[Amended 12-29-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2012]
Permits required.
No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter erect, reerect, construct or structurally alter a sign or sign structure without a permit first having been issued by the Zoning Office.
Every application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by plans to scale, showing the dimensions of the sign, the structure supporting the sign, the position of the sign in relation to nearby buildings or structures, the location of the building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected, the method of illumination, if any, and such other information as the Zoning Office shall require to show full compliance with this and all other laws and ordinances of the Town of Lowville.
Consent of the owner of the building, structure, or premises, if not the same as the applicant, must be shown.
The Zoning Office shall grant permits to all temporary signs that conform to the dimensional, locational, and construction requirements as herein stated. Any permanent sign application shall be referred to the Planning Board for architectural review if part of the site plan review process.
All permanent sign applications are subject to a fifteen-day review by the Zoning Office. All permits issued are subject to Town Board objection until 15 days after approval has been granted by the Zoning Office or Planning Board but not by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
All signage on the building, including but not limited to advertising, dealership, etc., shall be considered signage for any building as set forth below.
All roof signs are prohibited.
Monument signs are encouraged.
All signs must have landscaping of a minimum of 18 inches surrounding the sign.
Plaza signs.
All new plaza signs shall be reviewed by the Planning Board during site plan review. Each tenant in a plaza will be allowed one building sign and one roadside sign that must be contained within one common tenant freestanding sign. The Planning Board will determine the best location and size of the common tenant sign during site plan review. The Planning Board may review and determine permit applications if the sign is replacing an existing freestanding sign or common tenant sign. In no case shall a plaza sign in a commercial, business or traditional neighborhood zoning district exceed 48 square feet.
A single wall sign may be used to identify more than one on-premises establishment, such as a sign directory. For buildings with multiple tenants having storefronts only, the facade rented by the tenant shall be considered as wall area for a sign and must meet the wall sign standards in this article.
Illumination and movement.
Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall employ only light of constant intensity.
No sign shall be placed or be directed so as to permit the sign illumination to be directed upon a public street, highway, sidewalk or adjacent premises so as to cause a safety hazard, danger and or distraction to drivers or other persons.
No sign or part thereof shall contain or consist of any pennant, ribbon, streamer, balloons, spinner or other similar moving, fluttering, or revolving device. Such devices shall be prohibited even if they have no message or logo on them. The said devices, as well as strings of lights, shall not be used for advertising or attracting attention whether or not they are part of the sign.
No sign or part thereof may rotate or move in any direction.
Location of signs.
All permanent signs within the Town of Lowville must maintain a setback off any roadside right-of-way a minimum of 10 feet. All signs must maintain a minimum side yard setback of 10 feet. Any permanent freestanding sign must be at least 50 feet from any other. Proof of setback for right-of-way purposes must be proven by a copy of the deed filed in the County Clerks' office and submitted with the application.
No sign shall project into the public right-of-way nor be placed, painted or drawn upon trees, utility poles, light poles or standards.
Off-premises and billboard signs.
The Town of Lowville will allow off-premises signs without a permit that are associated with community activities or any not-for-profit activity directing the public to such activity, provided that they do not exceed eight square feet in area and are not permanent. Temporary signs directing traffic to seasonal agricultural products less than 16 square feet in area will also be allowed without a permit. Such signs shall not be placed within a public right-of-way.
Any freestanding sign over 60 square feet will not be permitted in any place within the Town of Lowville except in shopping plazas as approved by the Planning Board.
Any off-premises and/or billboard sign placed on a highway will need the approval of the New York State Department of Transportation and proof of approval must be filed with the sign application.
Secondary building signs. On commercial buildings with rear or side orientation to a plaza or mall parking lot or any other public access area, a rear- or side-faced sign shall be allowed with the name of the business and their logo only. Such signs must meet the dimensional requirements of this chapter.
Multiple residence or apartment developments.
For multiple residences or apartment developments, one sign advertising availability of residential units will be permitted not to exceed four square feet.
