Vehicle operators must at all time cooperate with owners and provide any and all informant to the owner required under § 67-7A. Said information shall be sworn or attested to by the operator. Said information as provided above shall be kept on file with the taxicab company and shall be made available to the Commissioner for review upon five days' written notice to the taxicab company pursuant to § 67-36 of this chapter.
Vehicle operators are responsible for ensuring that they take such training courses as may be prescribed, from time to time, by the State of New York, County of Suffolk and/or Town of Brookhaven specifically designed to educate and familiarize them with customary safety standards. Evidence of satisfactory completion of such courses shall be filed with the taxicab company and shall be made available to the Commissioner for review upon five days' written notice to the taxicab company pursuant to § 67-36 of this chapter.
The regulations set forth herein are mandatory and are the responsibility of the operator while in possession of a vehicle and of the owners as to themselves and their vehicles, operators and/or employees during all times and operations of the business.
Compliance, generally. Operators must be in compliance with all requirements of this chapter, all ordinances, local laws and codes, laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to those concerning vehicles, traffic and parking, of the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State of New York.
[Amended 12-19-2019 by L.L. No. 24-2019, effective 12-31-2019]
Compliance, owners. Operators must specifically be in compliance with all owner regulations set forth in this chapter, as they may apply to operators.
[Amended 12-19-2019 by L.L. No. 24-2019, effective 12-31-2019]
Compliance, vehicles. Operators must specifically be in compliance with all vehicle regulations set forth in this chapter, as they may apply to operators.
[Amended 12-19-2019 by L.L. No. 24-2019, effective 12-31-2019]
Address changes. Operators must report in writing via registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Commissioner, within seven days, any change of their residence.
[Amended 12-19-2019 by L.L. No. 24-2019, effective 12-31-2019]
Fares. Operators must charge fares to all passengers, except owners or the agents, employees or immediate family members of owners, and may not charge more than the rates fixed on the schedule of fares, nor any fare whatsoever if said schedule is not posted conspicuously within the interior of a vehicle so it may be viewed by all passengers.
Identification devices. Operators must display their permit, as required in this chapter; must refuse to operate vehicles that do not have a certificate of operation and schedule of fares conspicuously posted and securely fastened on the interior of the vehicle; and must report to the Commissioner, within 26 hours, the loss, theft, mutilation, marring or alteration of any such documents.
Lost property. Operators must make a thorough search of the interior of a vehicle after the discharge of each passenger and immediately turn over any lost or misplaced article(s) to the appropriate local police authorities.
Multiple passengers. Operators must, after having accepted a person for transportation, refuse to accept any other passengers without the consent of the person first accepted for transportation.
No-smoking request. Operators must, at the request of any passenger, enforce no smoking in their vehicles by all occupants, including the operator, during the presence of the passenger making said request.
Operator conduct. Operators must transport any person(s) conducting him- or herself in an orderly manner upon request to do so, unless then under hire by another person or unless prohibited from doing so by any other provisions of this chapter.
Passenger conduct. Operators must transport any person(s) conducting him- or herself in an orderly manner upon request to do so, unless then under hire by another person or unless prohibited from so doing by any other provisions of this chapter.
Written logs. Operators must maintain and constantly update all written logs prescribed in this chapter.
The activities set forth herein are unlawful, are therefore prohibited and are the responsibility of the operator while in possession of a vehicle and the owner as to themselves and their vehicles, operators and/or employees during all times and operations of the business:
Noncompliance, generally. Operators may not be in violation of any requirements of this chapter, as they apply to operators.
Noncompliance, owners. Operators may not specifically be in violation of any prohibited business owner activities, as they may apply to operators.
Noncompliance, vehicles. Operators may not specifically be in violation of any prohibited vehicle activities, as they may apply to operators.
Attention-seeking devices. Operators, or any person on their behalf, may not use loudspeakers, noisemaking devices and/or any other attention-seeking devices upon any street, road, highway, alley, park or other public place within the Town for the purpose of attracting attention for solicitation of passengers or for any other purpose.
Cruising. Operators may not cruise public streets, roads and/or highways of the Town in search of passengers.
Delays. Operators may not delay more than five minutes after first receiving a passenger and before proceeding to convey the passenger to his or her destination, unless the passenger so requests.
Improper vehicle conditions. Operators must refuse to operate vehicles that are not clean, sanitary, fit, of good appearance and in a safe condition for the transportation of passengers, including all repairs, alterations and/or additions that may be required.
Invalid documents. Operators may not operate any vehicle while their Town permits, chauffeurs' licenses or other appropriate New York State issued licenses are not in effect, have expired or have been suspended or revoked and must refuse to operate any vehicle for which the certificate of operation or business owner's license is not in effect, has expired or has been suspended or revoked.
Overloading. Operators may not use a vehicle for transporting a greater number of passengers than the rated capacity of the vehicle.
Parking. Operators may not park a vehicle upon public streets, roads or highways when not in actual operation, except in those areas designated for taxicab parking.
Peddling. Operators may not peddle or allow the peddling of any goods or property from or near a vehicle.
Unattended vehicles. Operators may not leave a vehicle unattended in any public place, except their depot or garage, or when necessary for the operator to be absent therefrom, but in no event for more than 30 consecutive minutes.
Unauthorized operators. Operators may not allow any other person to use their permits.