits, travel time, photographs, copies, legal and engineering review, review letters and correspondence (including phone calls and emails), they shall be deducted from the collected escrow. The Borough staff includes, but is not limited to, Borough Manager, Engineer, Zoning Officer, Codes Enforcement Officer, Public Works Director and Utility Superintendents.
With regard to all external professional service costs, provided by the Borough's appointed engineering firm or legal counsel (including Solicitor), directly related to subdivision or land development review, including, but not limited to: site visits, travel time, photographs, copies, legal and engineering review, review letters and correspondence (including phone calls and emails), Planning Commission meeting attendance, Council meeting attendance, shall be deducted from the collected escrow account. Individual billing rates for outside professionals shall be in accordance with the attached "Exhibit 1 - Professional Rates." There is a 15% markup on any materials used in the course of review efforts.
The Borough may require additional monies to be deposited in the escrow account should the balance fall below 25% of the original escrow deposit. Failure to supplement escrow funds may result in delays in processing and/or review efforts related to the application. If the actual engineering and legal review costs incurred (for both external and internal efforts) are less than the escrow/deposit account balance, a refund will be issued upon final action on the plan by the Borough.
Applicant is responsible for submittal of plans, applications, supporting documents and reports as well as the relevant review fees to all outside agencies including but not limited to PA DEP, PennDOT, the York County Planning Commission, York County Conservation District, etc.
Payment of all fees must be made in full prior to final plan approval by the Borough Council. Upon approval of the Council, completion of all outstanding conditions, and payment in full by applicant of all fees and charges, all plans shall be recorded by the applicant at the York County Office of the Recorder of Deeds within 10 business days of the plan approval. Recording costs shall be paid by the applicant/owner.
Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance Copy (Available on line at no cost)
Community Room Rental Fees Guthrie Memorial Library
For Profit
John D. Bare Center
Program Room
Board Room
Free (1/quarter)*
Corner Room
Free (1/quarter)*
*each additional meeting requires payment of fee of $25/meeting
Additional fees
Security deposit
Use of kitchen facilities
Events held outside of normal library hours
additional $80/hour
Weddings and Receptions
Security deposit
Up to 6 hours
Additional hours
Borough Municipal Building
Community room
Recreation - Field Rental Fees
All park sports fields
$50 hourly ($25 each additional hour)
Open space rental for events
$30 hourly ($10 each additional hour)
Kiwanis pavillion at Moul Field
$40 (up to 4 hours)
Good Field per field rate
$125 monthly/weekdays
Moul Field per field rate
$125 monthly/weekdays
Moul Field Lights
$30 hourly
Tournament/Event fee
$650 (additional fees may apply)
Tennis and Pickle Ball Courts (per court per hour)
Incidental Charges For Borough-owned Equipment Operated by Borough Personnel (Minimum 4 hours with the exception of special refuse pickups)
Hourly Rate
125 CFM compressor
Concrete saw - walk behind
Chain saw
Vibratory plate compactor
Front-end loader tractor
Loader (rubber-tired)
Dump truck (26,000 lb.)
Dump truck (16,500 lb.)
Utility truck
Flatbed truck
Street sweeper
Roller (3-5 ton)
Portable sewer rodder
Tank truck
Brush chipper
$40 Residential/$85 Commercial
Farm tractor w/mower
3-inch pump
4-inch pump
10-inch pump
Pickup truck
Sewer jet
Jet vacuum
Welding truck
Boring machine
Small tapping machine
Large tapping machine
Bomag roller
Front-end refuse truck
Rear-end refuse truck
Roll-off truck
TV truck
Push mower
Power drill
Demo saw
Vac trailer
Editor's Note: Said charts are included as attachments to this chapter.
Editor's Note: Exhibit 1, Professional Rates, is included as an attachment to this chapter.