[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
Except as otherwise provided in this Part, any use, building or structure lawfully existing at the time of enactment of this chapter may be continued, although it is not in conformity with the regulations specified by this chapter.
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
If a nonconforming use of land or building or structure ceases or is discontinued for a period of two years or more, presumption of abandonment shall arise, and, unless the presumption is rebutted, resumption of the use of such building, structure or land shall be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
Any lawful, nonconforming use of land, exclusive of buildings and structures, and the use contained therein, may be extended upon the lot on which it exists, provided that such extension shall be limited to a distance of a total of 100 feet in any one or a combination of directions from the existing nonconforming use or to an area equal to 50% of the existing nonconforming use, whichever is the lesser. The extension of a nonconforming use on a lot shall be limited to the lot which was in existence at the time the use became nonconforming. Such extension shall also conform to area and lot regulations and to the design standards of this chapter.
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
Any nonconforming use may be expanded or altered and, any nonconforming setback may be laterally extended, by special exception, and subject to the following criteria, and those contained in § 604, Subsection 3:
[Amended by Ord. 279, 1/21/2013]
Expansion of the nonconformity shall be confined to the lot on which it was located at the time the use became nonconforming.
The total of all such expansions or alterations of use shall not exceed an additional 50% of the actual area of those buildings, structures or land devoted to the nonconforming use, as they existed on the date on which such buildings, structures or land first became nonconformities. The applicant shall furnish conclusive evidence as to the extent of the nonconformity when it was created. The above maximum increase shall be measured in aggregate over the entire life of the nonconformity. All expansions of the nonconforming use and/or building(s) that occurred since the use originally became nonconforming shall count toward the above maximum increase.
Provision for vehicular access, off-street parking and off-street loading shall be consistent with standards required by this chapter.
Provision for yards, building height and building area shall be consistent with the standards required for permitted uses in the zone in which the nonconformity in question is located.
Appearance should be harmonious with surrounding properties; this feature includes but is not limited to landscaping, enclosure of principal and accessory uses, height control, sign control, architectural control, and maintenance of all improvements and open spaces.
Buffers and screens shall be provided as necessary to adequately protect neighboring properties. This includes but is not limited to fences, walls, plantings, and open spaces.
The expansion shall not create new dimensional nonconformities or further increase existing dimensional nonconformities.
No expansion of a nonconforming structure or a nonconforming use located outside of a structure existing on the effective date of this chapter shall be permitted in any floodplain.
Excluding expansion, any modification, alteration, repair, reconstruction, or improvement of any kind to a nonconforming use or structure located in a floodplain shall be permitted when either elevated above the base flood elevation or floodproofed. In no case shall any modification, alteration, repair, reconstruction or improvement cause unacceptable increases in flood height, velocities or frequencies.
Any dimensional nonconformity may be reduced as a permitted use, even if the reduction does not entirely eliminate the dimensional nonconformity. Furthermore, any structure that has one or more nonconforming setbacks may be extended along the same nonconforming setback(s) line up to a maximum of 50% or 100 feet, whichever is less, of the area of the building that follows the setback when it was originally made nonconforming. The diagram below illustrates this regulation. Nothing within this section shall be interpreted to allow an increase in any dimensional nonconformity.
027 Dimensional.tif
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
Any nonconforming use may be replaced or substituted by another nonconforming use by special exception if the Zoning Hearing Board determines that the proposed use is at least as equally compatible with, and not detrimental to, the surrounding area as the original nonconforming use. In addition, the proposed nonconforming use shall not increase any dimensional nonconformities. The Zoning Hearing Board may attach reasonable conditions to the special exception to keep the use compatible within its surroundings.
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
Any lawful, nonconforming building or other structure which has been damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, windstorm, or other cause may be reconstructed in the same location, provided that:
The reconstructed building or structure shall not exceed the height, area or volume of the damaged or destroyed building or structure, and such reconstructed building or structure shall not increase any dimensional nonconformities.
Reconstruction shall begin within one year from the date of damage or destruction and shall be carried on without interruption.
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
It is the express intent and purpose of this chapter that, if a building, structure, sign, or use of land was expanded or extended to the limits of expansion for a nonconforming building, structure, sign, or use of land as authorized by a prior zoning regulation or ordinance, no further expansion of said building, structure, sign, or land shall be authorized. In the event that a nonconforming building, structure, sign, or use of land was expanded to a portion of the limits of expansion authorized by a prior zoning regulation or ordinance, additional expansion, if permitted by this chapter, shall only be authorized to the amount of expansion not previously utilized pursuant to said prior zoning regulation or ordinance.
[Ord. 227, 12/18/2006]
In any zone in which single-family detached dwellings are permitted, a single-family detached dwelling and accessory uses may be erected on any lot of record held in single and separate ownership on the effective date of this chapter, or amendment which rendered such lot nonconforming, and which has continued to be held in single and separate ownership. An undeveloped remainder of an agriculturally zoned parent tract from which all legally permitted lots have been subdivided shall not be considered a lot of record qualifying for an additional dwelling. Development on nonconforming lots of record shall comply with all yard, height and building area requirements, unless a variance is granted by the Zoning Hearing Board.