One freestanding sign that identifies the apartment complex or multiple-family residence will be allowed not to exceed 16 square feet in area or a monument sign not to exceed 18 square feet in area.
Public utility signs. Signs necessary for the identification, operation or production of a public utility, not exceeding 18 square feet, may be erected on the premises of such public utility.
Project signs. For residential subdivisions or projects, one sign which identifies the project by name and address may be erected near the entrance. The one sign shall not exceed 18 square feet. The location of the sign shall be approved as part of the site plan review by the Planning Board.
Number of signs. Any business establishment within a commercial zone may have both one wall sign and one freestanding or monument sign. Each business may also have a temporary sign after an application is submitted to and approved by the Zoning Office according to the requirements of this article. Businesses located in a plaza or shopping mall shall utilize a common tenant sign as reviewed and approved by the Planning Board.
A fee schedule for permanent and temporary signs across all sign districts shall be established by resolution of the Town Board. Sign fees shall be reviewed periodically and may be amended by resolution of the Town Board.
Temporary signs not removed at the end of the permit period will cause the applicant to be charged $25 per day thereafter, as well as other enforcement provisions of this article.
Signs erected without a permit will incur a penalty as specified in § 250-53.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Nonconforming signs.
Every sign not conforming to the regulations of the district in which it is located at the time of adoption of this article shall be a nonconforming use.
A nonconforming sign may not be altered, rebuilt or resumed except in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located.
A nonconforming sign, representing a use that has ceased for a consecutive period of 12 consecutive months, may not be altered rebuilt or resumed unless in conformity with this article.
A nonconforming sign may be continued subsequent to adoption of this article but the sign shall not be changed in any manner that increases its nonconformity.
Nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of any nonconforming sign declared unsafe by a duly designated official.
A nonconforming sign, when destroyed by fire or Act of God, may not be rebuilt or resumed unless in conformity with this article.
Whenever an area is transferred from a zone of one classification to a zone of a different classification, or amendments are adopted which change regulatory measures governing signs, the above regulations shall apply to nonconforming signs created by such transfer.
Creative design is encouraged. Signs should make a positive contribution to the general appearance of the street and commercial area in which they are located. A well-designed sign can be a major asset to a building. The Town encourages imaginative and innovative sign design.
Proportionate size and scale. The scale of signs should be appropriate for the building on which they are placed and the area in which they are located. The size and shape of a sign should be proportionate with the scale of the structure.
Integrate signs with the building. Signs should not obscure architectural features. Their design should be integrated with the design of the building. A well-designed building facade or storefront is created by the careful coordination of sign and architectural design and over-all color scheme. Signs in multiple tenant buildings should be designed to complement or enhance the other signs in the building.
Reduce sign impact. Because residential and commercial uses generally exist in close proximity, signs should be designed and located so that they have little or no impact on adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Sign placement. Place wall signs to establish facade rhythm, scale and proportion where facade rhythm does not otherwise exist. On buildings that have monolithic or plain facade, signs can establish or continue appropriate design rhythm, scale, and proportion.
Commercial and industrial zones (CB-R, CB, I-1, I-2, I-3). The commercial industrial districts are designed to encourage high quality development while maintaining the traditional character of the commercial areas. Externally illuminated freestanding signs shall match the architectural style of the structures they identify to promote a classic understated business corridor.
Any business within said district may have a freestanding sign that is architecturally complimentary to the building it is representing.
All signs must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from any roadside right-of-way and 10 feet from a side yard lot line.
Any freestanding sign shall not exceed eight feet in height and a maximum of 12 square feet in area. No sign may be located as to create visual obstruction or distraction.
Monument signs shall be no more than 18 square feet in area and must be located at ground level.
LED signs shall be prohibited.
Plaza signs shall be limited to 32 square feet to maintain the character of the area.
All signs shall have an eighteen-inch perimeter surrounding the sign landscaped appropriately.
Two-sided signs perpendicular to the roadway are encouraged.
LED or other energy giving bulbs are encouraged.
Residential and agricultural zones. The intent of the zones is to maintain the Town's high quality residential and agricultural neighborhoods.
