Residential subdivision plats shall show thereon the reservation of at least 5% of the gross acreage thereof in a location suitable to the Planning Board for a park or parks or playground or other recreational purposes.
In the event that the Planning Board determines that a suitable park or parks cannot be located in such subdivision plat or is not otherwise practical, the subdivider as a condition to approval of such subdivision plat shall make payment to the Town of Schroeppel of a sum as determined by resolution of the Town Board to become part of a trust fund to be used by the Town of Schroeppel exclusively for neighborhood park, playground or recreation purposes, including the acquisition of property as near as practicable in the general vicinity of and for the benefit of the occupants of the subdivision from which such sum was derived. A copy of said resolution establishing such sum shall be on file with the Town Clerk. Building permits shall not be issued until said sum is paid in full.