It shall be a public nuisance to conduct a gathering of 10 or more persons on any private property in a manner which constitutes a substantial disturbance of the quiet enjoyment of surrounding private or public property, as a result of conduct constituting a violation of law. Such unlawful conduct includes but is not to be limited to excessive noise or traffic, obstruction of public streets by crowds or vehicles, illegal parking, public drunkenness, public urination, the service of alcohol to minors, fights, disturbances of the peace, and litter.
A gathering constituting a public nuisance may be abated by all reasonable means, including, but not limited to, an order requiring the gathering to be disbanded and citation and/or arrest of any law violators under any applicable ordinances and state statutes.
When the Police Department intervenes at a gathering which constitutes a nuisance under this article, the premises at which such nuisance occurred shall be posted with a notice stating that the intervention of the police has been necessitated as a result of a public nuisance under this article caused by an event at the premises, the date of the police intervention, and that any subsequent event within the period of six months from the date of such intervention which again necessitates police intervention shall result in the joint and several liability of any guest causing the public nuisance, or any persons who own or are residents of the property at which the public nuisance occurred, or who sponsored the event constituting the public nuisance as more fully set forth below. Any notice posted shall remain posted for a period of six months.
The residents and owner of such property shall be jointly responsible for ensuring that such notice is not removed or defaced and it shall be an ordinance violation carrying a penalty of a minimum, mandatory $100 fine in addition to any other penalty which may be due under this section if such notice is removed, obscured, or defaced; provided, however, that the resident of the premises or sponsor of the event, if present, shall be consulted as to the location in which such notice is posted in order to achieve both security of the notice and its prominent display.
Notice of the intervention shall also be mailed to any property owner on the Village property tax assessment records and the registered rental agent, if applicable, and shall advise the property owner that any subsequent intervention within the six-month period set forth above on the same premises shall result in liability of the property owner for all penalties associated with such intervention as more particularly set forth below.