One freestanding sign not exceeding four square feet or one monument sign not exceeding six square feet with a maximum height of eight feet shall be permitted for residences with an approved business or professional activity conducted on premises.
Community institutions, such as places of worship, libraries, museums, social clubs or societies, may erect on such premises one freestanding sign not exceeding 12 square feet or one monument sign not to exceed 18 square feet.
Recreational areas, golf clubs, ski areas, farms, and other commercial or public facilities permitted by this chapter shall be permitted one freestanding sign not exceeding 12 square feet or one monument sign not to exceed 18 square feet.
Agricultural uses may be allowed one freestanding sign not exceeding eight square feet or one monument sign not to exceed 12 square feet.
Interior illuminated signs shall be prohibited.
All signs shall have an eighteen-inch perimeter surrounding the sign landscaped appropriately.
Two-sided signs perpendicular to the roadway are encouraged.
Permitted temporary signs.
Temporary signs are allowed within all zones with a permit from the Zoning Office. Temporary signs may be a maximum of 12 square feet in area. Banners or signs constructed of a fabric material are allowed if securely fastened to a permanent surface or sign structure, otherwise banners are prohibited. Maximum height on all temporary signs shall be eight feet.
All other temporary signs may be permitted if dimensional, locational, and construction requirements are met for the zone that applies. Said signs will be granted a time limit of 30 consecutive days. A business may have a temporary sign for a total of 60 days per year.
Temporary A-frame signs shall not exceed eight square feet in area per side. Said signs must be no more than four feet from the building and can only be used during business hours. One said sign will be allowed per tenant in a plaza containing more than one commercial entity. No sign shall be permitted in any roadside right-of-way. An annual permit will be issued for each sign upon approval of the Planning Board.
Temporary roadside signs must be separated a minimum of 50 feet from each other.
Special event signs.
Temporary signs may be permitted in conjunction with a special event for a period not to exceed one week.
Temporary signs announcing the event must be freestanding and located so as not to create a visual obstruction and may not be attached to utility poles, street signs, or existing structures in the right-of-way.
Not-for-profit, charitable, civic and similar organizations that do not have a permanent sign may be permitted to place a temporary sign for a special event for a period of 30 days, provided they meet the restrictions as set forth in this article.
Commercial event sales. Signs for a commercial event sale must be approved through the Planning and Zoning Department. Decisions against any sign permit may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
General provisions.
All signs shall comply with applicable regulations of the New York State Building Code.
All electrical signs shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of the National Electric Code. An electrical certificate shall be supplied prior to issuance of a certificate of compliance when electrical connections are made to a sign.
All freestanding signs shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than 20 pounds per square foot of surface area.
All signs, including wall-mounted signs, shall be securely anchored and shall not swing or move in any manner.
All signs, sign finishes, supports and electrical work shall be kept clean, neatly painted, and free from all hazards, such as but not limited to faulty wiring, and loose supports, braces, guys and anchors.
All signs shall be maintained in a condition that will enhance or maintain the aesthetic quality of the surrounding neighborhood.
Materials and colors. Any materials and colors used in the construction or maintenance of all signs must be of complimentary character to the principal building and adjoining property. Sign specifications may be included to govern the construction of signs. All materials and coloring schemes should maintain or enhance the appearance of the neighborhood. The sign support structure should be clad in stone or brick or similar materials to the extent practicable as approved by the Planning Board. Painting of a sign on a building is prohibited.
Obstruction to safety. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so as to prevent or obstruct free ingress or egress of any walkway, door, window or fire escape. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
Signs not to constitute traffic hazards.
No sign shall be erected or maintained in a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision or distract the attention of the driver of any vehicle by reason of position, shape or color thereof.
No sign shall be erected or maintained that could be confused as a traffic sign, signal, or controlling device.
Mirror or fluorescence. No sign shall in its construction employ any mirror or mirror-like surface, nor any day-glowing or other fluorescent paint or pigment.
Wall sign standards.
Wall signs shall not extend beyond the ends or over the top of the walls to which attached.
