The Township review fee required by this chapter shall be as established from time to time by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors to defray review and other costs incurred by the Township in the administration of this chapter. The applicant shall pay all fees.
The applicant shall also reimburse the Township for costs that the Township has incurred by the Township Engineer, Township Solicitor, and/or other professional consultant(s) that the Township, in its sole discretion, deems necessary in order to adequately and properly administer the requirements of this chapter and report the findings to the Township. The Township shall advise the applicant of the reimbursement amount required within 30 days of being billed by the Township Engineer and/or professional consultant(s). The applicant shall reimburse the Township within 30 days of receipt of the Township's notice of payment due.
In the event the applicant disputes the amount of any such review fee, the applicant shall, within 14 days of the receipt of the notice of payment due, notify the Township that such fees are disputed, in which case the Township shall not delay or disapprove a plan submission due to the applicant's fee dispute. The Township may condition the approval of plan submissions upon the Township having received full payment as stated in the notice of payment due.
If, within 20 days of the notice of payment due, the applicant and Township cannot agree on the amount of expenses incurred by the Township, the applicant and the Township shall jointly, by mutual agreement, appoint another professional engineer of the same profession or discipline as the Township Engineer or professional consultant whose fees are being disputed to make a determination as to the amount thereof which is reasonable and necessary.
The professional engineer appointed, either by mutual agreement of the Township and applicant or by the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, shall hear such evidence and review such documentation as the professional engineer in his or her sole opinion deems necessary and render a decision within 50 days of the billing date. Such decision shall be final and binding upon both the Township and the applicant. The applicant shall be required to pay the entire amount determined in the decision within 30 days of such decision.
The applicant shall pay the fee of the appointed professional engineer for determining the reasonable and necessary expense, if the amount of payment required in the decision is equal to or greater than the original bill. If the amount of payment required in the decision is less than the original bill by $1,000 or more, the Township shall pay the fee of the professional engineer, but otherwise the Township and the applicant shall each pay 1/2 of the fee of the appointed professional engineer.
The fees required by this chapter shall, at a minimum, cover:
Administrative and clerical costs.
Review of the SWM site plan and report by the Township.
Preconstruction meetings.
Inspection of stormwater management facilities/BMPs and drainage improvements during construction.
Final inspection upon completion of the stormwater management facilities/BMPs and drainage improvements presented in the SWM site plan.
Any additional work required to enforce any permit provisions regulated by this chapter, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.
The owner or agent of any land upon which permanent BMPs will be placed, constructed, or implemented, as described in the SWM site plan, shall record the following documents in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County, within 90 days of approval of the SWM site plan by the Township:
The SWM site plan.
O&M agreement (Appendix A).[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the Township offices.
Easements under § 174-27.
The Township may suspend or revoke any approvals granted for the project site upon discovery of the failure of the owner to comply with this section.