[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 801; as amended by Ord. 89, 11/16/1998, § 5; and by Ord. 258, 8/2/2010]
Except as otherwise provided in this Part, all contracts or purchases by the City shall be made only with the lowest responsible bidder and after advertisement in one newspaper of general circulation within the City at least two times and at intervals of not less than three days. The first advertisement shall be published not more than 45 days and the last advertisement not less than 10 days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Where a contract or purchase involves an expenditure of $25,000 or more, such contract must be approved by City Council. All other contracts must be approved by the City Manager.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 802]
The lowest responsible bidder need not in all circumstances be the bidder submitting the lowest dollar amount bid. The City is authorized to consider, in addition to the amount bid, such other relevant factors as quality of goods or services supplied, ease of repair, compatibility with other City equipment and responsiveness of the supplier.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 803; as amended by Ord. 258, 8/2/2010]
The City shall not be required to advertise for bids in the following circumstances:
The contract or purchase involves an expenditure of under $25,000.
Contracts for maintenance, repairs or replacements for public works of the City not constituting new additions, extensions or enlargements of existing facilities and equipment.
Contracts for improvements, repairs or maintenance of any kind performed by City employees; provided, that materials in excess of $25,000 used for such projects shall be subject to the advertising requirements.
Contracts where particular types, models or pieces of new equipment, apparatus, appliances, vehicles or parts thereof are manufactured products.
Contracts for repairs or replacements needed due to a bona fide emergency, such that compliance with the advertising requirements would create an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to person or property.
Contracts involving any policies of insurance or surety company bonds.
Contracts for public utility service under tariffs on file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
Contracts made with another political subdivision, county, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the federal government, or any agency of the commonwealth or federal government, or any municipal authority or any cooperative purchasing program with any state, federal, or other governmental body.
Contracts involving personal or professional services.
[Ord. 259, 8/2/2010]
All contracts or purchases by the City involving an expenditure of at least $10,000 but less than $25,000 shall only be approved after a reasonable attempt has been made to obtain three written price quotations thereon.
All contracts involving an expenditure equal to or exceeding $25,000 shall not require the aforesaid written price quotations but shall be subject to the bidding process as provided for hereinabove.
Editor's Note: Former § 174, Small Contracts, adopted 1/3/1994 by Ord. 1, was repealed 9/25/2006 by Ord. 222.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 805]
Unless required in the advertisement for bids, no bidder shall be required to submit a bid bond. Within 20 days after the contract has been awarded, or within such shorter time as the City may require, the successful bidder shall submit a performance bond and a labor and materials bond in such form and amount as is required by law. The City shall have the right to reject or cancel any bids failing to meet bond requirements.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 806]
No elected or appointed City official shall be interested to any appreciable degree, either directly or indirectly, in any contract for the sale or furnishing of any supplies or materials for the use of the City or for any work to be done for the City involving the expenditure by the City of more than $300 in any year, except where such officer or appointee is an employee of the person, firm or corporation to which the money is to be paid and is employed in a capacity with no possible influence on the transaction and in which the officer or appointee cannot be possibly benefited thereby, either financially or otherwise. If a City Council Member or the Mayor comes within the exception just mentioned, he shall so inform City Council and shall refrain from voting on the award of such contract. Any City official or appointee who knowingly violates the provisions of this section shall be subject to surcharge to the extent of the damage shown to be done to the City and shall be guilty of an offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $500.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 807; as amended by Ord. 258, 8/2/2010]
The City shall not evade the provisions of this Part requiring advertising for bids by purchasing or contracting for goods or services piecemeal for the purpose of obtaining prices under $25,000 upon any transactions which should, in the exercise of reasonable prudence, be conducted as one transaction amounting to more than $25,000. Any Council member who votes for action in violation of this section and who knows that the transaction upon which he voted is or ought to be part of a larger transaction and is being divided in order to evade the advertising requirements shall be jointly and severally subject to surcharge for 10% of the full amount of the contract or purchase.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 808]
No architect or engineer engaged by the City to prepare plans, specifications or estimates shall bid on or have any interest in any contractor who bids on any public work project in which such architect or engineer has been involved; nor shall such architect or engineer receive any remuneration or gratuity from any such contractor. The violation of this provision shall render such contract null and void.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 809]
No contract for the construction of public capital improvements shall be made by the City except by resolution or ordinance adopted by City Council.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 810]
All written contracts shall be submitted to the City Solicitor for approval as to the form of contract before it is executed.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 811]
Any contract requiring execution by the City shall be signed by the Mayor and the Secretary.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 812]
Contracts for the purchase of materials and supplies shall not extend beyond the end of the fiscal year in which such contract is made. Contracts for the lease or installment purchase of equipment may extend for a period not exceeding the reasonable useful life, as determined by City Council, of such equipment.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 813]
The City shall not disburse monies for the payment of goods and services until such goods or services have been received or performed.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 814; as added by Ord. 89, 11/16/1998, § 4]
Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the City Manager shall have the authority to negotiate with any successful bidder for a reduction in the bid price and for adjustments in the specifications for the work. Any such adjustments shall be promptly reported in writing to City Council.
[Ord. 1, 1/3/1994, § 815; as added by Ord. 89, 11/16/1998, § 4]
The City Manager shall have the discretion to sell any City equipment or goods no longer needed by the City by public or private sale, as the Manager shall deem appropriate. The sale of any used equipment or goods having a value in excess of $500 shall be first approved by City Council. The City Manager shall maintain a written record of all such sales and shall promptly report thereon to City Council.