Wall signs shall not extend more than six inches from the face of the buildings to which attached except for some electrical wall signs which are allowed 14 inches.
One wall sign per establishment shall be permitted unless that establishment has street frontage on more than one side, in which case one wall sign will be permitted for each side of the structure that has street frontage but must not exceed the total square footage allowed for the establishment.
The total area for wall signs shall not exceed the lesser of one square foot per linear foot of building frontage occupied by the establishment or 100 square feet for commercial or industrial uses.
Freestanding and pole sign standards.
No permanent freestanding sign may be located less than 50 feet from any other freestanding sign.
No freestanding sign shall be more than 18 square feet in area. No sign shall exceed eight feet in height above finished grade. Other sign district height restrictions may apply.
No freestanding sign shall extend into or over the public right-of-way or any property lines.
Two-sided signs. A sign readable from two sides and having faces in parallel planes shall be considered one sign. Each side of such sign shall be permitted the square foot display area hereinafter set forth and are encouraged.
The following signs do not require permits but must conform to the requirements as specified below:
Historical markers, tablets, statues, memorial signs and plaques; names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface, bronze, stainless steel, or similar material; and emblems installed by governmental agencies, religious or nonprofit organizations; not exceeding six square feet.
Flags and insignia of any government, except when displayed in connection with commercial promotion.
On-premises directional signs for the convenience of the general public, identifying public parking areas, fire zones, entrances, exits and similar signs, internally illuminated or nonilluminated, not exceeding eight square feet per face. Business names and logos may be allowed with Planning Board approval. No directional signs shall extend more than six feet in height above finished grade.
Nonilluminated warning, private drive, posted or no trespassing signs not exceeding two square feet in area.
Number and name plates identifying residents mounted on house, apartment, mailbox, not exceeding 1 1/2 square feet in area.
Lawn signs identifying the 911 address and name of occupant, not exceeding 1 1/2 square feet in area. Such signs shall not be illuminated except by a light which is an integral part of a lamppost if used as a support, with no advertising message thereon.
Private-owner merchandise sale signs for garage sales and auctions, not exceeding four square feet for a period not exceeding 10 days. Such signs shall not be attached to utility poles, trees, or any other man-made or natural off-premises structure. All garage sale signs will meet the applicable temporary sign requirements of this law.
Temporary, nonilluminated for sale, for rent, and real estate signs and signs of a similar nature concerning the premises upon which the sign is located. Each sign shall not exceed 12 square feet. All such signs shall be removed one week after the sale, lease, or rental of the premises.
One temporary sign for a roadside stand selling agricultural produce grown on the premises in season, providing that the sign does not exceed 12 square feet in area. Seasonal off-premises signs advertising agricultural produce may be allowed if under 12 square feet in area and are freestanding.
Holiday decorations, including lighting, are exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
At gasoline stations a sign attached to gasoline pumps not to exceed two square feet in area.
Temporary on-premises directional signs for meetings, conventions, and other assemblies, not exceeding eight square feet.
One sign, not exceeding 16 square feet in all sign districts, listing the architect, engineer, contractor and/or owner, on premises where construction, renovation, or repair is in progress.
Political posters and signs, not exceeding 12 square feet. Such signs shall not be erected until August 31 of an election year or two months before a special election or political event. All signs shall be removed within one week after the election or political event.
Signs erected or required by a governmental entity in order to fulfill the duties and administration of said entity. Exempt signs may include, but not be limited to, traffic control devices, including temporary detour signs, the posting of rules and regulations, directional signs for governmental offices, and similar such signs. This shall include vehicle repair garages as required by New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
In appropriate cases, the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Lowville may, after a public notice and hearing, vary or modify the application of this article in harmony with its general purpose and intent.
Penalties for offenses. Failure to comply with any provisions of this article shall be deemed a violation, and the violator shall be liable to a fine. For a first offense, a violator will be subject to a fine of not less than $100. A second offense and any others thereafter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $250 or imprisonment for not more than 15 days. For each day such violation occurs or continues it shall constitute a separate violation, accruing the given penalty for each day.
