[Adopted 6-2-1958 by Ord. No. 88]
In pursuance of the powers conferred upon the Town Council of the Town of Portsmouth by Title 45, Chapter 6, Section 1, of the General Laws of Rhode Island, A.D. 1956, and of all other powers conferred upon the same or the Town of Portsmouth by general and special laws hereunto enabling, and in order to preserve and promote the public safety, health, morale, comfort, and general welfare, the following regulations and laws are hereby made and established respecting the following matters and things within the Town of Portsmouth.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Applies to those persons, whether they be principals or agents of any persons, firms or corporations, who do not have a regularly established place of business in the Town of Portsmouth, whose business is transient in nature, necessitating door-to-door calls without prior appointment, and whose calls are infrequent in time and unscheduled. Persons making door-to-door calls as duly licensed peddlers or vendors are excluded from the terms of this article.
It shall be unlawful for any person to make door-to-door calls as either a canvasser or salesman in the Town of Portsmouth without first receiving written authorization from the Portsmouth Police Department. The Portsmouth Police Department shall ascertain from each applicant, prior to issuance of said authorization, the applicant's name, address, company or other bona fide authorization and make such other inquiry of the applicant as the Police Department shall deem expedient.
Any person violating any regulation as defined in this article shall be fined not exceeding $10 for each violation.