[Adopted 4-6-2011 by Ord. No. 4-2011]
It shall be unlawful within the City limits of the City of Nanticoke to place, use or keep interior-type furniture which would be adversely affected by weather elements and/or susceptible to infestation by insects, rats or other vermin in an area outside a structure. Such prohibited furniture shall include, but shall not be limited to, upholstered couches and chairs, or other fabric-covered articles not designed or intended for exterior use.
When the Building Code Official or an official agent of the City of Nanticoke determines that prohibited or abandoned furniture is located in an exterior property area, the said officer or agent shall cause the owner or other responsible person to be notified by certified mail or other verifiable delivery, such as by a constable or police officer, and the owner and/or other responsible person shall be granted five days to remove the said furniture. In the event the owner and/or other responsible party fails to remove the said furniture within five days of receipt of this notice, as confirmed by affidavit of service or proof of certified delivery, the owner and/or other responsible person shall have violated this article. Each day that the furniture is not removed shall be deemed a separate violation hereunder.
Any person violating this article shall be guilty of a summery offense and shall pay a fine in an amount not to exceed $300.