Revocation of permit.
If a sign authorized under any such permit has not been completed, erected or placed within one year from the date of the issuance thereof, such permit shall become null and void, but may be renewed within 30 days of the expiration thereof for good cause shown and upon payment of an additional fee[1] as set forth in the fee schedule.[2]
Editor's Note: The current fee schedule is on file in the Town Clerk's office.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
If a sign authorized under any such permit has been completed, erected or placed other than in conformance with all terms and conditions of the application and permit, the Planning and Zoning Department shall give written notice to the owner of the sign, building, or premises to which it is attached, specifying the violation and directing conformance. The sign shall thereupon be conformed to the permit or removed within 10 days from the date of such notice. In the event that the sign is not conformed or removed in 10 days, the Planning and Zoning Department shall revoke the permit and such sign shall be removed by the owner, or upon order of the Town Board, by the Planning and Zoning Department with the owner paying all removal costs.
All rights and privileges acquired under the provision of this section are mere licenses and, as such, are revocable for cause by the Town. All permits issued pursuant to this section are hereby subject to this provision.
Removal of certain signs.
Absentee business. Any permanent sign which advertises a business or operation no longer conducted on the premises shall be removed by the owner of the premises upon which said sign is located. Written notice shall be provided by the Zoning Office to the owner of the premises to remove said sign within 90 days. Upon failure to comply with this notice, the Zoning Office shall remove or cause to be removed said sign, and shall cause to be assessed against the property all costs and expenses incurred.
Temporary signs erected without a permit on private property will be granted three days for removal after notice is received by the business or landowner. Any sign located in a public right-of-way (ROW) may be removed immediately without notice.
Unsafe or insecure signs.
If the Zoning Office finds that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, or is in violation of the construction and maintenance provisions of this chapter, they shall give written notice to the permitted agent thereof. Any sign that is unsafe, insecure, or in any way endangers the public shall be reported to the owner of the premises upon which such sign is located. If said sign is not repaired in 10 days, the Zoning Office shall revoke the permit, if any, and may cause said sign to be removed in the manner provided in above. If the permitted agent fails to remove or alter the structure to comply with the standards within 10 days after such notice, such sign shall be removed or altered to comply with this article at the expense of the permitted agent or owner of the property upon which it is located.
The Zoning Office shall refuse to issue a permit to any permitted agent who refuses to pay costs so assessed.
Any sign which is an immediate peril to the health or safety of persons or property is to be removed summarily and without notice. Any expense incidental thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building, structure or lot to which such sign is attached.
Any sign that has been illegally placed within a public right-of-way may be removed summarily and without notice. Any expense incidental thereto shall be paid by the owner of the building, structure or lot to which such sign is attached.
For the purpose of this article, the terms used herein are included in the Glossary of Terms and are defined as follows:
A portable temporary sign of solid construction, connected at the top and angled down on either side in the shape of an A, usually with advertisement on two sides. Also called a "sandwich board sign."
Any sign that uses movement or change of lighting to depict action or create a specific affect or scene.
Advertising displayed on an overhanging structure supported with braces that attach to the main building and that projects over a walkway for weather protection.
A piece of cloth or material that is a separate entity from the building that is either attached directly to the building or hung on posts or poles either blank or bearing a sign outside of the building. National flags, state or municipal flags or the official flag of any institution shall not be considered banners.
A sign that exceeds 60 square feet in area, usually located alongside a roadway, except for plaza signs as approved by the Planning Board.
A sign that contains a message, text or graphics that can be changed intermittently, either manually or electronically to display a different message.
Activities conducted by existing and permitted commercial, retail and similar uses, located within the commercial and major arterial zones, which utilize space outside of an approved commercial/retail building, in the required yard space and/or parking facilities of such buildings. Such sales shall include, but not be limited to, sidewalk sales, tent sales, grand openings, going out of business sales, holiday sales and similar activities.
A freestanding sign designed to accommodate all roadside signage for plaza tenants and business owners.
