[Ord. 529, 6/9/2008, § 1]
1. Any resident of the Borough of East Lansdowne may make application
to the Borough to request a handicapped parking space on his or her
street only after acquiring a handicapped license plate or placard
or a disabled veteran license plate from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
2. All applications should be made to the East Lansdowne Police Department
at the Borough Hall.
3. New applications shall be reviewed by a committee of three consisting
of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief and the Borough Manager (or other
respective appointee). Based upon the criteria contained within this
Part, the committee will make a recommendation to the Chief of Police,
who in turn will make the final determination regarding whether a
handicapped parking space should be granted.
4. Renewal applications shall be reviewed by the Chief of Police, who
will make the determination regarding renewal of existing spaces.
5. Each applicant, whether for a new permit or a renewal, shall complete
an application form (attached) and provide the Borough with all information
6. An incomplete application form is grounds for denial of the application.
7. There will be no application fee. Upon approval of a handicapped
space by the Chief of Police shall direct the Borough's Public
Works Department to delineate such parking spot by painting or marking
the streets and to install such handicapped parking sign as may be
required by the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code.
[Ord. 529, 6/9/2008, § 2]
1. Each holder of a permit for a handicapped parking space shall apply
for renewal of the permit on an annual basis.
2. Applications for renewal shall be submitted to the Police Department
in the month of January of each calendar year.
3. In making the final determination regarding the renewal of a previously
permitted handicapped space, the Chief of Police shall apply the criteria
contained in this Part.
4. Once a permit is not renewed for any reason, any application by the
same applicant shall be considered a new application and shall be
governed by the provisions of the policy.
[Ord. 529, 6/9/2008, § 3]
1. No more than two handicapped parking spaces shall be located on each
block of any street.
2. All handicapped parking spaces permitted prior to the effective date
of this Part shall be allowed to remain as located but must be renewed
within 60 days of the adoption of this Part.
[Ord. 529, 6/9/2008, § 4]
1. No permit shall be granted where adequate, handicapped-accessible
off-street parking is available to the applicant.
2. All applicants shall meet at least one of the requirements listed
below. Applicants may be asked to produce documentation verifying
the respective condition, including confirmation by written physician
opinion, or the applicant may be asked to produce demonstration of
A. The applicant is wheelchair-confined.
B. The person requesting a permit is caring for a person who has severe
physical or mental disability.
C. The applicant is unable to walk a distance of 50 feet.
D. The applicant has a severe cardiopulmonary insufficiency requiring
the use of ambulatory oxygen.
E. The applicant requires the use of prosthetic devises that restrict
normal ambulation.
F. The applicant has other physical or mental limitations that the committee
believes are severe enough to warrant a handicapped parking space.
3. Cars parked in handicapped spaces remain subject to overnight parking
restrictions and ordinances and the obligation to obtain permit for
overnight parking.
[Ord. 529, 6/9/2008, § 5]
The Borough of East Lansdowne reserves the right to revoke a
permit for a handicapped parking space at any time, for any reason.
[Ord. 529, 6/9/2008, § 6]
Only persons in vehicles bearing a handicapped license plate
or placard or a disabled veteran license plate from the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania may park in a handicapped parking space created hereunder.
Persons who park in a handicapped parking space in violation of this
Part shall be subject to the penalties contained in the Pennsylvania
Motor Vehicles Code for illegal parking in a handicapped parking space.