A sign that conveys information (e.g., rest rooms, no parking, entrance) or minor business identification for direction purposes and designed to be viewed by pedestrians and/or motorists.
A sign located on premises used to direct traffic to a business. Such signs shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this article but shall not exceed eight square feet in area.
A sign constructed to display its message on the outer surfaces of two identical and opposite parallel planes.
Includes build, construct, alter, display, relocate, attach, hang, place, suspend, affix or maintain any sign, and shall also include the painting of exterior wall signs.
Any sign not attached to or part of any building, but separate and permanently affixed by any other means in or upon the ground.
Animated signs or animated portions of signs whose illumination is characterized by a repetitive cycle in which the period of illumination is either the same as or less than the period of nonillumination.
Any sign lighted by electricity, gas or other artificial light, including reflective or phosphorescent light. Such light, when permitted, shall conform to all requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
Light emitting diodes, differing from incandescent bulbs because a variety of colors can be emitted from the same bulb without using filters; has the ability to display scrolling or flashing messages as well as a variety of colors; includes electronic message boards, liquid crystal displays, digitized sign or sign part, variable electronic message centers and similar electronic displays.
Any light, string of lights or group or movement of lights located or arranged so as to cast illumination on and draw attention to a sign or to a person, activity or business. LED (light emitting diodes) in solid colors are encouraged, however, they may not in any way be flashing or scrolling as listed above in "LED sign."
A sign which can be transported to various locations. This definition shall include signs on vehicles which may not be placed so as to act as a permanent sign.
A permanent sign of solid construction with dual architecturally complimentary pillars or posts supporting a sign/advertisement area between said posts or pillars.
Any building which has received a certificate of occupancy from the Building Department for its current use.
A sign that is erected for the life of business activities at a given location.
The permit agency as designated by the Town Board appointed to review and suggest sign application approval.
Two or more retail businesses and/or commercial operations having one or more common walls or utilizing the same parking area or areas, accessways or outdoor lighting systems.
Any sign that is attached to a single pole or similar structure that conforms with the construction and maintenance section of this article.
Any sign that is not permanently attached to a structure or the ground and can be moved with relative ease.
Any sign related to a business or activity conducted or a commodity or service sold or permitted building per business.
Any sign suspended from or supported by a building, other structure or sign and which does not lie parallel to or within the plane of the building, structure or sign structure.
Any state, county, or Town owned land for the purposes of public transportation.
Any sign related to a business or activity conducted or commodity or service sold or offered for sale upon the premises where the sign is located. The secondary sign shall be subordinate to the primary sign and located at the side or rear of the building on site. Secondary signs shall only be allowed in instances where a second side of a permitted building faces a public parking lot, street, highway, or access. Only one secondary sign is allowed per business that has a public parking lot, street, highway or access.
Any material, structure or device, or part thereof, composed of lettered, painted or pictorial information, which when used and located out-of-doors displays any advertisement, announcement, notice, directional matter or name, and includes sign frames, illuminated signs, projecting or ground signs, and includes any illustration or insignia used to advertise or promote the interests of any person, activity or business when the same is placed in view of the public which is either permanent, temporary or portable.
The entire area within a perimeter defined by a continuous line composed of right angles which enclose the extreme limits of lettering, logo, trademark, or other graphic representation, together with any frame or structural trim forming an integral part of the display used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed.
Any part of a sign that does not specifically advertise but may act as a frame, support, guy, brace, pole, or similar structure.
Community-wide events not otherwise associated with a commercial entity. Such activities shall include but not be limited to craft fairs, trade shows, circus or carnival events, holiday or seasonal events, parades, demonstrations and other similar community-wide attractions/events.
Any sign that is erected for a time period not to exceed 30 days that announces a special event, sale or proposed opening of a business.
A sign readable from two sides and having faces in parallel planes shall be considered one sign.
A sign posted, painted, placed, or affixed in or on a window exposed to public view. An interior sign that faces a window exposed to public view that is located within three feet of the window is considered a window sign for the purpose of calculating the total area of all signage.